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Sunday, October 1, 2006

Elizabeth White; Associated Press liberal hack?

What media bias? It doesn't matter how obvious the evidence might be; the media will deny to the death that there's anything to the charges of liberal media bias. Even when pointing out that liberal journalists outnumber conservatives by a 25-1 ratio, that point will usually draw a quick shrug and an angry denial.

So I find this article early this morning only a day after the Senate voted to approve the 700 miles of border fence. The headline of the article?

"Farms facing worker shortage for harvest."

Oh brother. You've got to be kidding me! This so called non-biased journalist doesn't even make much of an attempt to hide her agenda. You tell me? Was Elizabeth for or against the border fence?

As her Associated Press article reports:

J. Allen Carnes needed 200 workers for the onion harvest this year on 500 acres of South Texas fields. The onion business is big in the area, and with only two months to harvest, there's little room for delay.

But Carnes ended up with less than 100 workers and fell two weeks behind, with bits and pieces of the fields unpicked. His income fell about $150,000, a significant loss.

Growers say tightened border security and longer lines for day crossers have cut the numbers of farm workers who cross the border legally or illegally. Illegal immigrant workers who used to travel the country picking different crops as the seasons changed are hesitant to migrate for fear of being caught. And the lure of higher paid jobs with better working conditions, such as construction, are keeping some farm workers away.

Hey, but see? If you caught that last line ... things are looking up for the poor illegals. They are moving up to the construction jobs!

This could not be so ridiculously obvious and simply be a one time occurrence and an innocent coincidence of timing, so I plopped this woman's name into a search. Wasn't too surprising.

First to pop up was her hit piece on the the judicial system, seemly believing we need to stop punishing criminals. She writes:

The racial makeup of inmates changed little in recent years, Beck said. In the 25 to 29 age group, an estimated 11.9 percent of black men were in prison or jails, compared with 3.9 percent of Hispanic males and 1.7 percent of white males.

Marc Mauer, executive director of The Sentencing Project, which supports alternatives to prison, said incarceration rates for blacks were troubling.
"It's not a sign of a healthy community when we've come to use incarceration at such rates," he said.

Pathetic! How about an article about the alarming CRIME rate, instead of suggesting they are VICTIMS?

Next on the list is a wonderful non-biased piece about a group of protesters who were arrested by Capital Police for purposely blocking the entrance to the congressional office building. What's telling about THIS article is that although the story is about the arrest, in the middle of the article, she actually puts the following paragraph in BOLD TYPE:

"These are political choices being made that are hurting low-income people," said Jim Wallis, the event's organizer and founder of the Christian ministry group Sojourners. "Don't make them the brunt of your deficit reduction and fiscal responsibility."

Since when do Associated Press articles have single paragraphs emphasized in bold? How did the Associated Press editor not catch this? Oh I forgot! The Associated Press editor is also a liberal HACK!

She then adds this, once again in BOLD:

Wallis refused to consider the vigil a partisan affair, saying the religious and political spectrum was widely represented. "The media seems to think only abortion and gay marriage are religious issues," Wallis said. "Poverty is a moral issue, it's a faith issue, it's a religious issue."

Guilty conscience?

But as if that's not enough, yet another agenda driven article:

Telecommunications giant Qwest refused to provide the government with access to telephone records of its 15 million customers after deciding the request violated privacy law, a lawyer for a former company executive said Friday. For a second day, the former National Security Agency director defended the spy agency's activities.

As I'm finishing this story I'm sure Elizabeth is up late, working on her take of the Mark Foley emails. Anyone care to guess if shell be phrasing her story toward accusing Republicans of burying the incident? Does anyone think it will matter to her that they notified the authorities at the time, or that the kid's parents said they did not want them to push it? Naw! To powerful of an opportunity to pass up. Look for it in this morning's papers.

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