As reported on Redstate on Sunday, the leftist hacks have created another fake grassroots website called 'The Other 95%.'
The website purports to be authentically grassroots, though one must wonder when the last time was any grassroots activist took the time to defend the government.
The designer is affilated with MoveOn.org and other leftwing sites and causes.
But most notable, the donations page makes donations out to Democracy in Action. Democracy in Action is not for individual activists to use. It is for small and medium sized 501(c)(3) organizations and others on the left. Among its clients? ACORN, True Majority, NAACP, and others.
How pathetic is this group? Apparently, so pathetic that they have to gather all 16 of their members together and parade a sign through the middle of an actual Tea Party, taking photos to make it look as though the entire rally is their own. They then post the photos to their website and rant about how successful their rally was.

Embarrassing. How stupid does someone have to be to fall for this nonsense?
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