Thursday, August 31, 2006
According to Miss England, Hammasa Kohistani, stereotyping members of her community in the wake of recent world events is leading some towards extremism. Read all about it here.
I don't really understand how a beauty queen's perspective on geopolitical events is newsworthy to begin with; regardless of her religious affiliation or ethnicity. To keep this short and sweet, maybe Muslims should spend less time getting offended and more time distancing themselves from extremists.
It is absolutely ridiculous to claim being tough on terror produces more terror, especially when the stakes are so high. Just look at the Iranian nuclear program; the world community has been weak on that front, and now the Iranians are that much more defiant and closer to having nuclear weapons.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
I'm sure some of you have heard that there were a series of hit and runs earlier today. A man used his SUV to plow down 14 people, killing one of them. The media and San Francisco government officials tried to pass it off as an insane episode of road rage. New information however has come out which suggests this was an act of terrorism and not road rage!
As pointed out by Hugh Hewitt, the name of the SUV driver is Omeed Aziz Popal, and the neighborhood in which he went on his rampage was a heavily Jewish neighborhood. In fact, two of the people run down were apparently run down in front of a Jewish community center.
I've also just gotten word that eye witnesses said the man actually referred to himself as a terrorist and STILL, nobody acknowledges the truth of the situation. Eye witness report is on a video located at this news website.
This was not an episode of road rage, people. This was an act of terrorism and the media and the local San Francisco authorities are trying to hide it. How many "isolated incidents" are going to occur, how many sudden acts of road rage and how many Muslims with a sudden attack of mental illness arise before we are forced to acknowledge the real problem here?
Things are only going to get worse. They don't have to but they will. They will because we will bury our heads in the sand until the problem becomes to big and too deeply rooted in this country for us to stop it. Then, when it's too late to do something about it, we'll acknowledge the problem.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Videos have surfaced recently revealing war crimes committed by Bosnian soldiers against Serb civilians. The crimes apparent in the videos include torturing and shooting civilians, burning villages, torturing and slitting throats of Serb soldiers, and tying a civilian to a tractor and dragging him to death. One of the videos, filmed during a Bosnian operation to take control of Serb-held towns in the north-west, shows general Atif Dudakovic ordering his troops to burn Serb villages. "Burn them all" he says.
I wonder why the demand for this Bosnian general and his troops to be tried for war crimes is non-existent? I fully expect the UN to bury this story or even make excuses for the horrible crimes committed during these Bosnian operations. Click here for full story.
Beautiful! Found this over at Clark Mountain Musings and had to pass it on.
His entire career and bio all in a 20 second animation.
Two truckers appearing to be of Middle Eastern origin were recently arrested after an employee at a Travel America (or of America. uncertain because of typo at source website) truck stop noticed some odd behavior. The men, speaking Arabic and broken English were seen driving a semi with a trailer bearing radioactive place-cards. They apparently bought a new lock to place on the door of the trailer after they were seen using bolt cutters to remove the old lock and then walking in and out of the trailer, examining the cargo briefly.
If this is truly some kind of dirty bomb plot, these can't be the only people involved. There must be others and the authorities need to keep their eyes peeled. Especially after a young Saudi cleric just issued a fatwa (Islamic decree) authorizing Osama Bin Laden to kill 10 million American citizens.
Source: Northeastern Intelligence Network

Photo Credit: Terry Anderson
When will Americans reach the boiling point? When will we decide we've had enough? When will the U.S. Government acknowledge the reality of this situation?
The Minutemen once again attempted to have a peaceful demonstration on Sunday, but once again they were attacked, mugged, threatened, and over-run by militant illegal supporters all while southern California police stood around and did nothing.
There's plenty of coverage of this on all the blogs, but as usual, don't expect to see anything about it in the main stream media. In depth coverage at Michelle Malkin here, Political Mavens here, Lonewacho here, and on the Save Our State website here.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Pallywood - "According to Palestinian Sources..." -
A film by Richard Landes. Members of the International news media extract a few convincing moments from staged scenes and sight-bytes, and then present them as actual news...
Shows how the Palestinians consistently stage "faux" events in order to drum up sympathy around the world. Tragic funerals suddenly turn hilarious when the corpses fall off their biers and have to jump up and crawl back on.
What the news media presents as fact is often staged video footage supplied by the Palestinian version of Hollywood.
Friday, August 25, 2006
World’s Reality has had an influx of visits from Dearborn, Michigan since we broke the story on the Jihad students. We would like to invite you to participate in our search for information.
If there’s anyone with information related to what appears to be a hotbed of hatred toward Jews and Americans, or ZIONISTS if you prefer … please e-mail us at .
We are looking for whistleblowers! Don’t worry! Liberals think whistleblowing is a good thing!
Upon request, we will gladly keep your name and info anonymous – except for senders of death threats or obnoxious hatred. If you threaten us or send this type of content, we will continue to publish all info we have on you that’s humanly possible.
For those with opposing viewpoints, we welcome them as long as you share them in a civilized manor, but I doubt you’ll convince anyone that Hezbollah is an innocent group of sweet human beings.
People who might have info we could use would be local Dearborn government officials, school employees, Dearborn Muslims against terrorism, other victims of threats or violence from the Michigan area, and so on. Please help in any way possible!
Note: While we will gladly accept any info offered by law enforcement, we will in no way publish information which might hinder or interfere with any investigation which may or may not be in progress. We are NOT ... the New York Times.
Thank you!
According to Sharia (Islamic law), a person is required to provide 4 witnesses to prove their case in an Islamic court. Up until recent months, Pakistan enforced this law to the letter. This law makes it nearly impossible for rapists to be brought to justice as the rape victims are seldom able to provide 4 witnesses to the crime committed against them. If the victim fails to prove their case, they are usually brought up on adultery or premarital sex charges, which often ends with the victim being hanged, stoned, or thrown in prison for life.
Though recently amendments were made to this law easing the burden of proof placed upon the victims, the Islamist leaders in Pakistan apparently wish to keep the old rape laws and see no problem with punishing innocent victims for not providing 4 witnesses for each rape case. They are organizing protests. (Gotta love that Sharia) Full story at Gulf news
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Suddenly the profiles for the Hezbollah ROTC volunteers are being deleted one by one. It's not yet known if they are being deleted by MySpace, or by the individual owners themselves in an attempt to hide their involvement after the authorities became aware of their Jihad fantasies.
But no worries! I managed to grab screen shots of our featured heros. If you weren't lucky enough to have seen them before they were deleted ... take a look.
This first shot below, belonged to the most famous MySpace terrorist ever.
It was also the source of the death threat email that started it all.
The profile below is the one that initially drew our attention to the Dearbornistan cell when our fearless World's Reality blogger Steve happend to stumble upon this beautiful artwork.
The screen below is actually the bottom half of the above page.
Take a close look at his entry for "occupation" on the left side-bar.
And finally, it's "PaLi GaNgStA." Notice the artwork on the t-shirt, as well as his graphic description of his memory of murdering a woman with a knife.
***Scroll for updates ***
So, apparently news is getting out that we're on to the MySpace terrorists and they're not so happy about it. One of our readers apparently tipped Bin Jr. off and the jihadist quickly issued the standard Islamic response. Sorry about the language, but we deal in reality here and bypass the political correctness censors.
Here's a screenshot straight off the MySpace email account:
As previously made famous on an earlier post, here's the "ordinary lad's" picture:So a little digging turns up the fact that MiniJihad attends Crestwood H.S. in Dearborn, Michigan. I'm going to find out in a few hours what the school administration , the school district, and Dearborn Mayor Dan Paletko think of the fact that they have possibly over 100 students in their school who have fantasies of killing Jews and Americans.
Check back for updates!
Oh yeah! If I should end up missing my head at some point ... you all know who did it.
Update: Just got off conference call with Crestwood High Administrators. Want to relay to everyone that I got the feeling they are extremely concerned and seemed to be extremely interested in taking action. Due to a block on the school internet platform from accessing MySpace, they are not able to know the number of actual students involved without accessing from a different location, but they did verify that they knew the sender of the death threat. I am confident from the conversation that they are going to pursue this in the correct way and I would ask that our readers refrain from calling the school ... at this point.
Stand by for updates.
Update 2: Spoke to Dearborn Mayor's office. Mayor Dan Paletko was out of the office, but informed his assistant Christina of the details. She is currently contacting the Dearborn Police Department and proceeding from there. Seems to be major concern and action by everyone involved ... so far.
Further updates coming.
Update 3: Welcome Atlas Shrugs readers!
Atlas Shrugs is covering the situation now also. Lots of additional related info on Dearbornistan.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

George Galloway also said:
"Two of the Arab world's beautiful daughters, Jerusalem and Baghdad, are in the hands of these foreigners, these occupiers, and nothing can be done by the Arab rulers, because they are in bed, fornicating with the foreigners, who are occupying and using these beautiful Arab daughters as they will."
But wait, there's more! Galloway encouraged Arab leaders to buy out British news papers and use them to spread propaganda to the British people. Galloway also condemned Lebanese Druze leader, Walid Jumblatt, for opposing Hezbollah's actions and for opposing Syrian influence in Lebanon.
What does it take for a person to be tried for treason these days? Seriously, people, what does it take? If this isn't treason, then what is? Does Galloway actually have to pick up a bomb and detonate it in a crowd of innocent people before anything is done?
Full story at
Monday, August 21, 2006
One of our bloggers on World's Reality has come across something alarming. Steve posted a story over on his MySpace blog of a 17 year old kid in Dearborn, Michigan with an extremely interesting profile.
As alarming as this seems, it's obviously not setting of any bells in the ears of the FBI, MySpace, or Homeland Security. This American Jihadist's website is plastered with over 100 of his "friends", all listing the same interests. As Steve writes on his blog:
"He's a Palestinian and also has pro-terrorist friends just as hateful as he is. They have left anti-Jewish comments in his profile. What's more disturbing are their discussions on flying out to "Palestine." With everything that has been happening in "Palestine", one wonders why anyone would want to go out there, unless it was to help carry out attacks."
Yes, one would hope our government might have an interest in these wannabe terrorist's travel habits. Especially with the recent history in Dearborn, Michigan. What exactly is happening out there? As reported by Debbie Schlussel back on July 18th:
Of the 25,000 American citizens and green-card holders in Lebanon, at least 7,000 are from Dearborn, Michigan, the heart of Islamic America, and especially Shia Islam America. These 7,000 are mostly Shi'ite Muslims who openly and strongly support Hezbollah. Ditto for many of the rest of the 25,000 that are there.
Many of the 7,000 plus Detroiters in Lebanon are active in Dearborn's Bint Jbeil cultural center (the Lebanese American Heritage Club also features mostly Hezbollah fans). Bint Jbeil is a Hezbollah-dominated city in the South of Lebanon, a frequent destination of Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, who is very at home there. Bint Jbeil is a frequent source of shellings on Northern Israel.
For even more disturbing facts about Dearborn ... you can look here, here, here, and here.
In a follow post, Steve adds:
We've already caught Jihadists from Dearborn preparing to blow up bridges. It won't be long before the people of Dearborn begin spreading propaganda about being oppressed, so they can use the same "at the end of their rope" excuse when they begin blowing us up in buses, market places, movie theaters, shopping malls, etc.
So, yet again we see that terrorists are not only in Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, or the U.K. They are living right here, possibly attending the same high school as your son, daughter, sister, brother, niece, or nephew. Possibly working in the school cafeteria, serving the children food. When do we take action? When do we stand up as a Nation and stop it? How long are we going to just sit here and pretend that these people are just like us?
For all of you parents out there, be aware that these are the people who are online with your children. People with the following profiles and comments, all listed publicly on
MySpace ID: 53646271
Male 17 years old
MICHIGAN United States
"I fuckin hope ariel sharon and every israeli dies."
MySpace ID: 7060369
22 years old ZARQA,
These are only three of hundreds! They advertise it, yet we do nothing! If you get a chance, visit these losers websites, take a look at their friends and their interests, and then pass along your concerns to the FBI here, and Homeland Security here.
Offering a huge hat tip to World's Reality teammember Steve.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Gay City Solicitor on a personal vendetta?
Various homosexual groups continue their assault on the Boy Scouts of America due the the private youth organization's national policy of banning gay scout leaders. Most of the time, the attacks are very public and consist of lawsuits claiming discrimination, but other times they are hidden ambushes by public officials too cowardly to admit their intentions.
As reported by the Philadelphia Inquirer on
On July 20, City Solicitor Romulo L. Diaz Jr. warned Cradle of Liberty officials in a letter that the Boy Scouts' ban on openly gay members violated city anti-discrimination policies. For that reason, Diaz wrote, the scouts should pay fair-market rent or leave the building.
But when asked directly about the letter, according to Fox News, Diaz denied any connection to the national policy against gays, instead claiming he was simply asking for fair market value.
The problem with that excuse is that the Scout group has been using the property since 1928 under a City Ordinance giving them free rent as long as they provide maintenance and upkeep.
Scout officials maintain that the 1928 city ordinance that let the scouts build on the half-acre site at 22d and Winter Streets promised them usage "in perpetuity."
While publicly shying away from the letter's true intentions, Diaz doesn't seem to feel the need to mince words when speaking to, proudly defending his actions.
City Solicitor Romulo L. Diaz, Jr. told the paper:
"They may discriminate if they choose to do so, but not with the city subsidy of free rent."
This should come as no great surprise, being that Romulo Diaz Jr. is currently sitting on the Advisory Board of the Sapphire Fund, which is an organization dedicated, in it's own words:
""... to support the efforts of organizations contributing to the health and well-being of Philadelphia's gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community and those who support them. "
It should also NOT be a surprise that Diaz had been a Clinton appointee in 1998 to serve as Assistant Administrator for Administration and Resources Management, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. You can view the official appointment here.
Diaz is also currently sitting on the Board of Directors for SLDN (Service Members Legal Defense Network) which has a mission statement which reads as follows:
"Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) is a national, non-profit legal services, watchdog and policy organization dedicated to ending discrimination against and harassment of military personnel affected by "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and related forms of intolerance.
It seems to me that Mr. Diaz is using his position as City Solicitor to pursue his own personal agenda.
Contact Romulo Diaz Jr. at 215-683-5003 and let him know how you feel.
Write the Mayor at:
Mayor John F. Street
215 City Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Well, what do you expect in a country were everyone feels they should be allowed to simply do whatever they want, regardless of the law?
This seems to be the future of America. If you don't like a law, you simply ignore it and charge discrimination.
Via Jennifer Dobner and the Associated Press:
Calling their lives blessed, more than a dozen children and young adults from polygamist families in Utah spoke at a rally Saturday, calling for a change in state laws and the right to live the life and religion they choose.
"Because of our beliefs, many of our people have been incarcerated and had their basic human rights stripped of them, namely life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," said a 19-year-old identified only as Tyler. "I didn't come here today to ask for your permission to live my beliefs. I shouldn't have to."
Did you get that? "Basic human rights."
The UN deputy secretary said they will not "attempt a large scale disarmament" of Hezbollah. The UN forces are rather "going to police the political agreement which triggers disarmament" (what??) and that "that where combatants forcefully resist a demand from UNIFIL or from the Lebanese army to disarm, UNIFIL will then exercise use of force, if it has to, to force that disarmament." "Where combatants forcefully resist a demand", but they just said they weren't there to disarm them, so that means the demand will never happen and if the demand will never happen, then why are they there? This so called cease-fire is nothing more than a time-out that will allow Hezbollah to re-arm and attack again.
Friday, August 18, 2006

The Associated Press is reporting:
About 11 million illegal immigrants were living in the U.S. at the start of this year, the federal government said in a report Friday.
That's up from an estimated 8.5 million living in the country in January 2000, according to calculations by the Office of Immigration Statistics in the Department of
Homeland Security.
"We cannot live together"
From Former director of Pakistani intelligence, Hamid Gul rants about how the Jews are behind all wars and how Islam cannot flourish without the destruction of Israel. He even hints at how the Jews are behind their conflict with India.
Hamid Gul: From Ben Gurion to Netanyahu, every Israeli leader has said that Pakistan is their number one enemy.[...]
Pakistan was established in accordance with the ideology of Al-Madina. This is a widely accepted ideology and theory, because all other ideologies are false. These Israelis know this. When Al-Madina was established, it was established next to [the Jewish city of] Khaybar. Of course, as long as Khaybar was not destroyed, Islam did not spread.
When Mel Gibson, in one of his movies, played a role that was anti-Israeli, anti-Jewish, the Jews claimed that he was an anti-Semite. That American actor, Mel Gibson, said that the Jews caused all the wars. Now he is being sued. Therefore, all the wars, World War I and II, and others... Even at the advent of Islam, the Jews would incite the polytheists against the Islamic state in Al-Madina.
The Jews have always have caused the wars. Mecca was only conquered after the destruction of Khaybar. Mecca was not captured in battle. This indicates that the war was not against the polytheists. Even today, our war is not against America or Europe. Our basic war is against Israel, or the so-called State of Israel. When Pakistan was established, so was India, but we didn't know that the Jews... [Their state] was established along with ours. It is our main enemy. Pakistan was established in 1947 and Israel was established in 1948. It is either us or them. We cannot live together.
That's quite a paranoid delusion he has going there. First of all, Israel has NEVER said Pakistan was their "number one enemy." Secondly, when he relates Israel to the city of Khaybar mentioned in the Koran, it proves that this antisemitism and anti-Zionism has nothing to do with politics, or the plight of the Palestinian people and everything to do with religious beliefs, meaning they obviously believe it is their religious duty to wipe out Israel.
To get a better idea of what they apparently have in mind for Jews, read about the Battle of Khaybar, since he makes the comparison between Khaybar and Israel.
Jimmy Carter received donations of over $1,000,000 from the Bin Laden family. I think that alone is self explanatory when questioning where his loyalties lie, but of course it isn't the only thing we must keep in mind. We must also remember that it was Jimmy Carter's actions which convinced the Ayatollah Khomeini to come out of exile and return to Iran. In a way, Carter is responsible for the establishment of an Islamic theocracy in Iran, which makes the current nuclear threat against Israel partially his fault as well.
But I am certain, when considering his recent comments about Israel and Hezbollah, that even though most people would find it very disturbing that a former president has such close ties to terrorist groups and has worked so hard to undermine American and Israeli efforts to fight terrorism, and most would probably consider such actions to be treason, Jimmy however obviously does not. That is where we come in. It's our duty to remind the world of his track record and to keep the magnifying glass on his activities. This treasonous terrorist supporter must be stopped.
I'm sure many of you remember this, even though it was way back in September of 2000. There was a sequence of photos that appeared in pretty much every newspaper in the world, most on the front page, showing a gruesome scene of a Palestinian boy laying dead in his father's arms, and then apparently, the father laying dead next to him in the next photo. Allegedly, what transpired that day was a father and son, trapped in a barrage of Israeli gunfire, and brutally murdered seconds apart.
However, we've learned just how deceptive these reports can be over the last month as we've seen not only misleading captions or information, but picture after picture turning out to be altered, staged, or completely fake.
Now, the following video has apparently been floating around in neverland for quite a while and it's highly possible that many of you have already seen it, so for those of you who are way ahead of me ... I apologize. But obviously, this video needs to continue to be seen and forwarded in whatever way possible.
There is not a single better way to defeat the evil of Islam, then by spreading the truth of their lies and manipulation. Please pass this video on to every person you know.
Can We Trust The Media? - video powered by Metacafe
Thursday, August 17, 2006
How else do I headline this?
Via the Associated Press:
A federal judge ruled Thursday that the government's warrantless surveillance program is unconstitutional and ordered an immediate halt to it.
And I keep getting more confident every day, that the liberals are going to actually LOSE more seats come November. Are you KIDDING ME?
We just bust up a major terrorist attack, preventing possibly thousands of deaths, utilizing for the most part ... the warrantless surveillance program, but hey ... they might be listening to my conversation with my girlfriend! Stop them!!!
More from the Associated Press report:
U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor in Detroit became the first judge to strike down the National Security Agency's program, which she says violates the rights to free speech and privacy as well as the separation of powers enshrined in the Constitution.
"Plaintiffs have prevailed, and the public interest is clear, in this matter. It is the upholding of our Constitution," Taylor wrote in her 43-page opinion.
OBVIOUSLY! I know she's got my back.
Mary Katharine Ham is guest blogging in depth on this, over on Michelle Malkin's site.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

FoxNews is reporting:
Suspect Arrested In JonBenet Ramsey Murder Case
More from Rocky Mountain News:
A man arrested in Thailand is being held in connection with the slaying of JonBenet Ramsey, law enforcement officials said today.
Federal officials familiar with the case, who spoke with the Associated Press on condition of anonymity, said the man was being held in Bangkok on unrelated sex charges.
A source close to the case identified the suspect as one-time resident of Conyers, Ga., and said he was a school teacher.
Okay, I realize this will sound a little distasteful ... but I question the timing (not really).
How long will it take the liberal blogs to offer the theory that this is nothing more than the Bush administration diverting attention from the war?
Update: The answer to the above question is ... "not long!" UNBELIEVABLE!
For you who don't believe that liberals are utterly mentally ill ... I list just a few of the posts regarding this arrest on some of the liberal blogs. These people are allowed to vote?
"Another "coincidental" distraction - just in time! The timing stinks to high heaven, even IF true...Until proven otherwise, I smell ANOTHER rove setup..." (TankLV; Democratic Underground)
"Did somebody say DISTRACTION?!? Such odd timing, especially with Democrats picking up steam in House and Senate races nationwide despite those terrorism arrests in the UK"... (derby378; Democratic Underground)
"Yeah but come on. You know this is just the excuse the media needs not to cover Bush's failings. Now you know that." (geomon666; Democratic Underground)
"REMEMBER TOO - the whistleblower of abu ghraib is also talking on shows just before this news was announced. They know that the real harsh news is overwhelming their chances to steal the elections because of public sentiment being clearly over 50% against them, so they will prop this story way outta proportion." (themartyred; Democratic Underground)
"Why do you call Nancy Grace a bitch? You know she is a Democrat and one of us." (RebelOne; Democratic Underground)"Just heard on the radio that someone had been arrested in the murder of Jon Benet Ramsey. Don't know who.Put the war on hold. From now on, it's going to be Jon Benet 24/7 on all the cable news channels.Do you suppose this is a Cheney/Rove distraction?" (Cyrano; Democratic Underground)
"I'm so tempted to guess it's Neil Bush since he has both Colorado connections and a less than savory history in Thailand, but it would be, well WRONG to speculate, wouldn't it?" (LisaM; Democratic Underground)
My personal favorite:
"Oh, those poor trees. I am referring to the 10,000 acres of trees that will be sacrificed so that we can all enjoy more blaring headlines at the supermarket checkout counter from the Globe, Weekly World News, Star etc." (Throd ; Democratic Underground) Maybe that should be "NIMrod?"
"So, this meaningless JonBenet story breaks, and suddenly all the news shows and channels cover it 24/7.
And just when there's building momentum in the mainstream to look further into the London Terror 'threat' and whether or not it's legit" (sweetmags; DailyKos)
"This diary may seem nutty but I just don't know what to believe anymore
do people really want to watch hour long news programs on CNN and MSNBC dedicated to JonBenet? as opposed to consideration of the possibility that the London Terror threat was at the very least, exaggerated, if not timed for best effect?" (sweetmags; DailyKos)
... and then get's called on it by an African American Minuteman.
**Originally posted on our partner site: Invading America
Diane Watson says - "Building a wall will cost us $700 million dollars."
Fact: Estimated ANNUAL cost of illegal immigration to American Taxpayers?
$24.44 BILLION
Keep in mind ... that's PER YEAR. Where's this woman's head at?

The following was received via mass email, so unfortunately no credit can be given.
The Global Islamic population is approximately 1,200,000,000, or 20% of the world population.
They have received the following Nobel Prizes:
Literature: 1988 - Najib Mahfooz
Peace: 1978 - Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat 1994 - Yaser Arafat
Physics: 1990 - Elias James Corey 1999 - Ahmed Zewail Medicine: 1960 - Peter Brian Medawar 1998 - Ferid Mourad
The Global Jewish population is approximately 14,000,000, or about 0.02% of the world population.
They have received the following Nobel Prizes:
Literature: 1910 - Paul Heyse 1927 - Henri Bergson 1958 - Boris Pasternak 1966 - Shmuel Yosef Agnon 1966 - Nelly Sachs 1976 - Saul Bellow 1978 - Isaac Bashevis Singer 1981 - Elias Canetti 1987 - Joseph Brodsky 1991 - Nadine Gordimer World
Peace: 1911 - Alfred Fried 1911 - Tobias Michael Carel Asser 1968 - Rene Cassin 1973 - Henry Kissinger 1978 - Menachem Begin 1986 - Elie Wiesel 1994 - Shimon Peres 1994 - Yitzhak Rabin
Physics: 1905 - Adolph Von Baeyer 1906 - Henri Moissan 1907 - Albert Abraham Michelson 1908 - Gabriel Lippmann 1910 - Otto Wallach 1915 - Richard Willstaetter 1918 - Fritz Haber 1921 - Albert Einstein 1922 - Niels Bohr 1925 - James Franck 1925 - Gustav Hertz 1943 - Gustav Stern 1943 - George Charles de Hevesy 1944 - Isidor Issac Rabi 1952 - Felix Bloch 1954 - Max Born 1958 - Igor Tamm 1959 - Emilio Segre 1960 - Donald A. Glaser 1961 - Robert Hofstadter 1961 - Melvin Calvin 1962 - Lev Davidovich Landau 1962 - Max Ferdinand Perutz 1965 - Richard Phillips Feynman 1965 - Julian Schwinger 1969 - Murray Gell-Mann 1971 - Dennis Gabor 1972 - William Howard Stein 1973 - Brian David Josephson 1975 - Benjamin Mottleson 1976 - Burton Richter 1977 - Ilya Prigogine 1978 - Arno Allan Penzias 1978 - Peter L Kapitza 1979 - Stephen Weinberg 1979 - Sheldon Glashow 1979 - Herbert Charle S Brown 1980 - Paul Berg 1980 - Walter Gilbert 1981 - Roald Hoffmann 1982 - Aaron Klug 1985 - Albert A. Hauptman 1985 - Jerome Karle 1986 - Dudley R. Herschbach 1988 - Robert Huber 1988 - Leon Lederman 1988 - Melvin Schwartz 1988 - Jack Steinberger 1989 - Sidney Altman 1990 - Jerome Friedman 1992 - Rudolph Marcus 1995 - Martin Perl 2000 - Alan J. Heeger
Economics: 1970 - Paul Anthony Samuelson 1971 - Simon Kuznets 1972 - Kenneth Joseph Arrow 1975 - Leonid Kantorovich 1976 - Milton Friedman 1978 - Herbert A. Simon 1980 - Lawrence Robert Klein 1985 - Franco Modigliani 1987 - Robert M. Solow 1990 - Harry Markowitz 1990 - Merton Miller 1992 - Gary Becker 1993 - Robert Fogel
Medicine: 1908 - Elie Metchnikoff 1908 - Paul Erlich 1914 - Robert Barany 1922 - Otto Meyerhof 1930 - Karl Landsteiner 1931 - Otto Warburg 1936 - Otto Loewi 1944 - Joseph Erlanger 1944 - Herbert Spencer Gasser 1945 - Ernst Boris Chain 1946 - Hermann Joseph Muller 1950 - Tadeus Reichstein 1952 - Selman Abra ham Waksman 1953 - Hans Krebs 1953 - Fritz Albert Lipmann 1958 - Joshua Lederberg 1959 - Arthur Kornberg 1964 - Konrad Bloch 1965 - Francois Jacob 1965 - Andre Lwoff 1967 - George Wald 1968 - Marshall W. Nirenberg 1969 - Salvador Luria 1970 - Julius Axelrod 1970 - Sir Bernard Katz 1972 - Gerald Maurice Edelman 1975 - Howard Martin Temin 1976 - Baruch S. Blumberg 1977 - Roselyn Sussman Yalow 1978 - Daniel Nathans 1980 - Baruj Benacerraf 1984 - Cesar Milstein 1985 - Michael Stuart Brown 1985 - Joseph L. Goldstein 1986 - Stanley Cohen [& Rita Levi-Montalcini] 1988 - Gertrude Elion 1989 - Harold Varmus 1991 - Erwin Neher 1991 - Bert Sakmann 1993 - Richard J. Roberts 1993 - Phillip Sharp 1994 - Alfred Gilman 1995 - Edward B. Lewis
The Jews are not demonstrating with their dead on the streets, yelling and chanting and asking for revenge.
The Jews are not promoting brain washing the children in military training camps, teaching them how to blow themselves up and cause maximum deaths of Jews and other non Muslims.
The Jews don't hijack planes, nor kill athletes at the Olympics.
The Jews don't traffic slaves, nor have leaders calling for Jihad and death to all the Infidels.
The Jews don't have the economic strength of petroleum, nor the possibilities to force the world's media to see "their side" of the question.
Perhaps the world's Muslims should consider investing more in standard education and less in blaming the Jews for all their problems.
Regardless of your feelings about the crisis between Israel and the Palestinians and Arab neighbors, even if you believe there is more culpability on Israel's part for whatever reason, the following two sentences really say it all:
If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence.
If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel

Before I begin, let me point out that I really don't care what anyone does with their private sexual life, as long as it's with a human, and that human is not a child. I oppose gay marriage, and I would prefer that we don't have "civil unions," but as "civil unions" are concerned, I'm not sure it's reasonable to attempt to prevent two grown adults from choosing to have whatever mate they desire.
That said, I simply can't understand the incredible desire for homosexuals to force their desires on the rest of us, and our children. It's completely out of control, and it's got to stop.
For those that don't live in California, just wait a while and if something is not done soon ... it will be coming to a school near you. This week, California is in the middle of a battle in which three bills related to homosexual rights are fighting their way toward the governor's desk. Now don't let these groups fool you into thinking these bills are about equal rights. They are more about "special rights" and "special attention" for gays, trangenders, crossdressers, and even worse ... the ability to teach the lifestyle to your children, in public schools, paid for by taxpayer dollars.
First, we have SB 1437. For those that don't know, this was originally written to force the school districts to trash all current textbooks and have them rewritten to include information specifically about accomplishments of homosexuals. The writer of this bill, Sen. Sheila Kuehl, D-Santa Monica, somehow feels that it's not fair that the sexual orientation of famous public figures is not pointed out to children, at least if those persons happen to be gay.
In the comment section on the bill, in her own words:
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are almost entirely omitted from textbooks and other instructional materials in California schools [citing the National School Climate Survey, GLSEN, 2003, which found that 76.2% of youth reported that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues were never addressed or discussed in their class]. In the rare instances where lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are explicitly mentioned in the classroom or in classroom materials, it is often in negative terms or in relationship to pathology.
The absence from our curriculum of positive images of lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and their many contributions to California and the United States is a disservice to all children.
A disservice to all children?
I guess the Senator has not noticed that the writers of the previously used textbooks did not write about the personal sexual orientation of the HETEROSEXUAL public figures (except for Bill Clinton). This little fact has always been ignored by the gay rights groups.
Just to be clear, what this bill is intended to do is to force the schools to purposely write in details about lesbian mothers raising children, crossdressers, transgenders, and male gay lovers. They want your children to be reading stories, not about the professional accomplishments of certain gay women, but also detailed accounts of how these women chose other females for life partners, and then raised children as lesbian parents.
Now, these groups, along with the California legislators are trying to sneak the bill through by attempting to convince the public that they've "gutted the bill." Don't be fooled. All they've done is change the wording to vaguely written language, simply saying that school material should not be discriminatory toward gays. But opposing groups argue that this would still have the same effect, by forcing the books to be rewritten to give equal attention to public figures who had "alternate lifestyles."
According to the Associated Press:
Randy Thomasson, president of the Campaign for Children and Families, called upon Schwarzenegger to keep his promise to veto the bill.
"SB 1437 still requires all teachers, all textbooks, and all instructional materials to positively portray cross-dressing, sex-change operations, bisexuality, and homosexuality, including homosexual 'marriages,'" Thomasson said of the amended bill.
Additionally, there are several other bills moving their way through at the same time.
As reported in the Sacramento Bee:
Senate Bill 1441, also by Kuehl, which would prohibit discrimination in public programs based on sexual orientation, similar to provisions now barring discrimination by race or gender, sent to Schwarzenegger for signature or veto on Thursday.
Assembly Bill 606, by Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, which would require school districts to implement programs to combat harassment and discrimination based on sexual orientation, with the threat of withholding state aid for noncompliance, pending in Senate after Assembly approval.
Assembly Bill 1207, by Assemblyman Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, which would change the state's voluntary code of campaign conduct to include a ban on negative appeals to prejudice based on sexual orientation, awaiting final vote in Assembly.
Notably, the list of contentious gay rights issues still pending during the few weeks of the legislative session does not include same-sex marriage. That's been put on hold while the state's appellate courts deal with lawsuits that test the validity of Proposition 22, the ballot measure that California voters ratified to declare that only marriages between men and women would be officially recognized.
So, as if it's not bad enough that these groups are using the courts and legislators in an attempt at convincing children from birth that homosexuality is normal, we are also getting bombarded by Hollywood and it's homosexual agenda. My son's mother takes him to see "Talladega Nights" and without warning, my 9 year old son gets indoctrinated with a homosexual makeout scene between two men. Now I admit, maybe we should know better than to take him to a PG-13 movie, but in the past, all you needed to worry about in a PG-13 film was a little bad language and some dirty humor. I made the same mistake taking him to see Click last month. Click is a movie that had previews making it look like a family film, but instead I was horrified as a theater filled with children younger than my own, sat and watched graphic sex scenes reflected as shadows on the wall, a pet dog who spent the entire movie humping any stuffed animal in site, and David Hasselhoff showing sexual harassment videos of a naked man molesting a coworker.
Why? What exactly are they trying to accomplish? I ask that question knowing full well what the answer is. They are purposely attempting to teach children, that homosexuality is perfectly normal. When is the last time you've seen a television series which didn't have a token gay couple? What about movies? Every movie has at least one gay character. And even comedians are getting into the act, to where I haven't seen a comic go through a routine in a long time without feeling they have to crack at least one gay joke.
When is this going to stop? Why is it necessary? Why do homosexuals have a parade through town, where they dress like freaks? Don't they always tell us how normal they are? So why is everyone in that parade so ... "abnormal?" Why do they have to advertise it? We don't advertise that we are heterosexual. Don't they always say "nobody should care what we do in our private sex life?" So why do they feel they have to make it public?
Can't you leave my kid alone, and let him make up his own mind? Is it necessary for you to show him flashcards, with subliminal messages that say "go gay, go gay?"
So I've come to a decision to put myself on a mission. I am going to assign myself a mission to gather people together to put pressure on the MPAA to add a new warning to the movie rating system. As they now have warnings saying "sexual humor," "drug references," and others ... I believe they should be forced to add a new one. Movies should be labeled as "gay content."
I can say fine, put your homosexual references in all the movies you want. Simply warn us in advance, so parents have a choice.
Any readers who would like to assist me in this effort, please email me at: .
And before any of you send me the hate mail, go back and re-read my first paragraph. I don't care what you do in your own bed. Simply keep it out of my child's face and out of the classroom. Just as you have the right to ask me not to pull your (adopted) child aside and tell them how I feel your lifestyle is wrong, please give me the same courtesy.
You can help stop these bills!
The Governor's office has a phone number set up, to allow you to voice your opinion. He will be using the results to influence his choice, on whether or not to veto this bill as he has previously promised to do. Here is the info, please call and vote!
Via Christian Newswire: -- Capitol Resource Institute and the California Republican Assembly will sponsor a “Veto the Triple Threat” pro-family rally at the California Republican Party Convention this Saturday, August 19th. Scheduled for 4:00 p.m. at The Plaza at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles, conservative leaders will urge Governor Schwarzenegger to veto AB 606, AB 1056, and SB 1437.
Monday, August 14, 2006
The hypocrites at A.N.S.W.E.R.
Rarely will you find an anti-war protest that doesn't involve A.N.S.W.E.R. The name means "Act Now to Stop War and End Racism" but their stance on war and racism is hypocritical. Before I get into the hypocritical stuff, let me give you a little background on these people.
A.N.S.W.E.R. is a branch of the International Action Center. A communist organization founded by former Attorney General, Ramsey Clark (that's right, the leader of Saddam Hussein's legal defense team, and one of Jimmy Carter's lapdogs). Their stated long term goal is to replace "by any means necessary" America's capitalist economic system with Marxism.
Now that you know who is running the show behind the scenes, I'll explain their hypocrisy. A.N.S.W.E.R. claims to be an organization founded to stop war and end racism, they protest to no end the so called "occupation" in "Palestine", they protest the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, etc. But why is it they never protest the occupation of Kurdistan?
Kurdistan is currently under occupation by Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. So where is A.N.S.W.E.R. protesting this? They wish to "end racism" but where are their protests to end violence against Kurds? Kurds were murdered all the time under Saddam Hussein's rule but where was A.N.S.W.E.R. protesting his treatment of them, or the current violence against them by the Sunni terrorist groups in Iraq?
More importantly, where are they on the issue of Darfur? Arab/Muslim terrorist groups are committing genocide against African Christians but I challenge you to visit their website and find anything discussing this issue. But I thought they wanted to end racism and war. Don't the Africans count?
Their answer to that (no pun intended) is no. Because A.N.S.W.E.R. is not only made up of communists but of Arab Muslims as well. To them, Darfur is not an issue, to them the Kurds are not an issue, even though many of the Kurds are Muslim, they are persecuted because their ethnic background, and therefore Kurds and Africans do not count. Or at least not the African people under attack and persecution by Arab Muslims anyway.
If they were under attack, occupation, persecution, etc. by anyone other than Arab Muslims, then A.N.S.W.E.R. would jump to their rescue. And Because A.N.S.W.E.R. is run by a communist organization they will never protest obvious persecution in China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, etc. because those are communist countries.
A.N.S.W.E.R. are some of the biggest hypocrites around. They only focus on issues important to them and not humanity as a whole. They don't want to stop war, they want to stop our war. They obviously want North Korea to be free to attack South Korea whenever they feel like, they don't care if the Janjaweed slaughter millions of people, but if Israel defends itself against Hezbollah and America takes on Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden to rid the world of terrorism, you'd better watch out because here comes A.N.S.W.E.R.
Take a look a the following photo:
Unbelievably, this is a monument built to honor fallen Al Qaeda terrorists, after the Islamic murderers brutally slaughtered 300,000 Serbian villagers, a small part of the massacre seen documented here.
On Saturday, March 20, 2003, ex-President Bill Clinton took some time from his busy schedule to dedicate the above monument placed in Srebrenica, Republika Srpska, among the Serbs of Bosnia. He came just in time so that next day (Sunday) the Western media could trumpet this pretend humanitarian gesture and (of course) to renew its racist attack on the Christian Serbs. The event was to revamp and renew the hoax of "Srebrenica genocide!"
Well known anti-Serb racist Christiane Amanpour, for example, dutifully reported for the CNN that the event was all about Clinton's love, tolerance, respect. She said: "Clinton called for love to replace hatred... He called on the region to... defy racial and ethnic hatred."
On these pages we presented Republican Policy Committee report entitled "Clinton-approved Iranian arms transfers help turn Bosnia into militant Islamic base" which clearly states that it was jihad fighters, most of them from Arabic countries, that America was arming.Gregory Copley, the director of the International Strategic Studies Institute in Washington, gave an interview for SRNA reporter Sonja Lakic, on October 7, 2003. The report was published under title "Evidence of ties between Izetbegovic and Osama bin Laden." Izetbegovic was leader of Bosnian Islam fundamentalists.
Mr. Copley said:
"We know that Clinton also visited Izetbegovic, who is claimed to be ill and on his deathbed. And we also know that Izetbegovic's political party paid $250,000 for his arrival in Bosnia and participation in the uncovering of the monument in Srebrenica. The question needs to be asked to what extent that monument was in fact built out of political motivation instead of as a memorial to the victims of the civil war in Srebrenica."
The interview was also referred to in ISSA Special Reports at this link.
And Forest Gump says ... "And that's about all I've got to say on that subject."
Monday, August 7, 2006

The true capabilities, and nature of Islam
I've spent a lot of time debating what topic to discuss for the first post on this blog, and I've decided that I should hit on what is not only the most controversial and popular topic today, but also the most important.
There is no greater threat to mankind today, than the ideology of Islam. I call it an ideology, because I do not accept Islam as a religion. As a religion, it is a lie. A scam. A fraudulent means to obtain world dominance. And no, this ideology that is Islam is NOT what's left of a peaceful religion gone hijacked. It is what it is, and what it has always been. A blueprint for genocide, war, murder, and dictatorship.
Wherever Islam is found, the story is the same. The excuse is always about land. Their actions are always blamed on the victim. And the result is always ... death to Christians and Jews.
So, this post is dedicated to providing a little history behind Islam. I apologize in advance for some of the graphic photos, but this is reality my friends. For if we close our eyes in fear ... we shall likely find ourselves the next victims.
First off, let me dispel any myths about terrorism being about Israel and their "occupation." Peter Robert North has done an amazing job at documenting some of the horrors they inflict over in Srebrenica, as well as the media cover up. WARNING!!! The following contains extremely graphic material, but SHOULD be seen by all who have doubts to the evil that is Islam. Click here to see the truths that Peter has seen first hand.
Were you aware that Islam worked with Hitler and the Nazi party and continues his mission today? If not, read the following. It is no coincidence that the very public goal of Islam is to eliminate Jews from all of Earth. Here are the actual minutes from a meeting between German Chancellor Adolf Hitler and Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini on November 28, 1941, courtesy of The topic of discussion? Zionism and the Arab Cause.
Not only was al-Husseini working with Adolf Hitler, but guess who became a disciple of al-Husseini at the age of 17. Yasser Arafat! Here's a picture of Arafat's Palestinian soldiers. Notice anything that stands out? It's not a coincidence.
Just some of the photos provided by Peter Robert North's research (captions are his):
SS Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler and SS Brigadefuhrer
Bosnian Muslim 13th Waffen SS Handzar volunteer troops at attention with artillery guns.
And to those of you who say ... "but that's all in the past"...

The facts are obvious to anyone who opens their eyes. Islam wants us dead. They want the Jews dead. They want all Christians dead. They want my children dead. They want your children dead. They want all non-Muslims dead. They will never stop. Ever!
What are YOU going to do about it?