France still cowering in fear
BY GREGORFrance has become so passive and helpless that they’ve simply surrendered to Islamic rule. France – for all intents and purposes – is now an Islamic nation.
It was just a few short years ago that European officials actually ordered the media to stop using the word “terrorist” and instead replace it with “hooligan” because Muslims felt the word “terrorist” was insulting and tended to be associated with Muslims. Go figure.
Now it would seem that even the word “hooligan” has become off-limits, having been replaced with the generic word “youths.”
I submit as evidence this latest report from
Youths forced passengers off three buses and set them on fire overnight in suburban Paris, raising tensions Thursday ahead of the first anniversary of the riots that engulfed France's rundown, heavily immigrant neighborhoods.
No injuries were reported, but worried bus drivers refused to enter some suburbs after dark, and the prime minister urged a swift, stern response.
The riots in October 2005 raged through housing projects in suburbs nationwide, springing in part from anger over entrenched discrimination against immigrants and their French-born children, many of them Muslims from former French colonies in Africa. Despite an influx of funds and promises, disenchantment still thrives in those communities.
The manipulation of the story gets even worse as they report on last year’s riots as involving “immigrants and their French-born children, many of them Muslim.”
THEY WERE ALL MUSLIM! Why is that so hard to report?!
The French are in deep trouble and they know it. The problem is that they’ve dug themselves such a hole that they might not have a way out. They are headed to a brutal situation that could very well lead to complete chaos and now the riots - which consisted only of arson last time around - have now grown into more violent situations with the attackers carrying weapons and impacting civilians.
About 10 attackers _ five of them with handguns _ stormed a bus in Montreuil east of Paris early Thursday and forced the passengers off, the RATP transport authority said. They then drove off and set the bus on fire.
Late Wednesday, three attackers forced passengers off another bus in Athis-Mons, south of Paris, and tossed a Molotov cocktail inside, police officials said. The driver managed to put out the fire. Elsewhere, between six and 10 youths herded passengers off a bus in the western suburb of Nanterre late Wednesday and set it alight.
Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said the events "should lead to an immediate response."
“Immediate response?” Isn’t it already too late for an “immediate” response? It’s been a full day for God’s sake! Judging from last year’s “response” … this will include the financing of brand new million dollar mosques and other free benefits for the “terrorists.” After the riots last year - in which there were no arrests after hundreds of cars were torched - the governments response was to “build more mosques.
Look for more of the same this time around as the “youths” have apparently learned the valuable lesson that terrorism pays really well.
"We cannot accept the unacceptable," he told reporters in the northern suburb of Cergy-Pontoise. "There will be arrests. ... That is our responsibility."
Yeah we’ll see. The only arrests likely will be that of French civilians attempting to protect their property. Don’t look for French officials to suddenly become emasculated and start handcuffing Muslims. Errr … “youths.”
Villepin also said efforts should be directed to "revitalize" troubled neighborhoods, and repeated the government's insistence that authorities rid France of "lawless zones" where youth gangs operate.
One last bit of story manipulation relating to last year’s riots …
The three weeks of riots were sparked by the deaths on Oct. 27, 2005, of two young boys of African descent who were electrocuted in a power substation in Clichy-sous-Bois, northeast of Paris, while hiding from police.
Yes, they were of “African descent” but they were MUSLIM and they were “hiding from police” after a night of BREAKING INTO AND STEALING CARS! But that information wouldn’t be important to the reader.
Would it?

Thanks to
Mike for the photo.
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