The true capabilities, and nature of Islam
I've spent a lot of time debating what topic to discuss for the first post on this blog, and I've decided that I should hit on what is not only the most controversial and popular topic today, but also the most important.
There is no greater threat to mankind today, than the ideology of Islam. I call it an ideology, because I do not accept Islam as a religion. As a religion, it is a lie. A scam. A fraudulent means to obtain world dominance. And no, this ideology that is Islam is NOT what's left of a peaceful religion gone hijacked. It is what it is, and what it has always been. A blueprint for genocide, war, murder, and dictatorship.
Wherever Islam is found, the story is the same. The excuse is always about land. Their actions are always blamed on the victim. And the result is always ... death to Christians and Jews.
So, this post is dedicated to providing a little history behind Islam. I apologize in advance for some of the graphic photos, but this is reality my friends. For if we close our eyes in fear ... we shall likely find ourselves the next victims.
First off, let me dispel any myths about terrorism being about Israel and their "occupation." Peter Robert North has done an amazing job at documenting some of the horrors they inflict over in Srebrenica, as well as the media cover up. WARNING!!! The following contains extremely graphic material, but SHOULD be seen by all who have doubts to the evil that is Islam. Click here to see the truths that Peter has seen first hand.
Were you aware that Islam worked with Hitler and the Nazi party and continues his mission today? If not, read the following. It is no coincidence that the very public goal of Islam is to eliminate Jews from all of Earth. Here are the actual minutes from a meeting between German Chancellor Adolf Hitler and Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini on November 28, 1941, courtesy of InHonor.net. The topic of discussion? Zionism and the Arab Cause.
Not only was al-Husseini working with Adolf Hitler, but guess who became a disciple of al-Husseini at the age of 17. Yasser Arafat! Here's a picture of Arafat's Palestinian soldiers. Notice anything that stands out? It's not a coincidence.
Just some of the photos provided by Peter Robert North's research (captions are his):
SS Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler and SS Brigadefuhrer
Karl G. Sauberzweig inspecting Handzar division.
Bosnian Muslim 13th Waffen SS Handzar volunteer troops at attention with artillery guns.
And to those of you who say ... "but that's all in the past"...

The facts are obvious to anyone who opens their eyes. Islam wants us dead. They want the Jews dead. They want all Christians dead. They want my children dead. They want your children dead. They want all non-Muslims dead. They will never stop. Ever!
What are YOU going to do about it?
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