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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Liberal peace-loving students in California riot over budget cuts

Davis California is a liberal enclave between Sacramento and San Francisco. We all know what happens when liberals don't get their way. The anti-war mobs suddenly believe violence solves everything.

The confrontation came on a day when students around the state gathered to protest steep fee hikes, canceled classes and faculty furloughs. The protest, which is part of the Day of Action, comes at a time when the state is facing a $20 billion deficit.

Police fired rubber bullets into the ground in an effort to deter students, who stood toe-to-toe with officers.
Violence has also been reported at University of California, Santa Cruz.

David Kliger, campus provost at UC Santa Cruz, sent a message to the campus community warning of reports of protesters carrying clubs and knives. He said it also appears that someone smashed a car windshield with a metal pipe.

CLICK HERE to read the entire article

Michelle Malkin adds:

As I’ve noted before, it’s not right-wing Republicans assaulting police officers, abusing government authority to try and drive out the Marines, waging nationwide war on recruiters, and terrorizing researchers in the name of animal rights. It’s left-wing nutballs who always get a pass from the NYTimes columnists and MSNBC loudmouths who’ve been blaming every violent outburst on the planet on the Tea Party movement.
Today, the social justice mobsters on campuses across the country held a nationwide tantrum over tuition hikes. This is how the Left teaches civil discourse to its intellectual progeny: “Gimme!” “Revolucion!” “Smash Patriarchy!” has photos from Communist haven UC Berkeley:






And of course, we know the Muslims have always felt right at home with the Communists and Nazis


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