FoxNews is reporting:
Suspect Arrested In JonBenet Ramsey Murder Case
More from Rocky Mountain News:
A man arrested in Thailand is being held in connection with the slaying of JonBenet Ramsey, law enforcement officials said today.
Federal officials familiar with the case, who spoke with the Associated Press on condition of anonymity, said the man was being held in Bangkok on unrelated sex charges.
A source close to the case identified the suspect as one-time resident of Conyers, Ga., and said he was a school teacher.
Okay, I realize this will sound a little distasteful ... but I question the timing (not really).
How long will it take the liberal blogs to offer the theory that this is nothing more than the Bush administration diverting attention from the war?
Update: The answer to the above question is ... "not long!" UNBELIEVABLE!
For you who don't believe that liberals are utterly mentally ill ... I list just a few of the posts regarding this arrest on some of the liberal blogs. These people are allowed to vote?
"Another "coincidental" distraction - just in time! The timing stinks to high heaven, even IF true...Until proven otherwise, I smell ANOTHER rove setup..." (TankLV; Democratic Underground)
"Did somebody say DISTRACTION?!? Such odd timing, especially with Democrats picking up steam in House and Senate races nationwide despite those terrorism arrests in the UK"... (derby378; Democratic Underground)
"Yeah but come on. You know this is just the excuse the media needs not to cover Bush's failings. Now you know that." (geomon666; Democratic Underground)
"REMEMBER TOO - the whistleblower of abu ghraib is also talking on shows just before this news was announced. They know that the real harsh news is overwhelming their chances to steal the elections because of public sentiment being clearly over 50% against them, so they will prop this story way outta proportion." (themartyred; Democratic Underground)
"Why do you call Nancy Grace a bitch? You know she is a Democrat and one of us." (RebelOne; Democratic Underground)"Just heard on the radio that someone had been arrested in the murder of Jon Benet Ramsey. Don't know who.Put the war on hold. From now on, it's going to be Jon Benet 24/7 on all the cable news channels.Do you suppose this is a Cheney/Rove distraction?" (Cyrano; Democratic Underground)
"I'm so tempted to guess it's Neil Bush since he has both Colorado connections and a less than savory history in Thailand, but it would be, well WRONG to speculate, wouldn't it?" (LisaM; Democratic Underground)
My personal favorite:
"Oh, those poor trees. I am referring to the 10,000 acres of trees that will be sacrificed so that we can all enjoy more blaring headlines at the supermarket checkout counter from the Globe, Weekly World News, Star etc." (Throd ; Democratic Underground) Maybe that should be "NIMrod?"
"So, this meaningless JonBenet story breaks, and suddenly all the news shows and channels cover it 24/7.
And just when there's building momentum in the mainstream to look further into the London Terror 'threat' and whether or not it's legit" (sweetmags; DailyKos)
"This diary may seem nutty but I just don't know what to believe anymore
do people really want to watch hour long news programs on CNN and MSNBC dedicated to JonBenet? as opposed to consideration of the possibility that the London Terror threat was at the very least, exaggerated, if not timed for best effect?" (sweetmags; DailyKos)
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