Before I begin, let me point out that I really don't care what anyone does with their private sexual life, as long as it's with a human, and that human is not a child. I oppose gay marriage, and I would prefer that we don't have "civil unions," but as "civil unions" are concerned, I'm not sure it's reasonable to attempt to prevent two grown adults from choosing to have whatever mate they desire.
That said, I simply can't understand the incredible desire for homosexuals to force their desires on the rest of us, and our children. It's completely out of control, and it's got to stop.
For those that don't live in California, just wait a while and if something is not done soon ... it will be coming to a school near you. This week, California is in the middle of a battle in which three bills related to homosexual rights are fighting their way toward the governor's desk. Now don't let these groups fool you into thinking these bills are about equal rights. They are more about "special rights" and "special attention" for gays, trangenders, crossdressers, and even worse ... the ability to teach the lifestyle to your children, in public schools, paid for by taxpayer dollars.
First, we have SB 1437. For those that don't know, this was originally written to force the school districts to trash all current textbooks and have them rewritten to include information specifically about accomplishments of homosexuals. The writer of this bill, Sen. Sheila Kuehl, D-Santa Monica, somehow feels that it's not fair that the sexual orientation of famous public figures is not pointed out to children, at least if those persons happen to be gay.
In the comment section on the bill, in her own words:
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are almost entirely omitted from textbooks and other instructional materials in California schools [citing the National School Climate Survey, GLSEN, 2003, which found that 76.2% of youth reported that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues were never addressed or discussed in their class]. In the rare instances where lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are explicitly mentioned in the classroom or in classroom materials, it is often in negative terms or in relationship to pathology.
The absence from our curriculum of positive images of lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and their many contributions to California and the United States is a disservice to all children.
A disservice to all children?
I guess the Senator has not noticed that the writers of the previously used textbooks did not write about the personal sexual orientation of the HETEROSEXUAL public figures (except for Bill Clinton). This little fact has always been ignored by the gay rights groups.
Just to be clear, what this bill is intended to do is to force the schools to purposely write in details about lesbian mothers raising children, crossdressers, transgenders, and male gay lovers. They want your children to be reading stories, not about the professional accomplishments of certain gay women, but also detailed accounts of how these women chose other females for life partners, and then raised children as lesbian parents.
Now, these groups, along with the California legislators are trying to sneak the bill through by attempting to convince the public that they've "gutted the bill." Don't be fooled. All they've done is change the wording to vaguely written language, simply saying that school material should not be discriminatory toward gays. But opposing groups argue that this would still have the same effect, by forcing the books to be rewritten to give equal attention to public figures who had "alternate lifestyles."
According to the Associated Press:
Randy Thomasson, president of the Campaign for Children and Families, called upon Schwarzenegger to keep his promise to veto the bill.
"SB 1437 still requires all teachers, all textbooks, and all instructional materials to positively portray cross-dressing, sex-change operations, bisexuality, and homosexuality, including homosexual 'marriages,'" Thomasson said of the amended bill.
I've got to ask. Are they using different textbooks now then when I was in school? Because I can't recall any textbooks I've ever been given in any of my schools that talked about homosexuality, let alone in a negative way. It wouldn't surprise me to find material being taught about the topic in public schools now, but I'm quite sure any material that IS out there goes out of it's way to be positive.
Additionally, there are several other bills moving their way through at the same time.
As reported in the Sacramento Bee:
Senate Bill 1441, also by Kuehl, which would prohibit discrimination in public programs based on sexual orientation, similar to provisions now barring discrimination by race or gender, sent to Schwarzenegger for signature or veto on Thursday.
Assembly Bill 606, by Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, which would require school districts to implement programs to combat harassment and discrimination based on sexual orientation, with the threat of withholding state aid for noncompliance, pending in Senate after Assembly approval.
Assembly Bill 1207, by Assemblyman Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, which would change the state's voluntary code of campaign conduct to include a ban on negative appeals to prejudice based on sexual orientation, awaiting final vote in Assembly.
Notably, the list of contentious gay rights issues still pending during the few weeks of the legislative session does not include same-sex marriage. That's been put on hold while the state's appellate courts deal with lawsuits that test the validity of Proposition 22, the ballot measure that California voters ratified to declare that only marriages between men and women would be officially recognized.
So, as if it's not bad enough that these groups are using the courts and legislators in an attempt at convincing children from birth that homosexuality is normal, we are also getting bombarded by Hollywood and it's homosexual agenda. My son's mother takes him to see "Talladega Nights" and without warning, my 9 year old son gets indoctrinated with a homosexual makeout scene between two men. Now I admit, maybe we should know better than to take him to a PG-13 movie, but in the past, all you needed to worry about in a PG-13 film was a little bad language and some dirty humor. I made the same mistake taking him to see Click last month. Click is a movie that had previews making it look like a family film, but instead I was horrified as a theater filled with children younger than my own, sat and watched graphic sex scenes reflected as shadows on the wall, a pet dog who spent the entire movie humping any stuffed animal in site, and David Hasselhoff showing sexual harassment videos of a naked man molesting a coworker.
Why? What exactly are they trying to accomplish? I ask that question knowing full well what the answer is. They are purposely attempting to teach children, that homosexuality is perfectly normal. When is the last time you've seen a television series which didn't have a token gay couple? What about movies? Every movie has at least one gay character. And even comedians are getting into the act, to where I haven't seen a comic go through a routine in a long time without feeling they have to crack at least one gay joke.
When is this going to stop? Why is it necessary? Why do homosexuals have a parade through town, where they dress like freaks? Don't they always tell us how normal they are? So why is everyone in that parade so ... "abnormal?" Why do they have to advertise it? We don't advertise that we are heterosexual. Don't they always say "nobody should care what we do in our private sex life?" So why do they feel they have to make it public?
Can't you leave my kid alone, and let him make up his own mind? Is it necessary for you to show him flashcards, with subliminal messages that say "go gay, go gay?"
So I've come to a decision to put myself on a mission. I am going to assign myself a mission to gather people together to put pressure on the MPAA to add a new warning to the movie rating system. As they now have warnings saying "sexual humor," "drug references," and others ... I believe they should be forced to add a new one. Movies should be labeled as "gay content."
I can say fine, put your homosexual references in all the movies you want. Simply warn us in advance, so parents have a choice.
Any readers who would like to assist me in this effort, please email me at: invadingamerica@yahoo.com .
And before any of you send me the hate mail, go back and re-read my first paragraph. I don't care what you do in your own bed. Simply keep it out of my child's face and out of the classroom. Just as you have the right to ask me not to pull your (adopted) child aside and tell them how I feel your lifestyle is wrong, please give me the same courtesy.
Additionally, there are several other bills moving their way through at the same time.
As reported in the Sacramento Bee:
Senate Bill 1441, also by Kuehl, which would prohibit discrimination in public programs based on sexual orientation, similar to provisions now barring discrimination by race or gender, sent to Schwarzenegger for signature or veto on Thursday.
Assembly Bill 606, by Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, which would require school districts to implement programs to combat harassment and discrimination based on sexual orientation, with the threat of withholding state aid for noncompliance, pending in Senate after Assembly approval.
Assembly Bill 1207, by Assemblyman Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, which would change the state's voluntary code of campaign conduct to include a ban on negative appeals to prejudice based on sexual orientation, awaiting final vote in Assembly.
Notably, the list of contentious gay rights issues still pending during the few weeks of the legislative session does not include same-sex marriage. That's been put on hold while the state's appellate courts deal with lawsuits that test the validity of Proposition 22, the ballot measure that California voters ratified to declare that only marriages between men and women would be officially recognized.
So, as if it's not bad enough that these groups are using the courts and legislators in an attempt at convincing children from birth that homosexuality is normal, we are also getting bombarded by Hollywood and it's homosexual agenda. My son's mother takes him to see "Talladega Nights" and without warning, my 9 year old son gets indoctrinated with a homosexual makeout scene between two men. Now I admit, maybe we should know better than to take him to a PG-13 movie, but in the past, all you needed to worry about in a PG-13 film was a little bad language and some dirty humor. I made the same mistake taking him to see Click last month. Click is a movie that had previews making it look like a family film, but instead I was horrified as a theater filled with children younger than my own, sat and watched graphic sex scenes reflected as shadows on the wall, a pet dog who spent the entire movie humping any stuffed animal in site, and David Hasselhoff showing sexual harassment videos of a naked man molesting a coworker.
Why? What exactly are they trying to accomplish? I ask that question knowing full well what the answer is. They are purposely attempting to teach children, that homosexuality is perfectly normal. When is the last time you've seen a television series which didn't have a token gay couple? What about movies? Every movie has at least one gay character. And even comedians are getting into the act, to where I haven't seen a comic go through a routine in a long time without feeling they have to crack at least one gay joke.
When is this going to stop? Why is it necessary? Why do homosexuals have a parade through town, where they dress like freaks? Don't they always tell us how normal they are? So why is everyone in that parade so ... "abnormal?" Why do they have to advertise it? We don't advertise that we are heterosexual. Don't they always say "nobody should care what we do in our private sex life?" So why do they feel they have to make it public?
Can't you leave my kid alone, and let him make up his own mind? Is it necessary for you to show him flashcards, with subliminal messages that say "go gay, go gay?"
So I've come to a decision to put myself on a mission. I am going to assign myself a mission to gather people together to put pressure on the MPAA to add a new warning to the movie rating system. As they now have warnings saying "sexual humor," "drug references," and others ... I believe they should be forced to add a new one. Movies should be labeled as "gay content."
I can say fine, put your homosexual references in all the movies you want. Simply warn us in advance, so parents have a choice.
Any readers who would like to assist me in this effort, please email me at: invadingamerica@yahoo.com .
And before any of you send me the hate mail, go back and re-read my first paragraph. I don't care what you do in your own bed. Simply keep it out of my child's face and out of the classroom. Just as you have the right to ask me not to pull your (adopted) child aside and tell them how I feel your lifestyle is wrong, please give me the same courtesy.
You can help stop these bills!
The Governor's office has a phone number set up, to allow you to voice your opinion. He will be using the results to influence his choice, on whether or not to veto this bill as he has previously promised to do. Here is the info, please call and vote!
Please call the governor's office at:
The phone recording will ask:
Do you want this message in English?" yes, press 1
Voice your opinion on legislation yes, press 2
Is the bill SB 1437? yes, press 1
Are you in favor of this legislation? no, press 2
It takes less than 30 seconds to make the call -- and to express your opinion.
Pro-family rally on Sat, Aug 19th
Via Christian Newswire: -- Capitol Resource Institute and the California Republican Assembly will sponsor a “Veto the Triple Threat” pro-family rally at the California Republican Party Convention this Saturday, August 19th. Scheduled for 4:00 p.m. at The Plaza at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles, conservative leaders will urge Governor Schwarzenegger to veto AB 606, AB 1056, and SB 1437.
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