Harry Reid – the Democratic minority leader who has repeatedly harped on the GOP leadership for creating the “culture of corruption” – may have just sealed the fate of his own party. Reid had already been listed at the top of the Jack Abramoff scandal but for the most part had received the standard “liberal free pass.” Reid held almost daily press conferences ripping Carl Rove and others for taking money in the scandal, while ignoring the fact that he himself was one of the worst offenders. But this will be harder to overlook:
Via the Associated Press:
Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid collected a $1.1 million windfall on a Las Vegas land sale even though he hadn't personally owned the property for three years, property deeds show.
In the process, Reid did not disclose to Congress an earlier sale in which he transferred his land to a company created by a friend and took a financial stake in that company, according to records and interviews.
The Nevada Democrat's deal was engineered by Jay Brown, a longtime friend and former casino lawyer whose name surfaced in a major political bribery trial this summer and in other prior organized crime investigations. He's never been charged with wrongdoing _ except for a 1981 federal securities complaint that was settled out of court.
Here’s the best part of this story:
Reid hung up the phone when questioned about the deal during an AP interview last week.
As I continually point out … liberals are like little 9 year olds.
If the Republicans don’t hit this hard – they’re even more passive then I suspected. This is a perfect opportunity to nail one of the Democratic leaders and advertise the liberals for the hypocrites that they are. Will he step down? Will other Democrats ask him to step down?
Every time any liberal breaths a single word about Hastert … there ought to be an immediate Republican press conference pointing out the hypocrisy.
Step down Harry! Or take your party down with you.
Read the full story here.
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