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Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Murtha calls for reinstatement of military draft

It gets so confusing trying to follow the constant direction changes by Liberals today. First, Murtha demands that we pull out of Iraq, and now he suddenly says we should reinstate the draft and send more troops. My prediction is that by tomorrow afternoon, after the backlash he's sure to get from the cowards on the left; he'll be saying he didn't mean it.

Here is exactly what Murtha said while posting on the Huffington Post today:

It is unlikely that the President will call for a draft. A draft is politically unpopular. But we cannot continue to allow the President to pursue open-ended and vague military missions without a change in direction.

Two years ago, I was one of only two in the House of Representatives who voted for a draft, because I believe if we are a country truly at war, the burden should be shared proportionately and fairly. So Mr. President, you have two options, either change the course in Iraq and reduce the burden on our overstretched active force or reinstate the draft. We cannot sustain the current course.

Do you remember all the threats by the usual liberal "trusted sources" such as MTV's Get out the Vote, in which they constantly bombarded potential voters with ridiculous accusations that the Republicans had called for a draft? They even sent out emails containing a mock draft card with Donald Rumsfeld's signature? Liberal voters ran around in utter panic mode for months, Cameron Diaz acting as if the world would come to an end if Bush were to win. But the truth is that the only government officials in support of a draft ... are Democrats.

The bill in question (HR 163) was introduced by Charles Rangel (D-NY) and Jim McDermott (D-WA) and it went down in flames without a single Republican vote. Final vote? 402-2 with the only two clowns voting in favor being Pete Stark (D-CA) and John Murtha (D-PA). But yet we continue with the same threats each election.

Be prepared for the same twisting of facts through 2008. The only mystery is simply trying to figure out when Democrats will catch on to the lies, if ever.

It also begs the question. Will MTV and all the other groups who threw tantrums in 2004 ... now attack Murtha with the same enthusiasm?

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