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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ex-KGB Bezmenov explains Marxist indoctrination of America

Part 1

Part 2

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

SURPRISE! Communist flag waved proudly at Obama victory party

Be proud of yourselves Obama voters! Take credit. You helped do what the most powerful countries in the world have never been able to do. You defeated the United States.
REJOICE COMRADES! Rejoice as we begin our new lives in the United Socialist States of America!

Let us flock to the streets and celebrate!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Obama's attack ad on ... Obama

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Obama says he wants to "control your behavior"

Obama says, in his own words, he's going to control your behavior using taxes, fees, and "price points."

So let's see if we can get a grip on Obama's tax plan. First, as we see in the following video, Obama promises us all that his tax hikes will not effect anyone making less than $250,000 a year. Then, days later he corrects that to $200,000 a year. Still not satisfied, Joe Biden further corrects the number to be at a $150,000, but that's still not enough for the Obama camp. We then had Bill Richardson, lower the number to $120,000.

So, where does this stop? Just what IS Obama's true definition of "middle class?" If we're to believe his own words ... that number most likely lives somewhere below $70,000. Don't believe me? Hear it for yourself:

So we've now gone from $250,000 down to $70,000, and keep in mind that Obama's record in the Senate indicates that the number is probably even lower being that he's actually voted in the past to raise taxes on incomes as low as $42,000. Not only that, but what Obama doesn't tell you is that his plan is to allow the Bush tax "cuts" to expire, which in effect would raise the taxes of almost ALL workers without Obama needing to do a thing.

Let us also not forget that Obama and the rest of the Democrats defeated an attempt to have a gas tax "holiday" and then tried very hard to actually raise gas taxes. This of course, would have jacked up the price that all of us pay when fueling our cars. This is how liberals play games with words. While they tell you they're not going to raise your income taxes, they don't tell you about their plans to add and increase taxes and fees across the board.

Democrats love to play with fees and taxes to not only raise funds for redistribution, but also to control and penalize your behavior. As Ed Morrissey accurately explained on this morning, using Obama's own words:

I'm really finding it impossible to believe that American citizens can be this stupid. I guess we'll find out for sure on Tuesday, but hopefully the recent polling numbers are showing that people are coming to their senses. I hope so, or we might as well start practicing our new National Anthem: