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Friday, August 18, 2006

Jimmy Carter's Benefactors, The Bin Ladens

I realize this is somewhat old news, but with Jimmy Carter's recent spewing of anti-Israel sentiment, I feel it is incumbent upon us all to keep this news alive. Doing so will force Carter to either stay out of the spotlight and shut his trap, or continue to throw support behind Hezbollah, blame Israel for everything and deal with criticism and questions over the donations he has received.

Jimmy Carter received donations of over $1,000,000 from the Bin Laden family. I think that alone is self explanatory when questioning where his loyalties lie, but of course it isn't the only thing we must keep in mind. We must also remember that it was Jimmy Carter's actions which convinced the Ayatollah Khomeini to come out of exile and return to Iran. In a way, Carter is responsible for the establishment of an Islamic theocracy in Iran, which makes the current nuclear threat against Israel partially his fault as well.

But I am certain, when considering his recent comments about Israel and Hezbollah, that even though most people would find it very disturbing that a former president has such close ties to terrorist groups and has worked so hard to undermine American and Israeli efforts to fight terrorism, and most would probably consider such actions to be treason, Jimmy however obviously does not. That is where we come in. It's our duty to remind the world of his track record and to keep the magnifying glass on his activities. This treasonous terrorist supporter must be stopped.


  1. Is that a real picture of Carter wearing a rag head or is it a doctored photo?

  2. It's doctored. I made it myself. Just figured it would go well with the story. lol

  3. Hi Steve,

    many thanks for publicizing my site dealing with Islamist Nazi crimes against Serbs in Srebrenica from April 1992 to July 1995 at

    See my comments on IsraPundit concerning Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton's pro-Islamist Nazi & anti-Israel policies at:

    Sadly, as a conservative supporter of Israel and Serbia against the Islamist Nazis, I have discovered that 'Dubya', whilst being less overtly pro-Islamist, has proved to be not that much better than the leftist liberals of the Democrat camp - Bush Jnr is clearly an appeaser and moral coward when it comes to fighting Islamist terrorism's #1 sponsors: Saudi Arabia & Iran.


    Keep up the excellent work,

    Take care,


  4. Thank you for your support, Peter. We need more people willing to speak out about these things.

    Sadly, I agree about Bush. I once had hoped he would be different than his father but as it turns out, he's not much better.

    He cannot win the war on terror the way he is fighting it. Appeasement goes nowhere and we must be willing to do what is completely necessary to stop terror.

    I will definitely read your blogs on Srebrenica. I have tried to explain to many people the truth about what was going on in Bosnia. Hopefully some day, people will see the light.

    Again, thanks and you keep up the good work as well.
