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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Video: Ever wonder what "honest" GOP Congressmen would say to Obama, if they weren't cowards?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Pathetic: Woman live-tweets the murder of her unborn child

Angie Jackson has taken micro-blogging to a whole new level.

In an attempt to “demystify” abortion, the 27-year-old shared her experience on Twitter, YouTube and her personal blog.

CLICK HERE to read entire article

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Countbrown with Keith Obermann's conscience

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mugabe Obama giving farmers $1.25 Million; But only if they're black
Via Newsmax

Black farmers – possibly over 70,000 of them – will get cash payments and debt relief from the federal government totaling $1.25 billion, in reparation for alleged racial discrimination suffered under the Department of Agriculture’s loan programs, the Obama Administration has agreed.

In other news:

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe Obama has vowed to press on with seizures of white-owned farms, as he urged followers to respect the new government.

CLICK HERE to read the entire article
The Debt Limit: Made Simple

Monday, February 22, 2010

McCain's excuse for supporting Tarp? 'I'm an idiot'
Via Michelle Malkin and Arizona Republic

Under growing pressure from conservatives and “tea party” activists, Sen. John McCain of Arizona is having to defend his record of supporting the government’s massive bailout of the financial system.

In response to criticism from opponents seeking to defeat him in the Aug. 24 Republican primary, the four-term senator says he was misled by then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke [Ed.- Emphasis mine]

Michelle Malkin adds:

McCain’s trying to have it both ways — refusing to admit he was wrong, blaming crapweasel Paulson for duping him, and creating the illusion that he’ll be competent enough to resist the next inevitable bailout temptation when White House, Treasury, and Fed officials hit the panic button.

He blew it on TARP.

Blew it on the auto bailout.

Blew it on the mortgage entitlement bailout.

Blew it on the AIG bailout.

Blew it on amnesty.

Blew it on campaign finance.

Blew it on global warming.

In short: McCain blows.

I’ve already warned about McCain Regression Syndrome. The GOP hasn’t even begun to cure itself.

Arizona voters ... are you paying attention?

CLICK HERE to read the entire article
Dallas Tea Party invites Olbermann to come celebrate with people of color

Is Tea Party activist Angela McGlowan playing both sides?

One of the most popular speakers at recent Tea Party functions has been political commentator Angela McGlowan, but a recent radio interview is causing some concern among conservatives that Tea Party organizers may have once again been bamboozled.

In the interview McGlowan, who recently announced plans to run for Congress, passionately defended her belief that gun owners ought to be forced to list all of their guns on their 1040 tax forms each year because she says the government should know how many guns we have. In that same interview, she also seemed to hint that she supports some form of Obamacare and even went as far as to pull out the race card in suggesting that conservatives are looking to create a race war or something.

Making matters worse, McGlowan's past campaign donations are also causing concern.

In 2005, so-called conservative Angela McGlowan gave a $500 campaign contribution to California Democratic Congressman Xavier Beccera.

Becerra has an F rating from the NRA; 100% ratings from Planned Parenthood and NARAL; 0% ratings from National Right to Life; 0% ratings from Americans for Tax Reform; an F rating from National Taxpayers Union; 100% ratings from the ACLU; 0% ratings from the American Family Association and 5% ratings from the Family Research Council; and 100% ratings from the AFL-CIO and the SEIU.

Examples such as this are yet another sign that Tea Party organizers really need to do a better job of vetting their speakers. The Debra Medina embarrassment last week gives progressives an easy target to exploit. As we move closer to the 2010 mid-terms, Tea Party leaders should be using this time to aggressively vet all potential speakers, organizers, candidates, and organizational leaders.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Breitbart says “devastating” videos on the way from James O’Keefe

“When the American people find out that this was a “clown-nose on” exposure, that Mary Landrieu was not answering her phones, after she took the $300 million, and they find out that she was lying to them, and that the expose actually did in fact work, and there was no tampering, there was no attempt to interfere with the phone system there, and when the American people see that, they’re going to be outraged that the mainstream media tried to destroy James O’Keefe, and what you’re going to see is that there’s also other video that is going to come out, and the media that tried to defeat James O’Keefe and to destroy him, in their attempts to do that, they weaponized him. They made him a bigger figure than he otherwise would become, and so the next videos that come from him and his cohorts are going to be that much more devastating."

Glenn Beck gives keynote address at CPAC; without teleprompter

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Obama's ACORN lie now exposed on video
Via Gateway Pundit

“When I ran project vote, the voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it. Once I was elected there wasn’t a campaign that ACORN worked on down in Springfield that I wasn’t right there with you. Since I have been in the United States Senate I’ve been always a partner with ACORN as well. I’ve been fighting with ACORN, along side ACORN, on issues you care about my entire career.”

CLICK HERE to read the entire article
The Government Can
Via Tim Hawkins

Randy Haddock locates Keith Olbermann's 'people of color'

Keith Olbermann claims there are no 'people of color' within the Tea Party movement, implying that the entire movement is made up of racist white people. This coming from a man who seems to think about nothing else other than the color of people's skin.

Randy Haddock took it upon himself to do Keith a favor and has managed to locate some of these mythical people. I doubt it will alter Olbermann's routine much.

Bailout Mania! Government Motors to pay new GM Ed Whitacre $9 million
Via Wall Street Journal

General Motors Co. Chief Executive Ed Whitacre will receive a pay package valued at $9 million to help turn around the government-owned auto maker, according to a regulatory filing.

Mr. Whitacre, according to the filing, will receive a $1.7 million base salary this year. The rest of his compensation is comprised of $5.3 million in stock available to him beginning in 2012 and restricted stock units valued currently at $2 million.

CLICK HERE to read the entire article
Ohio man bulldozes home to avoid foreclosure
Via Breitbart TV

We wondered how long it would take before people started to snap and fight back. The last few days have shown that we may have reached that point.

I suspect we're going to see a lot more of this in the coming year. Is anybody listening?

CLICK HERE to read the entire article

Friday, February 19, 2010

Citizens to be charged $300 for calling 911 in Tracy, California
Via CBS13

Tracy residents will now have to pay every time they call 9-1-1 for a medical emergency.

But there are a couple of options. Residents can pay a $48 voluntary fee for the year which allows them to call 9-1-1 as many times as necessary.

Or, there's the option of not signing up for the annual fee. Instead, they will be charged $300 if they make a call for help.

"A $300 fee and you don't even want to be thinking about that when somebody is in need of assistance," said Tracy resident Greg Bidlack.

CLICK HERE to read the entire article
Pennsylvania school district accused of activating webcams inside students' homes without their knowledge
Via Associated Press

A law-enforcement official with knowledge of the case says the FBI has opened a criminal investigation into a Pennsylvania school district accused of activating webcams inside students' homes without their knowledge.

The official, speaking to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity, says the FBI will explore whether Lower Merion School District officials broke any federal wiretap or computer-intrusion laws.

Lower Merion officials say they remotely activated webcams 42 times to find missing student laptops in the past 14 months, but never did so to spy on students, as a recent lawsuit claims.

CLICK HERE to read the entire article
Muslim murderer gets special treatment; Avoids death penalty 'because he's Muslim'
Via Atlas Shrugs

"An open process provides some level of assurance that there is no appearance that a Christian is seeking to execute a Muslim for racial, political, religious or cultural beliefs," Little wrote, referring to County Attorney Andrew Thomas' Christian faith.

Laura Reckart, a county prosecutor, responded that Little's concern about the "supposed bias" of the office's death-penalty-review process was "without legitimate factual or legal basis."

She wrote that the state can seek the death penalty for any person convicted of first-degree murder if it can prove the existence of at least one aggravating factor, not because of religion.

CLICK HERE to read the entire article
White House buying off Specter's opposition now? UPDATE: Video added; Sestak confirms

Rep. Joe Sestak (D., Pa.) said yesterday that the White House offered him a federal job in an effort to dissuade him from challenging Sen. Arlen Specter in the state's Democratic primary.

The disclosure came during an afternoon taping of Larry Kane: Voice of Reason, a Sunday news-analysis show on the Comcast Network. Sestak would not elaborate on the circumstances and seemed chagrined after blurting out "yes" to veteran news anchor Kane's direct question.

"Was it secretary of the Navy?" Kane asked.

"No comment," Sestak said.

"Was it [the job] high-ranking?" Kane asked. Sestak said yes, but added that he would "never leave" the Senate race for a deal.

CLICK HERE to read the entire article

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Man dressed as Osama bin Laden patrols streets in Bogota, Colombia

China's shocking dog and cat fur trade

WARNING: Not for kids! Most adults will have a tough time watching this as well, but it needs to be seen by anyone who doesn't really know the extent people will go to make a buck.

I don't care for PETA, but this type of thing is beyond defense.

David Horowitz and Pat Caddell on Communist takeover of U.S.

Michelle Malkin reports that Pat Caddell was fired today by Colorado Democrat Senatorial candidate Andrew Romanoff for the comments he made in this video against SEIU and environmentalists.

Please pass this post on to anyone you know in Colorado.

'Jesus was gay' says Elton John

“I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems. On the cross, he forgave the people who crucified him. Jesus wanted us to be loving and forgiving. I don’t know what makes people so cruel. Try being a gay woman in the Middle East - you’re as good as dead.”

CLICK HERE to read the entire article

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Broadcaster who sees everything based on color humiliated as hypocrite

Every non-white Tea Partier needs to be standing in front of MSNBC headquarters for the next week, holding signs that say … “Hey Olbermann! Can you see us now?”

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Bin Laden's son warns that his father is "the most kind" of his possible successors
Via ABC News

4 Troops Sing 'For Freedom'
Via ABC News

DISGRACE: Maher says America Loves Its Troops 'The Way Michael Vick Loves Dogs'
Via NewsBusters

BILL MAHER: For the longest time, every Republican election has been based on some sentimental bulls**t: the flag, or the flagpin, or the Pledge, or the, "It's morning in America." Bill Clinton got a blowjob in the Oval Office. And the Dixie Chicks insulted President Bush on foreign soil. And when that happens, it hurts the feelings of our troops. And then Tinkerbell's light goes out and she dies. Yes, yes, the love of our troops, the ultimate in fake patriotism. Are you kidding? The troops, we pay them like s**t, we f**k them and trick them on deployment, we nickel and dime them on medical care when they get home, not to mention the stupid wars that we send them to. Yeah, we love the troops the way Michael Vick loves dogs. You know how I would feel supported if I was a troop overseas? If the people back home were clamoring to get me out of this pointless errands. That's how I would feel supported. But, you know, don't hold your breath on that one fellas because, you know, when America invades a country, we love you long time. Seriously, we never, we leave like Irish relatives: not at all.

What a worthless pile of feces

CLICK HERE to read the entire article
INSANE: Absolutely no mention of radical Islam in Obama's national defense report
Via Jihad Watch

The 128-page Defence Review says some important things. It outlines the problems with maintaining the US military's technological lead over potential adversaries. It discusses the need to counter terrorism. The threat to Western cyber systems is noted. The proliferation of Russian high-tech anti-aircraft missiles around the world is noted as a problem.

However, it's not what is in the document that surprises the reader - it's what was left out. There presence of two elephants in their living room apparently escaped the notice of American's top civilian and military leaders. Islamic radicalism does not receive any mention whatsoever in the American Defence Review and the threat posed by a nuclear Iran is mentioned in only one general sentence at the end of a document (page 101). To put this lack of discussion in proportion, contrast this non-discussion with other security issues mentioned in the document. For example, the security effects of climate change are highlighted and discussed in depth in eight pages of the document.

CLICK HERE to read the entire article

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Cambridge, Massachusetts to make 'Green Police' a reality
Via JammieWearingFool

Going green will not be optional in Cambridge, Mass., if the Cambridge Climate Congress has its way. It will be mandatory.

There will be congestion pricing to reduce car travel. Curbside parking will be eliminated. There will be a carbon tax "of some kind," not to mention taxes on plastic and paper bags. And the Massachusetts city, home of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will advocate vegetarianism and veganism, complete with "Meatless or Vegan Mondays."

"Vegan Mondays?"

Seriously? Are they going to shut down all the restaurants? That ought to be great for the economy.

CLICK HERE to read the entire article
Southwest Airlines boots Mr Creosote off flight due to 'safety concerns'
Via CBS13

A cult-favorite movie director has claimed that he was thrown off a Southwest Airlines flight out of Oakland due to a dispute over his weight.

Kevin Smith, the creator of movies like Clerks, Dogma, and the upcoming Cop Out, posted a series of angry, sarcastic messages on his Twitter feed (@ThatKevinSmith) blasting Southwest Airlines for allegedly throwing him off a flight at Oakland International Airport after he had already been seated and buckled in.

According to Smith, a flight attendant told him the flight captain had deemed him a safety risk and requested that he leave the flight.

My personal opinion is, that as long as Kevin Smith and others like him are willing to pay for the part of my seat that they steal from me when I'm seated next to them, I have no problem sitting next to them. I'm just tired of being limited to only half of my $250 seat.

On that note, I leave you with this ...

CLICK HERE for the entire article

Friday, February 12, 2010

Egyptian Researcher argues with brainwashed Iraqi TV host about Antisemitic Myths

This is like watching a brilliant person arguing with Keith Olbermann. You know it's useless, but it's highly entertaining and somewhat educational to see that there are indeed individuals willing to publicly challenge the lunacy in Islamic countries.

Of course, I'm not sure if Sa'id Okasha made it home alive after the interview.

Click the image to watch

Thursday, February 11, 2010

$50 million dollars of taxpayer money to build a park ... in the Virgin Islands?
Via HotAir

Two weeks ago, on a near party line vote, a huge Democratic majority in the House agreed to spend $50 million to buy the former cotton plantation on the island of St. Croix.

Democrats approved the purchase, even though the National Park Service has yet to complete a study on the purchase.

“We don’t have the money to do this,” said Rep Jason Chaffetz, (R – Utah). “Currently the National Park Service has an estimated $9 billion in backlog maintenance on existing parks. Why should the people of Iowa, Rhode Island or California or Utah have to continue to pay and supplement the people there on St Croix for this property?”

CLICK HERE to read the entire story
Debra Medina implodes on Glen Beck show; Campaign goes down the drain
Via HotAir

Glen Beck interviewed Debra Medina on his radio show this morning, and things didn't go too well:

A Gateway Pundit commenter adds:

Medina is a Ron Pauler. She worked on Paul’s last campaign and has adopted the tactics the the Paulians did when Paul threw his hat in the presidential ring.

When polls are taken (Perry, Hutchison, Medina) her supporters (former Paulians) crash the polls by calling in time after time after time, just as they did during the presidential campaign.

She claims to have the Tx. Tea Party groups behind her, but she doesn’t.

Yeah, we knew she was a Truffer. But she had done her best to keep that little fact under wraps because she knows it won’t play well in Texas.

Good to see she lost it with Beck. Her campaign is probably now on life support, along with KBH.

The Tea Party movement better start vetting candidates who claim to be "Tea Party candidates." This type of embarrassment will take them down much faster than any absurd claim of racism.  Medina has issued a statement, but frankly, it doesn't hold much water.  Her original answers were pretty clear.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Soros calls for a worldwide regulatory regime; A 'global regulation of financial markets'
Via Business Week

Last year's crisis, he said, demonstrated the need for a worldwide regulatory regime after decades of increasingly hands-off policies let banks and other big companies take risks that endangered the financial system as whole.
(emphasis mine)

Ah, the classic Progressive philosophy. Those dumb citizens aren't smart enough to handle their own lives or make decisions of their own, so we need a worldwide government body full of really really smart people, like him of course, to tell the not so smart bankers which risks are too risky, for their own good, of course. He's only looking out for them.

Never mind that much of the current banking mess was caused by government agencies (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) forcing banks to provide high risk loans that they would not have ordinarily approved.  Why let facts get in the way of a good opportunity to take over the entire world financial system?

Obviously, what we really need to solve the problem is to do the exact same thing again, but this time we'll make sure we do it worldwide!  It'll be much more fun that way.

"Globalization was based on a false premise that markets don't really need to be regulated, financial institutions can look after their own risk and therefore there really is no need for regulation," Soros said at a forum in Hong Kong. "That was a false idea."

What is needed are uniform standards, he argued.

"It's not just a question of restarting the system," he said. "We actually have to create a system that currently doesn't exist, namely a global regulation of financial markets."

Soros is probably the most dangerous man in the world. He thinks like an evil dictator, and he's got enough money to get pretty much anything he wants, including the Chinese, who happen to be the current leaseholders for the United States.

Soros' hedge fund, Soros Fund Management LLC, has been rumored to be opening a new office in Hong Kong.
A Better 'Miss Me Yet?' Billboard
Via The Humble Libertarian

London teacher forced out of job for complaining about Muslim students who praised 9/11 jihadists and shouted out their hatred for Jews and Christians
Via Jihad Watch

A Christian teacher told today how he lost his job after complaining that Muslim pupils as young as eight hailed the September 11 hijackers as 'heroes'.

Nicholas Kafouris said he was forced from his £30,000-a-year post because he would not tolerate the 'racist' and 'anti-Semitic' behaviour of children.

He said the predominantly Muslim youngsters openly praised Islamic extremists in class, and hailed the terrorists of the 2001 atrocities as 'martyrs'.

Some samples of student comments:

'Don't touch me, you're a Christian'

'We want to be Islamic bombers when we grow up', and 'the Christians and Jews are our enemies, you too because you're a Christian"

'We hate the Christians' and, 'We hate the Jews'

"I'm glad that man died", 'Why?' I asked. "Because he's a Christian and English and we're Muslim"

'I hate the Jews, they're our enemies.'

What was the school's response to the complaints?

"It's because of your lack of discipline that they're saying these things"

CLICK HERE to read the entire article

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Prepare for the next battle over marriage; Muslim demands Irish state recognize his polygamous marriage
Via TimesOnline

Coming soon to a U.S. city near you:

The man is from Lebanon, where polygamy is permitted. He is married to two women and has been granted Irish citizenship.

Seven years ago the Department of Justice refused to grant the man’s first wife a visa. The Lebanese entered Ireland with his second wife and claimed asylum. His first wife did not arrive until much later. The man has children with both women.

After its decision was challenged, the justice department agreed to quash its refusal to issue a visa to the first wife. But as part of this settlement the man is required to ask the High Court to rule on the validity of his marriage under section 29 of the 1995 Family Law Act.

The state and the wives are all represented in the case. The residency rights of both spouses will depend on the decision. A number of similar cases are awaiting the outcome.

Legal experts say section 29 applications are usually brought to determine if foreign divorces are valid in Ireland. Britain has agreed to recognise marriages in countries which allow polygamy, as long as a man has married just once.

Because, the poor immigrants should not be forced to follow the rules of the country they move to. We should obviously change our entire culture to satisfy them.

What's truly scary, is how many government officials (and citizens) actually agree with that.

OH WAIT!  Did I say "coming soon to a U.S. city near you?" I must have forgotten about Yusuf Bey and his 100 wives ... in California!

As the late Yusuf Bey built Your Black Muslim Bakery into an empire of wealth and influence, he also orchestrated a systematic welfare fraud scheme at his Oakland compound, three of his former wives have testified.By the wives’ sworn account, Bey directed many of the 100 women whom he considered his wives to make fraudulent applications for government aid programs intended to assist poor families, then diverted the benefits to himself.

Bey’s alleged fraud scheme began in the 1970s and continued in some form until his death in 2003, according to the women, who gave depositions in a negligence lawsuit against Alameda County that was settled out of court earlier this year.

The allegations prompted an extensive investigation by county officials, but incomplete county records and the complicated nature of the alleged scheme were key reasons the investigation stalled, and no civil suit to recover money was filed, said Alameda County Counsel Richard E. Winnie.

The revenue – thousands of dollars per month, perhaps more than $1 million over the course of the scheme, testimony in the case suggests – helped inflate the clout of Your Black Muslim Bakery, a business Bey proselytized as an icon of economic self-sufficiency.

Yeah, THAT "Your Black Muslim Bakery."
Jihadists at UC Irvine; Muslim students shout down Israeli Ambassador
Via Atlas Shrugs

Oren was interrupted 10 times while trying to give his speech before 500 people at the UCI Student Center, where there was heavy security. Oren took a 20 minute break after the fourth protest, asked for hospitality and resumed his speech, only to be interrupted again by young men yelling at him every few minutes. Many members of the audience also applauded Oren.

After the 10th interruption, several dozens students who opposed Oren’s talk got up and walked out and staged a protest outside. It is not clear whether they were members of the UCI Muslim Student Union, which issued an email earlier in the day condemning Oren’s appearance on campus.

Why are we allowing this to go on in our own country? Eventually, American citizens are going to have to take care of matters ourselves.

"We speak out, we deflate their [Americans and Jews] morale, and it’s the best we can do right now…and our brothers and sisters on the other side of the world are handling business in their own way.”

CLICK HERE to read the entire article
Captain America Says Tea Parties Are Dangerous and Racist
Via Publius Forum

Sadly, this muscle bound hero that took on the whole Nazi army during WWII seems to be afraid of those American people who’ve joined the Tea Party movement. Not only is Cappy quaking in his little red booties, but he’s sure that the Tea Party folks are dangerous racists, too.

The two then discuss their plan to infiltrate the subversive group that Marvel comics seems to be linking to the Tea Party movement. This discussion culminates in The Falcon wondering how a black man would do such a thing. “I don’t exactly see a black man from Harlem fitting in with a bunch of angry white folks,” he tells the incognito Captain America.

The Captain tells him, “no it’s perfect… this all fits right into my plan.” After this we find that the Captain’s plan is to send the black man into a redneck bar to pretend to be a black man working for the IRS and to get everyone all mad

CLICK HERE to read the entire story

GO HERE to contact Marval Comics.  Let them know what you think.
NBC hack really upset that Fox is trying to undermine his credibility or something
Via Breitbart TV

Actually Todd, you guys take care of that all by yourselves:

Monday, February 8, 2010

Iran has begun making 'advanced' unmanned drones capable of carrying out 'assaults with high precision
Via UK Telegraph

Ahmad Vahidi, the Iranian defence minister, opened two production lines for the manufacture of the aircraft, the Fars news agency reported.

The drones would be able to carry out "surveillance, detection and even assaults with high precision", the report said.

CLICK HERE to read the entire article
Burqa-clad robbers hold up French post office
Via Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Two burqa-wearing robbers have held up a French post office using a handgun concealed beneath an Islamic-style full veil, court officials said.

Officials said postal office staff let the pair through the security double doors of the banking branch near Paris, believing them to be veil-wearing Muslim women.

Once inside, the pair flipped back their head coverings and pulled out a gun.

They made off with 4,500 euros ($7,100) seized from the staff and customers of the branch in Athis Mons, just south of Paris, according to the online edition of Le Parisien newspaper.

CLICK HERE to read the entire article

Hat Tip: Jihad Watch

Related: Burqa no-longer welcome in France?
Woman who makes her living reading teleprompters mocks Palin for having a note on her hand

Members of Calif open-carry gun group meet at restaurant
Via Associated Press

About 100 armed members of a group hoping to make it easier to carry a loaded gun in California have found a new gathering place after another restaurant barred firearms on its premises.

Members of the Open Carry movement met Saturday morning at a restaurant in Walnut Creek in the San Francisco Bay area suburbs.

The meeting was to have been held at California Pizza Kitchen, but the company recently said it does not allow guests other than uniformed officers to display firearms.

The pizza chain and Peet's Coffee & Tea recently stirred debate by acknowledging their no-gun policies.

The "Bay Area Open Carry Group" can be found HERE.

CLICK HERE to read the entire article
Associate Press lies about Tebow commercial
Via Powerline

The AP writes in their report ...

And a commercial by conservative Christian group Focus on the Family, perhaps the most anticipated ad of the night, hinted at a serious subject although it took a humorous tone too. Heisman winner Tim Tebow and his mother talk about her difficult pregnancy with him and how she was advised to end the pregnancy

Powerline asks ...

How can anyone misreport on a 30-second commercial? How many people saw it, 150 million? Is there any explanation for the AP's hallucination other than pro-abortion paranoia on the part of the reporter?
Here's the commercial, in case you haven't seen it. You be the judge.

CLICK HERE for the entire story

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Lunacy:  Audi pays approximately $6 million to convince me NOT to buy their car

Well, this is the first time a Super Bowl commercial convinced me NOT to buy something.  Congratulations Audi!  You managed to piss off every person with common sense in the world.

Meanwhile, recently bailed out Chrysler decided to spend some of that $7 billion in taxpayer money on a 60-second Super Bowl ad. I haven't made up my mind yet if that's a worse deal than Michelle's shoes.

More on the Audi commercial over at NewsBusters.
Muslim Facebook group: "We hate Jews for the sake of Allah as he has told us to do in the Koran"
Via Jihad Watch and

Police have launched an urgent investigation into a horrific Facebook group that gave graphic details of anti-Semitic incidents perpetrated by its members against Ilford's Jewish community.

The group, created by a student at Loxford School of Science and Technology, attracted more than 500 members in two weeks following its launch last month and featured teenagers boasting about engaging in anti-Semitic behaviour.

It featured messages from youths using language rife with spelling errors,
profanities and teenage colloquialisms.

One girl wrote: "Jews are the ones that killed prophets in the past. Dirty filthy scum-bags. No wonder they have the curse of Allah upon them. Burn Jew burn."

Another stated: "OMG! ii Saw a Jew Todaii ii Swearr downn Weariingg Dahh Hatt He Lookedd At Me Liike Man Knowsz Me [sic]."

CLICK HERE to read the entire article

Friday, February 5, 2010

Iraqi guards find buried missile in Baghdad's Abu Ghraib suburb
Via The Daily Mail

They have been searching in Iraq for the past nine years, 10 months and 15 days.

Today, the hard work finally paid off as soldiers found one of those elusive ‘weapons of mass destruction’ that Saddam Hussein was supposed to have been hiding.

The bomb is thought to have been buried by Saddam Hussein's regime before the UK and U.S. invasion of Iraq started in 2003.

CLICK HERE to read the entire article

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Democrats rejoice after learning their leaders are still out of touch with reality
Via The Hill

Over a hundred House Democrats are urging the Senate to use reconciliation to pass heatlhcare reform that includes a public option.

Progressives launched a campaign to revive the public option after Democrats lost their supermajority last month. Now that Democrats lack 60 votes to break a filibuster, it's likely they will have to use reconciliation anyway in order to change parts of their bill that House Democrats object to.

In a letter to Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) today, 120 House Democrats say the Senate should seize that opportunity and include a public option.

Wait. Did that say ... "seize that opportunity?" As if, losing their supermajority was somehow a good thing?" It's not hard to understand the mind of a commie.

"We'll use the power of pursuasion, and if that doesn't work, we'll use the pursuasion of power." - SEIU President Andrew Stern

Don't let reality get in the way of a good government takeover.  They've got their own version of reality:

"This letter states loud and clear that the public option is gaining momentum and is alive and well in the eyes of the American public,” said Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.)

I guess the fact that they LOST that supermajority last month by losing in traditionally liberal controlled Massachusetts, specifically because the American public does not want Obamacare, somehow  means that the public option is "gaining momentum" and is "alive and well in the eyes of the American public?"

Really?  How many people really support Obama's version of the public option?

Good luck with that battle plan.  Let's hope they keep the blindfolds on.  They might begin to get the picture sometime around December of 2012.

Check out the comments over at Democratic Underground.  You'll see just how distorted their reality is.

CLICK HERE to read the entire story
Did Obama thugs force Reuters to pull negative article on tax increases?
Via JimmyZshowblog

On Monday, February 1st, Reuters published an article entitled "Backdoor taxes to hit middle class." The article was extremely harsh on the Obama administration's habit of promising tax deductions while actually jacking them up and raising fees under cover of darkness. It was harsh, and it was accurate.

Here's a taste of the article:

NEW YORK ( --The Obama administration's plan to cut more than $1 trillion from the deficit over the next decade relies heavily on so-called backdoor tax increases that will result in a bigger tax bill for middle-class families.

In the 2010 budget tabled by President Barack Obama on Monday, the White House wants to let billions of dollars in tax breaks expire by the end of the year -- effectively a tax hike by stealth.

If the provisions are allowed to expire on December 31, the top-tier personal income tax rate will rise to 39.6 percent from 35 percent. But lower-income families will pay more as well: the 25 percent tax bracket will revert back to 28 percent; the 28 percent bracket will increase to 31 percent; and the 33 percent bracket will increase to 36 percent. The special 10 percent bracket is eliminated.

Investors will pay more on their earnings next year as well, with the tax on dividends jumping to 39.6 percent from 15 percent and the capital-gains tax increasing to 20 percent from 15 percent. The estate tax is eliminated this year, but it will return in 2011 -- though there has been talk about reinstating the death tax sooner.

Now, like magic, the article has been pulled by Reuters with the following explanation:

Monday, February 1, 2010; 8:07 PM

The story Backdoor taxes to hit middle class has been withdrawn. A replacement story will run later in the week.

Good thing the White House is there to be a watchdog on the media.  Wasn't it intended to be the other way around?

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Government giving away free $250 video iPods to students in New Jersey - to help learn English?
Via ZDNet

The New York Times just featured a story on the use of iPods in Union City, New Jersey. This urban district has 11,000 students, 94% of whom qualify for free or reduced lunches. One third of the schools in the district have been identified as underperforming.

How many of these students are illegal aliens?

The iPods were introduced primarily to assist children learning English as a second language

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Followers of 'Religion of Peace' bury 16 year-old girl alive
Via The Jawa Report and Hurriyet Daily News

A 16-year-old girl was buried alive by relatives in southeastern Turkey in a gruesome honor killing carried out because she reportedly befriended boys, the Anatolia news agency reported Thursday.

Acting on a tip, police discovered the body of the girl, identified only as M.M., in a sitting position with her hands tied, in a 2-meter-deep hole dug under a chicken pen outside her house in Kahta, a town in the southeastern province of Adıyaman, the news agency reported.

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Taxpayers Fork Out $2.5 Million for Single Census Ad During Super Bowl
Via FoxNews

Taxpayers might want to pay close attention to this Sunday's Super Bowl broadcast or they'll miss Uncle Sam's 30-second, $2.5-million reminder to stand up and be counted.

That's what the Census Bureau paid CBS to get their message notched somewhere between a National Lampoon reprisal, a weird dude with big glasses, a beer-can house and men without pants.

And, that's just a fraction of what the bureau plans to spend this year to get Americans to answer a simple, 10-question survey.

Meanwhile, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner hailed what he called a "remarkably fiscally responsible" budget.


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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

SUCCESS! Early released inmate re-arrested for attempted rape in less than 24 hours
Via Fox 40 News

SACRAMENTO, CA - Just less than 24 hours since one of the inmates released early by Sacramento County Sheriff's Department to reduce the state's prison population was re-arrested on suspicion of attempted rape.

Kevin Eugene Peterson was released from jail Monday night after serving two-months on a four-month sentence for violating his probation on a previous felony conviction. He was arrested Tuesday day, on suspicion of an attempted rape involving a female counselor. Other charges include sexual battery, false imprisonment and violating the term of his probation.

Sheriff John McGinness said only nonviolent inmates jailed on misdemeanors would be eligible for early release.

Yeah, sounds nonviolent to me. Way to go Governator Girlieman! Good thing for you that you're not up for re-election, but the rest of your California Legislators don't have it so lucky.  Let them know their time is up as well.

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