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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Gallup: Conservatives outnumber liberals in every state in the nation; District of Columbia only liberal majority
Via Gallup

It's not a total shock that conservatives outnumber liberals nationwide, but it's amazing to see how drastic the tilt really is in every state. With these numbers, why do election results not have similarly overwhelming outcomes?

Even more telling is the difference in the numbers at the top and bottom of each scale.

(Click to enlarge)

The state with the highest percentage of self identified conservatives is Alabama at 49.4%, but the highest any state registered on the liberal side was Massachusetts at 29.0%.

Let me repeat that. The HIGHEST on the liberal scale was only 29.0%.

That's a stunning difference at the top of each scale, and even more stunning is that the lowest number any state registered on the conservative side was Hawaii, at 27.1% and Vermont at 28.8%.

Think about that. Every state in the nation registered a higher number of conservatives than even the highest liberal numbers. If these numbers are correct, how do elections in states like Hawaii and Vermont come out blue year after year, if under 29% of the voters describe themselves as liberal?

What am I missing?


Or do Democrats just not know what "conservative" means?

CLICK HERE to read the entire article

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