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The hate mail begins
Many of you have followed our coverage of wannabe terrorists that are camped out on MySpace, openly advertising their desire to kill Americans and Jews. It first started when our blogger Steve came across several MySpace profiles located out of Dearborn, Michigan (Dearbornistan). We followed up with that, and found there were at least 100 profiles, all out of that same area in Michigan, and all professing a love for murdering Jews. Click here to read that first story.
That first story grew into something larger when the owners of one of those profiles issued us and one of our readers a death threat, story found here, and screenshot seen below.

At the same time, I had done some research into the various profiles and noticed that a huge number of them listed themselves as between 16 and 18 years old, and many of them claimed to attend Crestwood High School. So, I gave Crestwood High School a call, as well as the Dearborn Mayors office, Homeland Security, and the FBI. Subsequent posts on the story were then written, as can be seen here and here.

So now we come to this. After all of this, MySpace has yet to remove a single profile belonging to any of these pathetic human beings, but they apparently have no problem censoring law abiding, concerned American citizens from drawing attention to them. I received an email fromVered, who is a reader of our blogs and also on Myspace. She had also received an email from one of these losers, so she did the same thing we did. She took a screenshot of the email, along with the sender's screenID and posted a blog about it. She had sent MySpace a copy of the email as shown below exactly as received:
We must support Hisbollah in their epic struggle between good and evil. The evil zionists have started a war of genocide and destruction against the arabs of lebanon, they intend to murder arabs destroy their lands and to eventually annex them. We must support Hizbollah against these evil jews, they are fighting a good fight to revenge and save their people froma racist genocidal maniac state of Israel. We can only hope they can inflict revenge for the innocent civilians of Lebanon being murdered and the genocide the Israelis commit. Lets hope hizbollah have strength.
You make me sick you dirty zionist bitch..... i laughed at your jews are sexy group, jews are ugly pigs.
So, what was MySpace's response? They first sent her back the following response:
Thank you for reporting inappropriate content. Based on our Terms of Service, the incident in question is within our guidelines. If you have not already done so, please take the time to familiarize yourself with our Terms of Service. Nevertheless, we thank you for your support in helping to keep MySpace a safe, clean and fun community.
"Within our guidelines?"
And THEN ...
Many people commented on this blog, suggesting that I take this incident to the media because clearly there's something wrong here...
then today I realized that the blog entry had vanished.
This is creepy.
I tend to agree. MySpace is becoming more and more creepy, and it's not because of some of their customers. It's because of MySpace's bizarre responses to those incidents. I've always defended MySpace from those who claim they should be shut down due to the actions of some of their members, but this is not about the customers. This is about MySpace seemingly being in SUPPORT of such activities. That is far different.
I have a theory on the reasons for this. I believe MySpace is worried about losing customers in Islamic countries, as well as any possible backlash they might face if they were to take action. As bad as that is, believing this to be the case is much better than to believe the alternative, which is that MySpace actually supports terrorist views and actions.In the coming week I will be making an effort to speak directly to MySpace management and I will be posting updates on my progress. Stay tuned!
***Update: And the hate mail begins! Didn't take long for it to start. Just received the following email from MySpace user ID # 28142131:

His hometown? Surprise!!!
Dearborn, Michigan
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