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Sunday, September 24, 2006

Brigitte Gabriel; Life under radical Islamic fundamentalism

Brigitte Gabriel is the founder of the American Congress for Truth. In the following interview, she speaks of life in a world ruled by radical Islam. Click the photo below to watch:

On the American Congress for Truth website, she writes:

We are facing an enemy that uses children as human bombs, mothers as suicide bombers, and men driven by the glory of death and the promise of eternal sexual bliss in heaven. We are fighting an enemy that loves death more than we love life. I am a victim of the Lebanese civil war, which was the first front in the worldwide Jihad of militant Islam against the only Christian country in the Middle East. My family’s home was shelled and destroyed leaving me wounded. I lived underground in a bomb shelter from age 10 to 17 without electricity and very little food. I had to crawl under sniper bullets to a spring to fetch water for my elderly parents. I was betrayed by my country, rescued by my enemy Israel, the Jewish State that is under attack for its existence today.

I want to remind everyone that we are constantly asking for the "moderate Muslims" and Middle-Eastern immigrants to speak up. Although not Muslim, Brigitte Gabriel is doing just that, so I would ask all of you to please visit her site and if you feel it's as important to the cause as I do ... please visit her website and donate whatever you can to help her spread this message. Pass this info on to all who you feel would be interested.

The Muslims who are on the edge will not have their minds made up by Americans dropping leaflets, but rather from the brave members of their own people who are willing to stand up and risk everything to voice their opposition.

The American Congress for Truth mission:

American Congress for Truth was founded in June 2002 by Brigitte Gabriel a Lebanese immigrant who came to the United States after losing her country of birth, Lebanon, to militant Muslim fundamentalists.

Brigitte Gabriel an American citizen founded American Congress for Truth to give a voice to Americans, Jews and Christians, who have lost their tongue to political correctness. We have become a society unable to act or speak because we’re afraid to voice our opinion lest we would be sued and accused of being not fair minded.

American Congress for Truth’s mission is to inform, educate, inspire, motivate, network and empower millions of uninformed Americans about the threat of militant fundamentalist Islam to America, Israel and Western civilization. Through media and speaking engagements, ACT will work to educate and organize a grassroots movement to oppose this threat.

Our seven - Fold Mission

Inform concerned Americans about action alerts, timely issues and legislation.

Educate millions of uninformed Americans about our enemy and what they can do to protect themselves and their country.

Inspire activists to get involved and take action.

Motivate Americans to become active in decisions affecting their security and way of life.

Network organizations with like-minded goals to work together to bring change.

Empower average people to have a voice in their government

Speak out in defense of America, Israel and western civilization.

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