MillerBoycott.com has sent out the following notice in preperation for phase III of their boycott of Miller Brewing Company for supporting ILLEGAL immigration. Jump on board people! This is your chance to make a difference.
Thank you for your continued support of the National Illegal Immigration Boycott Coalition in our boycott of Miller Beer. We have brought significant public attention and pressure on Miller who continues to deny any wrongdoing. We are considering a nationwide protest of Miller for Phase 3 of our boycott. To aid us in our planning, we need to get a headcount of how many of you would be willing to attend a protest. For a successful protest, we need a solid commitment from a minimum of 500 of you to support and attend our scheduled protests across America.
If you would be willing to join others and attend a protest within 2 hours of your home, outside of a Miller production facility, offices, or establishment that serves their products on a Saturday in mid to late November, please click the link below. If we get the support we need, we will follow up with specific dates, times, and locations.
Please go to http://www.millerboycott.com/index.asp#petition, sign the petition, and check the box indicating you would be willing to attend a protest near you.
Please forward this email to your contact lists. Thanks again and let's keep up the pressure!
The Miller Boycott Team
Jason Mrochek
FIRE Coalition National Director
Miller Boycott Co-Director
FIRE Coalition
William Gheen
ALIPAC President
Miller Boycott Co-Director
If your email program or internet service provider uses "whitelists," (a term used to describe a list of those email address from which you wish to receive emails from), please ensure that info@millerboycott.com and/or all email addresses from MillerBoycott.com are on the list.
Previous: Miller Beer supporting illegal immigration
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