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Friday, September 29, 2006

Senate approves border fence; Chafee first to make our hit list

No funding yet and most likely nothing more than a pre-election fraud, but it's got to start somewhere.

Click here for the roll call.

All Republicans except one voted for the bill. Even McCain, but Chafee is first on our hit list for 2008. He's simply gotta go.

Contact Lincoln Chafee online here. Or by phone at (202) 224-2921.

Don't just take it! Let him know he's going down in 2008!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Iranian TV: "Pirates of the Caribbean" a Jewish plot

Is there no end to the insanity of these people? First "Tom & Jerry" was a Jewish plot to clean up the image of mice, because they say Jews are associated with rats (not to mention the fact that the Hadith says Allah turned Jews into rats), and now apparently, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead man's chest" is also a Jewish plot.

A lot of Muslims believe that Disney is run by evil Zionist Jews who use movies to gain control over the masses, and Dead man's chest is simply their latest effort to gain more control. Of course they don't explain why that is, just that Disney is a Jewish/Zionist owned company, which, in their eyes, is enough to conclude that the movie itself is a plot to gain control.

Iranian TV also claims that the animated series Aladdin was created by the evil Zionist Jews at Disney to present Arabs in a negative light. I swear, the things these people convince themselves of in order to justify hating Jews and Israel is beyond insane. This is straitjacket, mental institution type thinking here.

Read the transcript of this broadcast at MEMRI.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Rice threatens Sudan government? Demands they stop the genocide

The Associated Press reports:

We're not going to sit by and allow this kind of death and destruction to continue," Rice said during a question-and-answer session after her speech at the Africa Society's National Summit on Africa. "We'll use whatever tools are necessary, through the U.N, to be able to stop that."

She warned of consequences if Sudan chose a fight and hinted at further U.N. penalties against the Khartoum government or rebel groups.

Are you serious? I say PROVE IT!

She’s really dug herself into a hole here. With all we have on our plate right now, it’s going to be extremely tough for the U.S. to find a way to suddenly pull this stunt off successfully, especially without the help of the Nation of Cowards (that would be France) joining the usual suspects in tying our hands behind our backs.

This has to be a last minute election ploy with us doomed to return to the usual silence once the polls are closed in November.

Time will tell, but my money says Darfur wont look much different a year from now.

Be sure to also visit our immigration blog at:

Is THIS the leaker?


Pillar is the CIA’s National Intelligence Officer for the Near East and South Asia.
He's also one of eight members of the Council on Global Terrorism.

Via Washington Times:

When the president cannot trust his own CIA, the nation faces dire consequences. Chicago Sun-Times columnist Robert Novak's revelations this week that CIA officer Paul R. Pillar is actively undermining President Bush fail to portray the depth of animosity between factions within the CIA and the White House.

Mr. Pillar, who currently serves on the CIA's National Intelligence Council (NIC) as National Intelligence Officer (NIO) for the Near East and South Asia, is the lead author of the classified National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iraq's future recently leaked to the New York Times. The NIE is a gloomy assessment of the prospects for Iraq's stability. The timing of the leak just before Iraqi interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi's Washington visit and Mr. Bush's U.N. General Assembly speech was intended to undermine both leaders.

Looks like conservative journalists and the blogosphere have done the FBI’s work for them once again. So the question now is … will the President of the United States, the Attorney General, and the FBI now finish the job and charge this clown with treason for being the spy that he is.

I’m not going to bother reposting all the info that’s already out there. I’ll simply let you follow the blog trail. Start with Michelle Malkin and follow the links. Click here.

Be sure to also visit our immigration blog at:

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Clinton’s LIES exposed; GOP debunks entire Wallace interview

The following fact check is from Normally I would not publish something of this length in it’s entirety, but this is special. The GOP has done a fact check on the Chris Wallace interview with Clinton, and pretty much every word Clinton said turns out to be a lie.

I use the word lie, because that’s what they are. As usual, I’m not about to sugar coat it out of fear of being politically incorrect. I’ll leave that up to the GOP, which uses the word “myth” in place of “lie.”

To all you Liberals reading this, take your meds. I know how stressed you get when you’re unable to argue actual facts. It might be best that you have a doctor standing by.

Remember! This is republished in it’s entirety, originally posted at

MYTH: President Clinton Said He Was Besieged By "Conservative Republicans" Who Thought He Was "Too Obsessed" With Osama Bin Laden:
Former President Bill Clinton: "I think it's very interesting that all the conservative Republicans, who now say I didn't do enough, claimed that I was too obsessed with bin Laden. All of President Bush's neo-cons thought I was too obsessed with bin Laden." (Fox News' "Fox News Sunday," 9/24/06)

FACT: Conservative Republicans Praised President Clinton For Going After Bin Laden:
FLASHBACK 1998: "President Clinton Won Warm Support For Ordering Anti-Terrorist Bombing Attacks In Afghanistan And Sudan ... From Many Of The Same Lawmakers Who Have Criticized Him Harshly As A Leader Critically Weakened By Poor Judgment And Reckless Behavior In The Monica S. Lewinsky Scandal." (Guy Gugliotta and Juliet Eilperin, "Tough Response Appeals To Critics Of President," The Washington Post, 8/21/98)

"[M]ost Lawmakers From Both Parties Were Quick To Rally Behind Clinton In A Deluge Of Public Statements And Appearances ... A Marked Contrast To The Relatively Sparse And Chilly Reception That Greeted His ... Statement On The Lewinsky Matter." (Guy Gugliotta and Juliet Eilperin, "Tough Response Appeals To Critics Of President," The Washington Post, 8/21/98)

Then-Speaker Of The House Newt Gingrich (R-GA): "I think the President did exactly the right thing ... By doing this we're sending the signal there are no sanctuaries for terrorists. ... Anyone who watched the film of the bombings, anyone who saw the coffins come home knows better than to question this timing ... It was done as early as possible to send a message to terrorists across the globe that killing Americans has a cost. It has no relationship with any other activity of any kind." (Guy Gugliotta and Juliet Eilperin, "Tough Response Appeals To Critics Of President," The Washington Post, 8/21/98)

Sen. Trent Lott (R-MS), Senate Majority Leader: "[The attacks are] appropriate and just." (Guy Gugliotta and Juliet Eilperin, "Tough Response Appeals To Clinton Critics," The Washington Post, 8/21/98)

"On The Other Hand...There's The Mainstream Media. The Conservative Media Research Council Noted That 'Every Network Did Raise The "Wag The Dog" Scenario.' And Indeed, According To The MRC Story ... CBS ABC And NBC All Raised The Notion ..." (Jake Tapper, "The Truth About Clinton And 'Wag The Dog'," ABC News, 9/24/06)

MYTH: President Clinton Said Osama Bin Laden And Al Qaeda Had Nothing "To Do With Black Hawk Down":
Former President Bill Clinton:
"There is not a living soul in the world who thought Osama bin Laden had anything to do with Black Hawk down ..." (Fox News' "Fox News Sunday," 9/24/06)

FACT: Experts Agree, Black Hawk Down Was Osama Bin Laden And Al Qaeda's "First Victory" Against The U.S.:

Osama Bin Laden Considered Black Hawk Down His First Victory Against The U.S. "The international community turned away from the country after a 1993 battle that killed 18 U.S. troops the basis for the 'Black Hawk Down' book and movie and a U.N. peacekeeping mission ended in failure in 1995. Osama bin Laden considered the subsequent withdrawal of U.S. troops from Somalia his first victory against America." (Nick Wadhams, "New U.S.-Organized Group Lends Support To Somalia's Weak Interim Government," The Associated Press, 6/15/06)

Mark Bowden, Author Of Black Hawk Down: "The lesson our retreat taught the world's terrorists and despots is that killing a few American soldiers, even at a cost of more than 500 of your own fighters, is enough to spook Uncle Sam." (Mark Bowden, Black Hawk Down, 1999, p. 355)

Gregory Alonso Pirio, President Of Empowering Communications, And Hrach Gregorian, President Of Institute Of World Affairs: "[The dangerous jihadist organization, Al Itihaad Al Islamiya] has actively worked with al-Qaida since 1993 to carry out acts of aggression against the United States, including the 'Black Hawk Down' incident in Mogadishu and the bombing of the American embassy in Nairobi, Kenya." (Gregory Alonso Pirio and Hrach Gregorian, Op-Ed, "Jihadist Threat In Africa," United Press International, 7/8/06)

Pirio And Gregorian: "Osama bin Laden and some of the Al Itihaad leaders have apparently known each other from their Afghan mujahidin days. Al-Qaida and Al Itihaad became closely allied in opposing the U.S.-led humanitarian intervention in Somalia known as Operation Restore Hope." (Gregory Alonso Pirio and Hrach Gregorian, Op-Ed, "Jihadist Threat In Africa," United Press International, 7/8/06)

Pirio And Gregorian: "Bin Laden has claimed that al-Qaida operatives helped orchestrate the 1993 Black Hawk Down incident - the downing of a U.S. army helicopter in Mogadishu and the subsequent loss of life of 18 American soldiers. There is now substantial evidence to back up bin Laden's claim." (Gregory Alonso Pirio and Hrach Gregorian, Op-Ed, "Jihadist Threat In Africa," United Press International, 7/8/06)

MYTH: President Clinton Said No One Knew Of Al Qaeda In 1993:
Former President Bill Clinton:
"[No one] even knew Al Qaeda was a growing concern in October of '93." (Fox News' "Fox News Sunday," 9/24/06)

FACT: Osama Bin Laden And Al Qaeda Were Well Known By The Time Clinton Was Inaugurated:

Richard Miniter, Author Of Losing Bin Laden: "One of the big myths about the Clinton years is that no one knew about bin Laden until Sept. 11, 2001." ("Clinton's Loss," National Review Online, 9/11/03)

Miniter: "In fact, the bin Laden threat was recognized at the highest levels of the Clinton administration as early as 1993. What's more, bin Laden's attacks kept escalating throughout the Clinton administration; all told bin Laden was responsible for the deaths of 59 Americans on Clinton's watch." ("Clinton's Loss," National Review Online, 9/11/03)

Miniter: "President Clinton learned about bin Laden within months of being sworn into office. National Security Advisor Anthony Lake told me that he first heard the name Osama bin Laden in 1993 in relation to the World Trade Center attack. Lake briefed the president about bin Laden that same year." ("Clinton's Loss," National Review Online, 9/11/03)

Miniter: "In addition, starting in 1993, Rep. Bill McCollum (R., Fla.) repeatedly wrote to President Clinton and warned him and other administration officials about bin Laden and other Islamic terrorists. McCollum was the founder and chairman of the House Taskforce on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare and had developed a wealth of contacts among the mujihedeen in Afghanistan. Those sources, who regularly visited McCollum, informed him about bin Laden's training camps and evil ambitions." ("Clinton's Loss," National Review Online, 9/11/03)

MYTH: President Clinton Said His Foes Wanted To Cut-And-Run From Somalia:
Former President Bill Clinton:
"All the people who now criticize me wanted to leave [Somalia] the next day." (Fox News' "Fox News Sunday," 9/24/06)

FACT: Many Republican Leaders Wanted To Finish The Job Done In Somalia, Not Cut-And-Run:

"'Foreign Policy Will Drift And Get Sloppy In Execution If The President Doesn't Pay Attention To These Things,' Said Sen. Richard Lugar Of Indiana, A Ranking Republican On The Foreign Relations Committee Who Lined Up With Clinton In Opposing A Precipitous Withdrawal From Somalia." (Leo Rennert, "Deadly Ambush Casts A Pall On Clinton's Domestic Focus," The Modesto Bee, 10/9/93)

Sen. Lugar: "It would be a disgrace to cut and run in a way in which we lost more lives and put more people in jeopardy simply because we went into a national panic." (Tom Raum, "Clinton Says U.S. Must 'Conclude Our Role' In Somalia," The Associated Press, 10/6/93)

Then-Speaker Gingrich: "If Clinton is determined to protect the people of Somalia and defeat General Aidid, we should use overwhelming power and get the job done. If not, we should admit the limitations of power and withdraw." ("The Furor Over Somalia Voices," The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 10/7/93)

MYTH: President Clinton Said Al Qaeda Was Not Active In Somalia:
Former President Bill Clinton:
"[In Somalia] there was no Al Qaeda ..." (Fox News' "Fox News Sunday," 9/24/06)

FACT: President Clinton's Own Adviser Worried Somalia Was Haven For Al Qaeda:

According To "A Report By The Crisis Group Africa, A Regional Crisis-Monitoring Group ... Some Operatives With Links To The World's Most Deadly Terror Cells Have Been To Kenya From Their Bases In Somalia." (Kamau Ngotho, Op-Ed, "The Terrorist Next Door," Africa News, 7/31/05)

"The US Has Long Kept A Watchful Eye On Somalia As A Potential Haven For Terrorists, Including The Al-Qaeda Network." (Kamau Ngotho, Op-Ed, "The Terrorist Next Door," Africa News, 7/31/05)

"As Early As 1998 When The (Bill) Clinton Administration Launched Cruise Missiles At Terrorist Training Camps In Afghanistan, The Head Of The Counter-Terrorism Group, Richard Clarke, Became Concerned That Osama Bin Laden Was Planning To Adapt Somalia As An Alternate Refuge ..." ("The Terrorist Next Door," Africa News, 7/31/05)

Beverly Kelley, Professor At California Lutheran University: "Gung-ho Americans were caught off guard, however, when a stunning counterattack by Aidid's militia, armed and trained by Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network, turned the seemingly simple extraction into an 18-hour bloodbath. The final death toll came in at 18 Americans and 500 Somalis." (Beverly Kelley, "Saddam and 'Black Hawk Down'," Ventura County [CA] Star, 4/7/03)

MYTH: President Clinton Said Richard Clarke Was Nonpartisan And "Loyal" To All Presidents He Worked For:
Former President Bill Clinton:
"[Richard Clarke] has a variety of opinion and loyalties now, but let's look at the facts: He worked for Ronald Reagan; he was loyal to him. He worked for George H. W. Bush; he was loyal to him. He worked for me, and he was loyal to me. He worked for President Bush; he was loyal to him." (Fox News' "Fox News Sunday," 9/24/06)

FACT: Richard Clarke Had Close Ties Sen. John Kerry's (D-MA) 2004 Campaign And Was Used By Liberal Groups Trying To Defeat President George W. Bush:

Richard Clarke Repeatedly Praised John Kerry During The Height Of The 2004 Presidential Campaign. "Richard A. Clarke ... credits Kerry with having seen beyond the national-security tableau on which most of his colleagues were focused." (Matt Bai, "Kerry's Undeclared War," The New York Times, 10/10/04)

Clarke: "He was getting it at the same time that people like Tony Lake were getting it, in the '93-'94 time frame ... And the 'it' here was that there was a new nonstate-actor threat, and that nonstate-actor threat was a blended threat that didn't fit neatly into the box of organized criminal, or neatly into the box of terrorism. What you found were groups that were all of the above." (Matt Bai, "Kerry's Undeclared War," The New York Times, 10/10/04)

Kerry/Edwards Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor Rand Beers Called Clarke His Best Friend Of 25 Years. CNN's Judy Woodruff: "At today's White House briefing secretary Scott McClellan called Rand Beers, quote, 'Clarke's best buddy.' So I guess the first question is are you best friends with Mr. Clarke?" Kerry Adviser Rand Beers: "Dick Clarke and I have been friends for 25 years. And, yes, I think we're best friends." (CNN's "Inside Politics," 3/22/04)

Clarke Confirmed Beers' Description Of Their Friendship. "'[M]r. Clarke said by telephone from New York ... that he had been friends for 25 years with Mr. Beers, 'and I'm not going to run away from him just because he's John Kerry's national security adviser.'" (Elisabeth Bumiller and Judith Miller, "Ex-Bush Aide, Finding Fault, Sets Off Debate As 9/11 Hearing Opens," The New York Times, 3/23/04)

In 2004, MoveOn.Org And Another Liberal Group, America Coming Together, Used Clarke's Claims To Solicit Campaign Donations:

2004 MoveOn.Org Email: "As you may have heard, Richard Clarke, a former counter-terrorism advisor to Bush... We're committed to stopping that from happening by making sure that the American public hears Clarke's extraordinary comments. If we can raise $300,000 in the next few days, we can run a hard-hitting ad nationally that highlights his message." (MoveOn.Org Email, 3/24/04)

2004 America Coming Together Email: "If you didn't see 60 Minutes on Sunday night, I'm sure by now you've read about it. Richard Clarke, President Bush's former top terrorism expert, revealed convincing proof of the administration's failure to focus on terrorist threats ... Please consider giving online to speed your donation to our effort to help elect progressive candidates at the federal, state, and local levels." (America Coming Together Email, 3/24/04)

MYTH: President Clinton's Said His Record Against Terror Was Made Clear By Richard Clarke's Book:
Former President Bill Clinton:
"All I'm asking is, anybody who wants to say I didn't do enough, you read Richard Clarke's book." (Fox News' "Fox News Sunday," 9/24/06)

FACT: Clarke's Book Riddled With Inaccuracies, His Record Marked By "Glaring" National Security Weaknesses:

The National Journal's Stuart Taylor: "Richard Clarke served his country for many years with extraordinary dedication. But it is deeply irresponsible for him to create the false impression that if only we had listened to him, this administration could have prevented the September 11 attacks." (Stuart Taylor Jr., "How To Rebut Clarke Without Slinging Mud," The National Journal, 4/3/04)

Taylor: "Even Mr. Clarke himself admits - very quietly - that immediate adoption of every one of his recommendations would have made no difference." (Stuart Taylor Jr., "How To Rebut Clarke Without Slinging Mud," The National Journal, 4/3/04)

Taylor: "Consider his claim that during a January 2001 briefing on Al Qaeda, Condi Rice's 'facial expression gave me the impression she had never heard the term before.' in fact, she had used the term, quite publicly. He could have looked it up." (Stuart Taylor Jr., "How To Rebut Clarke Without Slinging Mud," The National Journal, 4/3/04)

"Clarke Says In His Book That Bush Asked Him To Look Into A Possible Iraq Connection To 9/11 In An 'Intimidating' Way. No. Two Other Witnesses Say There Was Nothing Intimidating About Bush's Manner." (Editorial, "Clarke's Self-Immolation," National Review Online, 3/25/04)

"A Senior National Security Official [Franklin Miller] Who Worked Alongside Richard A. Clarke On Sept. 11, 2001, Is Disputing Central Elements Of Mr. Clarke's Account Of Events In The White House Situation Room That Day, Declaring That It 'Is A Much Better Screenplay Than Reality Was.'" (David E. Sanger, "Colleague Of Ex-Official Disputes Part Of Account," The New York Times, 3/30/04)

"In The Book, Mr. Clarke Describes Himself As 'The Nation's Crisis Manager' That Day, Though He Acknowledges Periodically Turning Over His Seat In The Situation Room, In The Basement Of The West Wing, To Mr. Miller." (David E. Sanger, "Colleague Of Ex-Official Disputes Part Of Account," The New York Times, 3/30/04)

"[M]r. Miller, A Senior Aide To Condoleezza Rice, The National Security Adviser, Suggested That Mr. Clarke's Version, While It Would 'Make A Great Movie,' Was More Melodramatic Than The Events He Recalled." (David E. Sanger, "Colleague Of Ex-Official Disputes Part Of Account," The New York Times, 3/30/04)

Clarke Claimed To Have Seen Sec. Rumsfeld On A Video Conference When A Plane Hit The Pentagon. "The morning of 9/11 was a blur for many Americans and must have been for Clarke, too. But Clarke relates in vivid detail a secure videoconference of the national security team. The World Trade Center had been hit moments earlier. 'As I entered the Video Center, Lisa Gordon-Hagerty was taking the roll and I could see people rushing into studios around the city: Donald Rumsfeld at Defense and George Tenet at CIA.' Moments later, according to Clarke, NSC staffer Roger Cressey 'stepped back in to the video conference and announced : 'A plane just hit the Pentagon.'" Clarke replied: 'I can still see Rumsfeld on the screen, so the whole building didn't get hit.'" ("The Daily Kos, Richard Clarke, And More," The Weekly Standard, 4/12/04)

"[I]t Didn't Happen Like That. Rumsfeld Was In His Office When The Plane Hit The Pentagon But Not On Video. He Had Come Directly From A Meeting With Members Of Congress And, After The Attack, In One Of The Most-Chronicled Events Of That Day, Went To The Site Of The Impact To Help Load The Injured Onto Stretchers." ("The Daily Kos, Richard Clarke, And More," The Weekly Standard, 4/12/04)

Former Deputy Secretary Of Defense Paul Wolfowitz: "[Clarke] has Secretary Rumsfeld attending a critical September 4th meeting that the secretary wasn't even at. He has the secretary in the Pentagon on a secure videoteleconference, a rather dramatic, memorable moment, when the secretary didn't turn up until an hour later." (Paul Wolfowitz, Committee On Armed Services, U.S. Senate, Hearing, 4/20/04)

MYTH: President Clinton Said He Left "Comprehensive Anti-Terror Strategy" For President Bush:
Former President Bill Clinton:
"[I] left a comprehensive anti-terror strategy ..." (Fox News' "Fox News Sunday," 9/24/06)

FACT: Clinton And Bush Administration Officials Agree "There Was No War Plan ... Turned Over":

Former Clinton National Security Adviser Sandy Berger: "Now, the second question you asked - which comes off the Time Magazine story, I think, was there a plan that we turned over to the Bush administration during the transition. If I could address that. The transition, as you will recall, was condensed by virtue of the election in November. I was very focused on using the time that we had - I had been on the other side of a transition with General Scowcroft in 1992. But we used that time very efficiently to convey to my successor the most important information - what was going on and what situations they faced. Number one among those was terrorism and Al-Qaeda, and I told that to my successor. She has acknowledged that publicly so I'm not violating any pr ivate conversation. We briefed them fully on what we were doing - on what else was under consideration and what the threat was. I personally attended part of that briefing to emphasize how important that was. But there was no war plan that we turned over to the Bush administration during the transition. And the reports of that are just incorrect." (Sandy Berger, Select Committees On Intelligence, U.S. Senate And U.S. House Of Representatives Hearing, 9/18/02)

Richard Clarke In 2002: "[T]here was no plan on al-Qaida that was passed from the Clinton administration to the Bush administration." (Richard Tomkins, "WH Throws Own Words Back At Clarke," United Press International, 3/24/04)

"[T]here Was A Strategy In Place Dating From 1998 That The Clinton Administration Had Not Acted On." (Richard Tomkins, "WH Throws Own Words Back At Clarke," United Press International, 3/24/04)

Unnamed Former Clinton Administration NSC Official: "There were certainly ongoing efforts throughout the eight years of the Clinton administration to fight terrorism ... It was certainly not a formal war plan. It was certainly not a formal war plan. We wouldn't have characterized it as a formal war plan. The Bush administration was briefed on the Clinton administration's ongoing efforts and threat assessments." (Byron York, "Clinton The Anti-Terrorist," National Review, 9/2/02)

"A Senior Bush Administration Official Denies Being Handed A Formal Plan To Take The Offensive Against Al-Qaeda, And Says Clarke's Materials Merely Dealt With Whether The New Administration Should Take 'A More Active Approach' To The Terrorist Group." (Michael Elliott, "They Had A Plan," Time, 8/12/02)

MYTH: President Clinton Said He "Worked Hard" To Go After Bin Laden:
Former President Bill Clinton: "I worked hard to try to kill [bin Laden]. I authorized a finding for the CIA to kill him. We contracted with people to kill him. I got closer to killing him than anybody has gotten since." (Fox News' "Fox News Sunday," 9/24/06)

FACT: Clinton Administration Repeatedly Missed Opportunities To Stop Bin Laden:

9/11 Commission Report: "[Former CIA Director George] Tenet told us that given the recommendation of his chief operations officers, he alone had decided to 'turn off' the operation [to capture Bin Laden in Afghanistan]. He had simply informed [Sandy] Berger, who had not pushed back. Berger's recollection was similar. He said the plan was never presented to the White House for a decision." (National Commission On Terrorist Attacks Upon The United States, "The 9/11 Commission Report," 7/24/04, p. 114)

2000: "Clinton Spurned Sudan's Offer To Hand Over Bin Laden Because The United States Lacked Enough Evidence To Indict Him In Earlier Attacks In Somalia, Yemen And At The World Trade Center In 1993. (So Clinton Let The Sudanese Send Bin Laden To Afghanistan ..." (Dick Polman, "Sept. 11 May Taint Clinton's Legacy," The Philadelphia Inquirer, 1/14/02)

9/11 Commission Report: "In early May 1996, the CIA received intelligence that Bin Ladin might be leaving Sudan. Though this reporting was described as 'very spotty,' it would have been passed along to the DCI's office because of high concern about Bin Ladin at the time. But it did not lead to plans for a U.S. operation to snatch Bin Ladin, because there was no indictment against him." (National Commission On Terrorist Attacks Upon The United States, "The 9/11 Commission Report," 7/24/04, p. 479)

Former President Clinton: "At the time, in 1996, he had committed no crimes against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America." (Robert Sam Anson, "Bill And His Shadow," Vanity Fair, 6/04)

After 1998 Embassy Bombings In Africa, Clinton Administration Launched Failed Missile Strikes That Ignored Osama Bin Laden. "[There is] some evidence that at least some of the missiles may have missed their targets, and according to Pakistan, it says one missile landed on its soil killing six people." (CNN's "Newsday," 8/21/98)

"U.S. Officials Also Indicated That Bin Laden Himself Was 'Not Specifically Targeted' In The Attacks And Apparently Was Not Present At Any Of The Sites." (Art Pine, "U.S. Targets Heart Of Terror," Los Angeles Times, 8/21/98)

"It's Also True That Clinton Looked Weak In 1998 By Firing A Cruise Missile At Bin Laden In Afghanistan, Missing Him (Narrowly, It Appears), And Failing To Follow Up." (Dick Polman, "Sept. 11 May Taint Clinton's Legacy," The Philadelphia Inquirer, 1/14/02)

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Democrats to pull funding for Iraq war if they gain majority

Not as though that’s a huge mystery, but there are still many out there who shrug their shoulders and claim Democrats simply wouldn’t do that.

Listen to their own words if you don’t believe me.


Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) will chair the powerful Ways and Means Committee if Democrats win control of the House next year, but his main goal in 2007 does not fall within his panel’s jurisdiction.

“I can’t stop this war,” a frustrated Rangel said in a recent interview, reiterating his vow to retire from Congress if Democrats fall short of a majority in the House.
But when pressed on how he could stop the war even if Democrats control the House during the last years of President Bush’s second term, Rangel paused before saying, “You’ve got to be able to pay for the war, don’t you?”

Rangel’s views on funding the war are shared by many of his colleagues – especially within the 73-member Out of Iraq Caucus.

Some Democratic legislators want to halt funding for the war immediately, while others say they would allocate money for activities such as reconstruction, setting up international security forces, and the ultimate withdrawal of U.S. troops.

“Personally, I wouldn’t spend another dime [on the war,]” said Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.).

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and other Democrats have called for a reduction in troops to begin no later than the end of 2006, but as Speaker, she could have significant power over troop levels in 2007.

Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.), the ranking member of the Appropriations defense subcommittee and the most outspoken Democrat on withdrawing from Iraq, has said he will mount a bid for majority leader should Democrats win the House in November. His bill to redeploy forces from Iraq has 105 cosponsors.

Republicans are quick to portray talk of withdrawal as a “cut-and-run” strategy as they seek to mock Democrats on homeland security weeks before Nov. 7.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), chair of the Out of Iraq Caucus, declined to comment for this article.

Yeah, not a smart move for her to comment on that one. You can pretty much guess her opinion.

Vote carefully!

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Liberal hypocrisy knows no bounds

The following is a simple post response to a topic. It was so perfectly on-point that I felt it worthy to be reposted. Please repost this wherever possible.

Originally posted at HotAir by screen name “fogw.”

According to the MSM and Bush-hating lovers of leaked classified information everywhere, we have created more terrorists by aggressively going after the terrorists.

Emboldening these terrorists and increasing their numbers would have nothing to do with …….

Hollywood putting out movies showing Jewish doctors chopping up Arab prisoners.

Michael Moore calling our president a buffoon who is destined to lose the war.

The NY Times carrying a story for weeks on end showing a handful of undisciplined and immature soldiers mistreating Arab prisoners at Abu Graib.
Cindy Sheehan and friends comparing our president to Hitler.

John Murtha calling our brave troops the bad guys in this war on terror.

Newsweek’s Michael Isikoff falsely claiming our troops flushed Korans down the toilet at Guitmo.

Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry et al, demanding we bring our troops home from an unwinnable war, while telling the world our president is a liar, our VP is a liar and our Sec of Defense is incompetent.

Former President Carter publicly chastising the policies of a sitting president in a time of war.

Time to look in the mirror libs, you whining, cry-baby, finger-pointing hypocrites.

We live in an information age where our enemy watches and listens to our every move. Why don’t you quit lifting the spirits of our enemies and join the president in defeating them? Our survival is more important than any one party holding office.

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Sunday, September 24, 2006

Brigitte Gabriel; Life under radical Islamic fundamentalism

Brigitte Gabriel is the founder of the American Congress for Truth. In the following interview, she speaks of life in a world ruled by radical Islam. Click the photo below to watch:

On the American Congress for Truth website, she writes:

We are facing an enemy that uses children as human bombs, mothers as suicide bombers, and men driven by the glory of death and the promise of eternal sexual bliss in heaven. We are fighting an enemy that loves death more than we love life. I am a victim of the Lebanese civil war, which was the first front in the worldwide Jihad of militant Islam against the only Christian country in the Middle East. My family’s home was shelled and destroyed leaving me wounded. I lived underground in a bomb shelter from age 10 to 17 without electricity and very little food. I had to crawl under sniper bullets to a spring to fetch water for my elderly parents. I was betrayed by my country, rescued by my enemy Israel, the Jewish State that is under attack for its existence today.

I want to remind everyone that we are constantly asking for the "moderate Muslims" and Middle-Eastern immigrants to speak up. Although not Muslim, Brigitte Gabriel is doing just that, so I would ask all of you to please visit her site and if you feel it's as important to the cause as I do ... please visit her website and donate whatever you can to help her spread this message. Pass this info on to all who you feel would be interested.

The Muslims who are on the edge will not have their minds made up by Americans dropping leaflets, but rather from the brave members of their own people who are willing to stand up and risk everything to voice their opposition.

The American Congress for Truth mission:

American Congress for Truth was founded in June 2002 by Brigitte Gabriel a Lebanese immigrant who came to the United States after losing her country of birth, Lebanon, to militant Muslim fundamentalists.

Brigitte Gabriel an American citizen founded American Congress for Truth to give a voice to Americans, Jews and Christians, who have lost their tongue to political correctness. We have become a society unable to act or speak because we’re afraid to voice our opinion lest we would be sued and accused of being not fair minded.

American Congress for Truth’s mission is to inform, educate, inspire, motivate, network and empower millions of uninformed Americans about the threat of militant fundamentalist Islam to America, Israel and Western civilization. Through media and speaking engagements, ACT will work to educate and organize a grassroots movement to oppose this threat.

Our seven - Fold Mission

Inform concerned Americans about action alerts, timely issues and legislation.

Educate millions of uninformed Americans about our enemy and what they can do to protect themselves and their country.

Inspire activists to get involved and take action.

Motivate Americans to become active in decisions affecting their security and way of life.

Network organizations with like-minded goals to work together to bring change.

Empower average people to have a voice in their government

Speak out in defense of America, Israel and western civilization.

HUH? London police to brief Muslims BEFORE terror raids?

OH MY GOD! Just when you think it can’t get any worse …

Via Timesonline:

POLICE have agreed to consult a panel of Muslim leaders before mounting counter-terrorist raids or arrests. Members of the panel will offer their assessment of whether information police have on a suspect is too flimsy and will also consider the consequences on community relations of a raid.

Members will be security vetted and will have to promise not to reveal any intelligence they are shown. They will not have to sign the Official Secrets Act.

Oh. They’re going to “promise.” Well THAT makes it okay then!

The first panel, expected to consist of four people, will be set up initially in London. Tomorrow representatives from police forces across England and Wales will decide whether to make the scheme national.

I’m really at a loss for words.

Read the full article here.

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin.

Michelle has more info here and plenty of links on the story.

God help us all.

Be sure to also visit our immigration blog at:

Sharia Law in the U.S.; Could be coming sooner than you think

While it’s true that Federal law and the U.S. Constitution would not allow Sharia Law … with immigration at it’s current levels and continuing to grow, the make-up and beliefs of the U.S. population continues to change at an alarming rate. Being that our leaders, judges, and our laws are created, altered, and interpreted by elections based on the majority; as we now see happening in California with the Hispanic and homosexual population actually leading to the ignoring of current laws, it’s only a matter of time before the growing Muslim population begins to work it’s way into government positions of power.

The first such case might have already arrived.

Meet Keith Ellison:

Via the Northeast Intelligence Network::

Keith Ellison recently won the DFL primary in the Fifth Congressional District of Minnesota that encompasses Minneapolis and its near suburbs, and could be on his way to winning a seat in the United States Congress. Keith Ellison is also a Muslim.
It must be considered that should congressional candidate Keith Ellison be elected to his position within the United States congress, he will be forced by the tenants of his religion to either abandon his beliefs or subjugate the laws of the US constitution to Islamic (Sharia) law. If he chooses the former, he will be choosing apostasy, which in accordance with his religion, warrants the death penalty. He simply cannot have it both ways.

As part of his political platform, Mr. Ellison is calling for an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and the impeachment of President Bush. Although he has every right to do so under US law, one must ask that if he is elected, will he serve his constituents in conformance with the constitution of the United States, or will he make decisions for the country as a result of the political doctrine imposed by his religion? An important aspect of our democratic society is the separation of church and state, which is the antithesis of orthodox Islam. Under Islam, there is no separation between church and state; Allah is the sole author of the law and it is up to the state to implement the laws of Allah. One only has to look at any country ruled by a Muslim government: the type of government is either dictatorial or autocratic. A true Muslim stipulates that the Qu’ran is the constitution.

Read the full story here.

Be sure to also visit our immigration blog at:

Christians murdered in response to Pope's remarks

Terrorist groups have promised to kill all Christians living in Iraq unless Pope Benedict XVI apologizes to Mohammed publicly for his previous remarks on Islam. Yes, what better way to prove the Pope wrong in assuming Islam is spread by the sword than with genocide? So far, two Assyrian Christians have been murdered. The most recent victim died of multiple stab wounds.

Original story from AINA:

Baghdad (AINA) -- Sources at Baghdad's Yarmouk Hospital announced on Saturday the death of a second Assyrian Christian who fell victim to multiple stab wounds at the Assyrian market in the Doura District. His murder comes a day after the attack on Syriac Catholic Church in the Ashar district of central Basra where another man was murdered.

Christian Leaders in Iraq have asked their parishioners to be extremely cautious and not to leave their homes as a new group called the young Brigades of Fundamental Islam ' has distributed papers announcing the slaying of all Iraqi Christians in three days if the Pope does not Apologize.

According to the insurgency-loyal news website,, the bishop of the Syriac Catholic Church has also taken his plea to the central government of Iraq and the coalition forces in hopes that they intervene and offer protection to the native Christians.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Police chief refuses to enforce immigration laws; even after officer murdered by illegal alien


Must see info! Go read this story over at Invading America and please voice your opinion by making an official complaint to the Houston Police Department.

Click here for our new candidate for moron of the year.
Prostitute pretending to be police officer? Bizarre end to undercover sex sting

I know there are more important things happening today, but … I’d be amazed if any of you DIDN’T find this interesting.

Via Reuters:

A police sting took an odd turn when an officer pretending to be a john met a suspected prostitute pretending to be an officer.

A male undercover officer driving in a neighborhood known for prostitution was flagged down by a woman. The woman got in his car and they went to a nearby parking lot to negotiate a price for sex.

She asked the officer if he was a cop and he said no.
"That's OK, because I am," the woman said as she pulled out handcuffs and a two-way radio. She barked into the radio: "Move in!"

Click here to read the full story.

Georgia judge tosses voter IDs

As predicted.

Full coverage over on our immigration blog Invading America. Click here.
Gay parade photos censored by San Diego city councilman

Via WorldNetDaily:

A Christian organization trying to give the San Diego city council documentation of children being exposed to obscene materials at the 2006 San Diego 'Gay' Pride parade were ordered not to show the materials – by a councilman who was in the parade.

The censorship happened Sept. 12 when Hartline was blocked from showing images of the parade by Councilman Scott Peters, who along with Councilwoman Toni Atkins helped pass the resolution a few months ago declaring San Diego 'Gay' Pride Week.

"Why this councilman decided to disallow photographs of an event that he participated in, and sanctioned, is cause for serious concern," Priscilla Schreiber, an elected member of the Grossmont Union High school district, who was at the meeting, said.

Read the full story here.

Be sure to visit our Immigration blog at:

Is Bin Laden dead? U.S. attempting to confirm reports

***Scroll for updates***

Via Reuters:

The French regional daily L'Est Republicain reported that, according to a French secret service report, Saudi Arabia is convinced bin Laden died of typhoid in Pakistan in late August. The French government has said it could not confirm the report and would investigate the intelligence leak.

The U.S. government is unable to confirm a French newspaper report that al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is believed to have died last month in Pakistan, the U.S. State Department said on Saturday.

"We don't have any confirmation of those reports," said State Department spokesman Sean McCormack.

Read the full story here.

***Update: Possibly alive, but gravely ill?

Muntasir al-Jibouri captured; leader of of Ansar al-Sunna

The Jawa Report is blogging the details, click here, and here.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Republicans making last minute moves to save election

We can blame Democrats all we want for being overly paranoid, but sometimes you have to call a spade a spade. It's hard to deny the sudden push of the conservative agenda, with gas prices falling, major raids on illegal aliens, voting to build a border wall, and now we finally get action on the voter ID card? Hey, I'm all for it ... as long as we finish the job. Let's hope the sudden motivation doesn't vanish when the voting booths close.

Read about the huge illegal alien raid and the House bill for voter ID cards over on our immigration blog at Invading America. Click here.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

"Virgins of Paradise" on Palestinian TV

A music video depicting Islamic martyrs being rewarded with dark eyed virgins in paradise has made a return to Palestinian (state-run) Television. The video portrays a woman being shot in the back by Israeli soldiers, and then immediately brought to paradise, where she takes her place among the virgins of paradise, all dressed in identical white gowns and dancing in water.

The next seen shows a man visiting the woman's grave where he is also shot in the back by Israeli soldiers and then transported to paradise to be with those same virgins. brainwashing going on there!

Read full story from Palestinian Media Watch.

Immigration Gumballs

Due to the number of comments I've received lately from people who want to look at the immigration debate as a moral or emotional issue ... I've decided to repost this video. If you haven't already seen it, please watch it. If you've seen it before, please watch it again.

It starts out very slow, but every person with any interest in this issue should watch the entire length. I promise you ... it's worth it to stick with it and watch it through.

One very important thing to keep in mind while watching.
This video only looks at the impact on the country by LEGAL immigration. It doesn't even take into account the millions per year that come across ILLEGALLY.

For those of you who are not quite sure how you feel about the topic ... this video SHOULD help you to understand the importance.

Monday, September 18, 2006

CBS falls asleep; allows Ferguson to give patriotic speech on Late Late Show

One has to wonder what must have been going through the minds of the CBS brass as Craig Ferguson gave his 9/11 monologue. What was going on in the production booth? Were they fighting over the decision to cut the audio?

Honestly, I'm surprised the guy still works in the town. Readers of the Democratic Underground and DailyKos must have missed this one. Otherwise they would have been crawling over themselves the next day demanding he be deported.

Via the Media Research Center:

Instead of opening with his usual monologue of jokes, Craig Ferguson, an immigrant from Scotland, began Monday night's Late Late Show on CBS with a tribute to America, a refreshing attitude not often heard these days in the mainstream media. "I consider myself an American," he declared on the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, adding: "I've been here for a long time. I love this country."

Ferguson contended: "Anyone who cares about anything, when these rat bastards flew those planes into those buildings, if you're a human, it would insult everything inside you." Ferguson suggested "this is a defining moment for our generation. For one generation, it was the assassination of Kennedy, for another it's 9/11. It's 'Where were you on September the 11th?'"

Click on the photo below to watch:

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Muslims warned to leave U.S.; Major attack on the way

Newly appointed al Qaeda commander warns of "American Hiroshima."

The Northeast Intelligence Network & Canada Free Press reports:

Urgent news from Abu Dawood, the newly appointed commander of the al Qaeda forces in Afghanistan:

* Final preparations have been made for the American Hiroshima, a major attack on the U. S.

* Muslims living in the United States should leave the country without further warning.

* The attack will be commandeered by Adnan el Shukrijumah (“Jaffer Tayyer” or “Jafer the Pilot”), a naturalized American citizen, who was raised in Brooklyn and educated in southern Florida.

* The al Qaeda operatives who will launch this attack are awaiting final orders. They remain in place in cities throughout the country. Many are masquerading as Christians and have adopted Christian names.

* Al Qaeda and the Taliban will also launch a major strike (known as the “Badar offensive” against the coalition forces in Afghanistan during the holy month of Ramadan.

* The American people will be treated to a final audio message from Osama bin Laden which will be aired within the next two weeks.

The announcements from Abu Dawood were obtained by Hamid Mir, the only journalist to interview Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and Taliban leader Mullah Omar in the wake of 9/11. Mir earlier reports regarding the resurgence of the Taliban with support from Iran and an unofficial truce between President Pervez Musharraf and al Qaeda have been panned out by the press in recent months.

Mr. Mir interviewed Dawood on September 12 at the tomb of Sultan Mehmud Ghaznawi on the outskirts of Kabul. Dawood and the al Qaeda leaders who accompanied him were clean-shaven and dressed as Western reporters. The al Qaeda commandeer had contacted Mir by cell-phone to arrange the meeting.

For the text of the complete interview, click here.

More info on the cockroach Adnan el Shukrijumah can be found here.

For those of you who are hesitant to take an advance warning such as this seriously, AllahPundit over at HotAir reminds us that there has been a history of these warnings, and it might be best to not simply ignore them. Read Allah's coverage here.

And you'll definitely want to read THIS.

Please keep updated on the ILLEGAL immigration issue on our affiliate blog at:

Saturday, September 16, 2006

MySpace still supporting terrorists; Here we go again

***Scroll for updates!***
The hate mail begins

Many of you have followed our coverage of wannabe terrorists that are camped out on MySpace, openly advertising their desire to kill Americans and Jews. It first started when our blogger Steve came across several MySpace profiles located out of Dearborn, Michigan (Dearbornistan). We followed up with that, and found there were at least 100 profiles, all out of that same area in Michigan, and all professing a love for murdering Jews. Click here to read that first story.

That first story grew into something larger when the owners of one of those profiles issued us and one of our readers a death threat, story found here, and screenshot seen below.

It was about that time that Steve, who also posts a very well read blog on his MySpace account, noticed that his post about the MySpace jihadists had been REMOVED by MySpace management. The reason for the removal was apparently that the title of his post was labeled something to the effect of "MySpace profile lists hobby as "killing Jews," although ... all of the profiles which Steve had pointed out in his story remained untouched, even though they actually claimed to "want to kill Jews."

At the same time, I had done some research into the various profiles and noticed that a huge number of them listed themselves as between 16 and 18 years old, and many of them claimed to attend Crestwood High School. So, I gave Crestwood High School a call, as well as the Dearborn Mayors office, Homeland Security, and the FBI. Subsequent posts on the story were then written, as can be seen here and here.

After that ... NADA! No response from the school, no response from the Mayor's office, no response from Homeland Security, and no response from the FBI. Also, possibly the strangest reaction was from the Michigan media, all of which were notified. NOTHING! Not a single story on this issue. I received one email on Sept 7th from a writer with the "Detroit News" claiming that she was interested in speaking to me about the story, but after I responded to her email and left my phone numbers ... she vanished. Not so interested, or possibly instructed not to respond? I've even called her number at the newspaper and left a message. IGNORED.

So now we come to this. After all of this, MySpace has yet to remove a single profile belonging to any of these pathetic human beings, but they apparently have no problem censoring law abiding, concerned American citizens from drawing attention to them. I received an email fromVered, who is a reader of our blogs and also on Myspace. She had also received an email from one of these losers, so she did the same thing we did. She took a screenshot of the email, along with the sender's screenID and posted a blog about it. She had sent MySpace a copy of the email as shown below exactly as received:

We must support Hisbollah in their epic struggle between good and evil. The evil zionists have started a war of genocide and destruction against the arabs of lebanon, they intend to murder arabs destroy their lands and to eventually annex them. We must support Hizbollah against these evil jews, they are fighting a good fight to revenge and save their people froma racist genocidal maniac state of Israel. We can only hope they can inflict revenge for the innocent civilians of Lebanon being murdered and the genocide the Israelis commit. Lets hope hizbollah have strength.

You make me sick you dirty zionist bitch..... i laughed at your jews are sexy group, jews are ugly pigs.

So, what was MySpace's response? They first sent her back the following response:

Thank you for reporting inappropriate content. Based on our Terms of Service, the incident in question is within our guidelines. If you have not already done so, please take the time to familiarize yourself with our Terms of Service. Nevertheless, we thank you for your support in helping to keep MySpace a safe, clean and fun community.

"Within our guidelines?"

And THEN ...


Vered later commented:

Many people commented on this blog, suggesting that I take this incident to the media because clearly there's something wrong here...
then today I realized that the blog entry had vanished.

This is creepy.

I tend to agree. MySpace is becoming more and more creepy, and it's not because of some of their customers. It's because of MySpace's bizarre responses to those incidents. I've always defended MySpace from those who claim they should be shut down due to the actions of some of their members, but this is not about the customers. This is about MySpace seemingly being in SUPPORT of such activities. That is far different.

I have a theory on the reasons for this. I believe MySpace is worried about losing customers in Islamic countries, as well as any possible backlash they might face if they were to take action. As bad as that is, believing this to be the case is much better than to believe the alternative, which is that MySpace actually supports terrorist views and actions.

In the coming week I will be making an effort to speak directly to MySpace management and I will be posting updates on my progress. Stay tuned!

***Update: And the hate mail begins! Didn't take long for it to start. Just received the following email from MySpace user ID # 28142131:

His hometown? Surprise!!!

Dearborn, Michigan
Must see movie; The murderous reign of Saddam Hussein

"WMD - The Murderous Reign of Saddam Hussein" is the co-production of Brad Maaske, The Iraqi Truth Project LLC, and Earl Grizzell of Grizzell Productions.

Visit their website here.

Watch the preview below:

Friday, September 15, 2006

Conspiracy uncovered; Illegal alien workers being leased out like slaves

Major arrests involving the trafficking of humans for slave labor.

Read this story over on our immigration blog at:
Time Magazine - Political Powers Ignore Immigration Invasion

The numbers just keep getting worse, but continue to be ingored. It's a good thing that the mainstream media such as Time Magazine is now picking up on this issue, but it's amazing how many people seem to believe that our leaders simply don't see the problem. They see it, but they ignore it because of a hidden agenda; the North American Union.

Be sure to visit our affiliate blog at:

Things you can do to win the issues; Center for Individual Freedom

The following post is republished as received from NewsMax, courtesy of the Center for Individual Freedom. Original hyperlinks have been replaced with GOP contact info. PLEASE take the time to read it through, and then write, call, or email every republican representative letting them know they WILL NOT GET YOUR VOTE unless they act. We need every conservative in this country to do whatever possible to send this message to our leaders.

Come November, Nancy Pelosi could become Speaker of the House and Harry Reid could become Majority Leader of the Senate. Worse, our government could be run by the likes of cut-and-run John Murtha, and tax-and-spend liberals like Teddy Kennedy and Hillary Clinton.
That's all the buzz and chatter coming from so-called political experts and talking-head pundits these days. And, it's exactly what is going to happen unless the Republican leadership in Congress wakes up and delivers the conservative agenda that you and the majority of American people have demanded for so many years!

Years ago, conservative leaders in Congress promised the American people that they would pass a conservative agenda. Years later, the American people are still waiting!
The truth is Americans are fed up! And for good reason.

But RIGHT NOW is our best chance to demand that Republicans make good on those promises that have gone unfulfilled all these years! You see, Congress just returned from its summer break and is holding a short, few-week legislative session before adjourning for the November elections. And now, more than ever -- with sagging poll numbers staring them in the face and with the elections right around the corner -- they are willing to listen to the demands of the American people. That means we have less than a month to demand they pass the REAL conservative agenda that they have scuttled all of these years. That means...

We have until the end of the month to pass legislation that will secure the borders and stop illegal immigration ! So-called "comprehensive solutions" and amnesty programs MUST be tabled!

We have until the end of the month to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to responsible oil exploration to reduce our nation's dependence on Middle Eastern Oil. Even with the new discovery in the Gulf of Mexico, the United States needs to assert our energy independence once and for all to control prices and inflation and to end the power that other countries have over us.

We have until the end of the month to confirm the President's judicial nominees to the federal bench. President Bush has started the ball rolling by nominating and re-nominating five judges -- some that liberals in Congress have been obstructing for years. Our conservative leaders MUST confirm these judges this session -- even if that means deploying the "Nuclear Option." There can be NO MCCAIN INSPIRED COMPROMISES!

We have until the end of the month to permanently eliminate the "death tax," which allows the federal government to tax income twice -- once when you earn it and a second time when you die.

We have until the end of the month to finally confirm John Bolton as the United States Ambassador to the United Nations.

And we have until the end of the month to force Congress to enact real measures to support the President and renew our commitment to fight the War on Terror!
Starting today, we will continually bombard Congress with that no-nonsense six point agenda but we need your help!

Our conservative leaders must KNOW -- without a doubt -- that they must pass these six items! And if they fail...

Well, the American people won't be to blame if they find themselves reporting to Harry Reid in the Senate and Nancy Pelosi in the House.

Use the hyperlink below to send the Republican leadership in Congress a wake-up call.

Click on the screenshot below for complete contact info for the GOP:

Remind them they are in session for less than a month before the election and that they MUST use that time to pass a conservative agenda that was promised to the American people years ago.

Tell them that before the end of the month you expect them to:

Pass legislation to secure our borders, use a tiny portion of ANWR to bring in a million barrels of domestic oil a day, use whatever tactics necessary to confirm conservative judges to the federal bench, get rid of the ghoulish death tax, confirm John Bolton and renew our commitment on the War on Terror.

Priority #1: Secure The Borders
Some areas of this country have been taken over by illegal aliens:
In Atkinson County, Georgia, so many illegal aliens have settled in the tiny town of Pearson that Serafico Jaimes opened up a Spanish-language video store and began flying the Mexican flag next to the American flag. "This is our town now, too," he announced.

One Atkinson County resident whose family has lived in the county since the 19th century summed it up: "I have children and grandchildren. They're going to become second-class citizens. And we're going to be a third world country here if we don't do something about it."

During a "SaveOurState" rally in Maywood, CA recently, a group of illegal aliens and their supporters removed the American flag from a post office and replaced it with the Mexican flag. A group of approximately 200 illegal-supporters carried signs reading "We are the only legal owners of this continent."

A coalition of Texas sheriffs recently issued a warning that Arabic-speaking individuals are learning Spanish and integrating into Mexican culture before paying smugglers to sneak them into the United States. The Texas Sheriffs' Border Coalition believes these likely terrorists and drug smugglers are being aided by the Mexican military to get them across the border.

But these types of stories are not just coming out of Georgia, California and Texas. The same thing is happening in the Northwest, Midwest, and New England.

Four border state governors -- two Republicans and two Democrats -- see the problem for what it is and wrote a letter to House Speaker Dennis Hastert and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist demanding that Congress IMMEDIATELY pass immigration legislation.
Arnold Schwarzenegger of California, Rick Perry of Texas, Bill Richardson of New Mexico and Janet Napolitano of Arizona told the leadership:
"Instead of holding dozens of [congressional] field hearings... we urge you to get back to work and pass legislation that... solves this crisis once and for all."

Writing "from the front lines," the governors said the "explosion" of the illegal-alien population in California, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico has gone so far that "citizens and non-citizens alike are losing respect for the rule of law."

These four speak for people in all 50 states, as polls continue to show. More than two-thirds of Americans are furious at the Senate for voting earlier to give amnesty, welfare, and Social Security benefits to illegal aliens already in the United States. More than two-thirds of Americans strongly support the House bill, which makes no mention of amnesty and would shut down the border so tight that even a sidewinder couldn't slither through. So what are our conservative leaders waiting for? Are they confused about what their constituents want?

Use the hyperlink below to send the Republican leadership in Congress a wake-up call.

Click on the screenshot below for complete contact info for the GOP:

Remind them they are in session for less than a month before the election and that they MUST use that time to pass a conservative agenda that was promised to the American people years ago.

Tell them that before the end of the month you expect them to: pass legislation to secure our borders, use a tiny portion of ANWR to bring in a million barrels of domestic oil a day, use whatever tactics necessary to confirm conservative judges to the federal bench, get rid of the ghoulish death tax, confirm John Bolton and renew our commitment on the War on Terror.

What will happen if we give amnesty to the 12 million illegal aliens in our midst?
Suppose we continue to let people stream across our borders?

Robert Rector, a highly respected researcher at the Heritage Foundation, said of the Senate amnesty bill:
"[It] would be the most dramatic change in immigration law in 80 years, allowing an estimated 103 million persons to legally immigrate to the U.S. over the next 20 years -- fully one third of the current population of the United States."
That figure was later amended to about 67 million after the Senate passed the amnesty bill -- but if Rector's nightmare becomes reality, what would happen to America?
Consider the fact that illegal aliens make up more than 100,000 convicted felons in our state prisons -- AND MORE THAN 27 PERCENT OF THE FEDERAL PRISON POPULATION!
Consider the story of a Denver teacher who reported that the Denver public school system had a 65 percent drop out/flunk out rate. And 30 percent of the teachers weren't coming back. Why? "The classrooms featured so much incompatible diversity that it created horrific tension, stabbings and death."

The Congressional Budget Office now claims that the cost of enacting the Senate amnesty bill would reach almost $127 billion. And their figures match estimates by Heritage that the additional welfare costs ALONE would reach -- are you ready for this -- $50 billion!

Use the hyperlink below to send the Republican leadership in Congress a wake-up call.

Click on the screenshot below for complete contact info for the GOP:

Remind them they are in session for less than a month before the election and that they MUST use that time to pass a conservative agenda that was promised to the American people years ago.

Tell them that before the end of the month you expect them to: pass legislation to secure our borders, use a tiny portion of ANWR to bring in a million barrels of domestic oil a day, use whatever tactics necessary to confirm conservative judges to the federal bench, get rid of the ghoulish death tax, confirm John Bolton and renew our commitment on the War on Terror.

Priority #2: Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil, Including Opening ANWR to Responsible Drilling.

If you've gassed up your car in the past couple of days, you may have noticed that the price dropped slightly -- at my station, it's $2.86 for a gallon regular unleaded.
Did you say to yourself, "Hey, that's a great price!" If so, you've run up the white flag. Americans shouldn't be paying nearly $3.00 for gas. We are too dependent on oil controlled by sheikhs, mullahs, ayatollahs and banana republic dictators. That's why we MUST develop a small sector of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)! According to the Department of Energy that area could produce "[A]bout one million barrels of oil per day - about 20% of our domestic daily production."

In addition, experts believe that drilling in ANWR would also:
Replace the oil we lost because of the devastation caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Replace more than 30 years worth of Saudi oil imports and 58 years worth of Iraqi oil imports. Moreover, it would take a big bite out of the $150 billion -- that's $150,000,000,000 -- the United States spends each and every year importing foreign oil.

Create over 736,000 new jobs -- that's nearly three quarters of a million -- in the United States.
Raise more than $29 billion in new federal tax revenues -- that's $29,000,000,000 -- and over $31 billion in new state tax revenues over a 15 year period -- without raising taxes.
Yet, Senate liberals voted against ANWR exploration at least nine times over the last five years.
And House liberals voted against ANWR exploration at least six times in the last five years.
Opening ANWR is a win-win issue for the American people. Now our conservative leaders must rally the troops.

Use the hyperlink below to send the Republican leadership in Congress a wake-up call.

Click on the screenshot below for complete contact info for the GOP:

Remind them they are in session for less than a month before the election and that they MUST use that time to pass a conservative agenda that was promised to the American people years ago.

Tell them that before the end of the month you expect them to: pass legislation to secure our borders, use a tiny portion of ANWR to bring in a million barrels of domestic oil a day, use whatever tactics necessary to confirm conservative judges to the federal bench, get rid of the ghoulish death tax, confirm John Bolton and renew our commitment on the War on Terror.

Priority #3: On Judicial Nominations, Stand Up to Senate Obstructionists or Invoke The Nuclear Option to Confirm Conservative Judges. And what about the President's nominees to the federal bench?

Recently, President Bush sent five nominations to the Senate; Terrence Boyle, William Haynes, William Myers, Michael Wallace and Norman Smith. You already know some of these names. Senate liberals have obstructed some of these fine individuals for years -- not even allowing a fair up-or-down vote on their confirmations. When President Bush nominated these superbly qualified people last week, he made the following statement at an event for Bob Corker -- who is running for Majority Leader Bill Frist's seat in the Senate, "I need a U.S. senator who understands that we need people on the bench who will strictly interpret the Constitution and not use the bench to legislate." Truer words were never spoken!

Isn't it time for Bill Frist and the other GOP Senate leaders to tell liberals in their own party like John McCain and Lindsey Graham to quit playing Patty-Cake with Democrats? We should demand that a united conservative majority bring ALL conservative nominees to the floor for fair up-or-down votes! And if that means invoking the "Nuclear Option," then so be it. Let's get these nominees on the bench once and for all, because if Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid get their wish, it will never happen!

Use the hyperlink below to send the Republican leadership in Congress a wake-up call.

Click on the screenshot below for complete contact info for the GOP:

Remind them they are in session for less than a month before the election and that they MUST use that time to pass a conservative agenda that was promised to the American people years ago. Tell them that before the end of the month you expect them to: pass legislation to secure our borders, use a tiny portion of ANWR to bring in a million barrels of domestic oil a day, use whatever tactics necessary to confirm conservative judges to the federal bench, get rid of the ghoulish death tax, confirm John Bolton and renew our commitment on the War on Terror.

Priority #4: Permanently Repeal the Death Tax Once And For All. We pay enough taxes while we are alive. We shouldn't be forced to stick our children and grandchildren with a large tax bill when we die. The relatively small amount of revenue the death tax generates for Uncle Sam cannot justify robbing the graves of hard-working Americans who have earned the right to pass on their assets to their children.

And let's not accept any excuses! We are sick of hearing Republican leaders in the Senate say, "We can't do it. If we try to repeal the death tax again, the liberals will simply filibuster again."
Conservatives control the majority. They must start acting like it! Bring the death tax to a vote EVERY WEEK... force the liberals to filibuster the repeal of the death tax again and again and again before they must face the wrath of the voters!

Use the hyperlink below to send the Republican leadership in Congress a wake-up call.

Click on the screenshot below for complete contact info for the GOP:

Remind them they are in session for less than a month before the election and that they MUST use that time to pass a conservative agenda that was promised to the American people years ago.

Tell them that before the end of the month you expect them to: pass legislation to secure our borders, use a tiny portion of ANWR to bring in a million barrels of domestic oil a day, use whatever tactics necessary to confirm conservative judges to the federal bench, get rid of the ghoulish death tax, confirm John Bolton and renew our commitment on the War on Terror.

Priority #5: Confirm John Bolton. Liberals have blocked the appointment of John Bolton -- our no-nonsense, tough-talking Ambassador to the United Nations -- for far too long.
And just a few days ago, "Republican In Name Only" (RINO), Senator Lincoln Chafee shocked everyone by REFUSING to support John Bolton.

Chafee's actions have massive repercussions. His lack of support will give the liberals the excuse and the ammunition they need to continue to obstruct the nomination of this fine man!
And if Bolton is NOT confirmed before Congress adjourns, there is a good chance he will be forced to step aside and President Bush will be forced to appoint someone to the liking of the hate-America crowd at the U.N. and Kofi Annan.

If Bolton is not confirmed, the United States will be sending a clear message to Secretary General Annan that it's business as usual at the United Nations -- that Oil-for-Food scams, United Nations Internet pedophile rings and sex scandals in the Congo ARE the order of business! That's the wrong message to send!

Iran and North Korea are flexing their nuclear muscle and Hezbollah, Hamas and al-Qaeda are becoming more aggressive against the United States and our allies.
Right now, the world is a very dangerous place!

We need John Bolton's firm hand at the United Nations more than ever!
If Bolton is not confirmed by the Senate, the liberals -- who have obstructed his nomination -- and the America-haters all over the world will WIN and the American people and the world will LOSE!

Use the hyperlink below to send the Republican leadership in Congress a wake-up call.

Click on the screenshot below for complete contact info for the GOP:

Remind them they are in session for less than a month before the election and that they MUST use that time to pass a conservative agenda that was promised to the American people years ago.

Tell them that before the end of the month you expect them to: pass legislation to secure our borders, use a tiny portion of ANWR to bring in a million barrels of domestic oil a day, use whatever tactics necessary to confirm conservative judges to the federal bench, get rid of the ghoulish death tax, confirm John Bolton and renew our commitment on the War on Terror.

Priority #6: Win The War On Terror. Last month, a solitary federal judge appointed by Jimmy Carter had the audacity to tell the President of the United States to stop gathering intelligence from a foreign enemy during wartime.

And five years after 9-11, politicians are still discussing whether it's okay to gather intelligence by monitoring phone calls that known and suspected terrorists make to the United States!
Several months ago, the United States Supreme Court sided with Osama Bin Laden's personal driver -- a blood-thirsty terrorist by the name of Salim Ahmed Hamdan -- and declared that the President did NOT have the authority to conduct military tribunals to deal with these pathetic specimens of humanity.

While it is clear that our judiciary is out of control, Congress can intercede and affirm a simple fact that Americans have known for decades -- that the President DOES INDEED have the authority to conduct war and keep Americans safe from terrorism. In fact, legislation is already on the calendar that will address both of those issues. It shouldn't be a difficult task to pass this important legislation that can save American lives -- yet conservative leaders in Congress have had unexplainable difficulty in the recent past! Enough is enough!

Do we need to continually remind our elected leaders that an election is coming up in a little more than 60 days? The time for excuses is long past.Republican leaders MUST eradicate the death tax, secure the borders, open up ANWR to drilling, invoke the nuclear option, confirm John Bolton and support the President in the War on Terror.

Anything less is simply unacceptable!
Please join me in taking action today!

Use the hyperlink below to send the Republican leadership in Congress a wake-up call.

Click on the screenshot below for complete contact info for the GOP:

Remind them they are in session for less than a month before the election and that they MUST use that time to pass a conservative agenda that was promised to the American people years ago.

Tell them that before the end of the month you expect them to: pass legislation to secure our borders, use a tiny portion of ANWR to bring in a million barrels of domestic oil a day, use whatever tactics necessary to confirm conservative judges to the federal bench, get rid of the ghoulish death tax, confirm John Bolton and renew our commitment on the War on Terror.

Jeff MazzellaPresident

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