While it’s true that Federal law and the U.S. Constitution would not allow Sharia Law … with immigration at it’s current levels and continuing to grow, the make-up and beliefs of the U.S. population continues to change at an alarming rate. Being that our leaders, judges, and our laws are created, altered, and interpreted by elections based on the majority; as we now see happening in California with the Hispanic and homosexual population actually leading to the ignoring of current laws, it’s only a matter of time before the growing Muslim population begins to work it’s way into government positions of power.
The first such case might have already arrived.

Via the Northeast Intelligence Network::
Keith Ellison recently won the DFL primary in the Fifth Congressional District of Minnesota that encompasses Minneapolis and its near suburbs, and could be on his way to winning a seat in the United States Congress. Keith Ellison is also a Muslim.
It must be considered that should congressional candidate Keith Ellison be elected to his position within the United States congress, he will be forced by the tenants of his religion to either abandon his beliefs or subjugate the laws of the US constitution to Islamic (Sharia) law. If he chooses the former, he will be choosing apostasy, which in accordance with his religion, warrants the death penalty. He simply cannot have it both ways.
As part of his political platform, Mr. Ellison is calling for an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and the impeachment of President Bush. Although he has every right to do so under US law, one must ask that if he is elected, will he serve his constituents in conformance with the constitution of the United States, or will he make decisions for the country as a result of the political doctrine imposed by his religion? An important aspect of our democratic society is the separation of church and state, which is the antithesis of orthodox Islam. Under Islam, there is no separation between church and state; Allah is the sole author of the law and it is up to the state to implement the laws of Allah. One only has to look at any country ruled by a Muslim government: the type of government is either dictatorial or autocratic. A true Muslim stipulates that the Qu’ran is the constitution.
Read the full story here.
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