I've written previously about the Vernon Robinson campaign for which he has received national attention for his blunt television and radio ads taking on illegal immigration. Click here to view the previous post and his famous television ad.
Are illegal alien supporters behind the recent onslaught of threats against Congressional candidate Vernon Robinson? Was this latest act an attempt on a life, or simply vandalism to a campaign truck? Whatever the intentions of the attack, it's clear once again that liberals and illegal alien supporters will resort to any means necessary to get their way. No argument or opposing viewpoint is ever allowed.
Via the Vernon Robinson campaign:
The episode has been like something out of a horror movie for all of us.
Unfortunately, this kind of thing is nothing new to us. We get a steady diet of threatening calls and nasty emails here, and it gets predictably worse when we put out a new television ad or radio spot.
I'd like to think that people would not stoop to this level. However, most of you know I have had my tires slashed, my wife's van was thoroughly vandalized, and they have even threatened my children to the point where my wife has asked that their pictures not be included in any more political advertising that we send out.
I have honored my wife's wishes in this regard, but if these miscreants and thugs think they are going to wear us down with this kind of behavior, then they have another thing coming.
Once again, we have liberal wackos threatening harm to a child. Or, could it be La Raza, and is there a difference? Why is it that the mainstream media continues to push the myth that it's the right-wing conservatives who are violent and dangerous? History has shown the reverse to be true. Whether it's abortion clinics being blown up, housing developments being burned to the ground, tires being slashed by Democratic operatives, babies being threatened, or terrorists and illegal thugs at a rally, these acts are almost always performed by the same lunatics who claim to be peace lovers and defenders of free speech. And when they're not actually resorting to physical violence, they resort to legal harassment and mobster like intimidation tactics.
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