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Monday, January 25, 2010

Obama to California:  'Water is not a right.  It's a privilege.'
Via Big Government

So when a compromise solution is proposed, called the “Two Gates” project, that would restore water and possibly protect fish, the Obama administration’s Interior Secretary, Ken Salzar put the brakes on it.  So we will experiment to put fish over people, but we will not experiment to put people over fish. How is that Hope and Change working for you?

As for the rest of us, the implications are huge, not just for our food bills, but for establishing the precedent of allowing the Federal government this level of control over water.  When government takes your water, they take the value of your land nay, they steal the value of your land.

Does this tactic sound familiar to anyone?

"Mao, used his power to crush the Chinese people.  In 1959 to 1961 was the so called 'Great Leap Foward' which was actually a gigantic leap backwards in which he tried to collectivize and communize agriculture.  And they came to him after the first year and they said 'well chairman, five-million people have died of famine' and he said, 'no matter, keep going.'  The second year they came back and they said "ten million Chinese have died', and he said 'no matter, continue.'  The third year, twenty-million Chinese have died, and he said 'well, perhaps this is not the best idea that I've ever had.'"

"When he was told, you know, that his people were dying of starvation, Mao said "educate the peasants to eat less.  Death has benefit, because it can fertilize the land."

Click here to read the entire article

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