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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Breitbart says “devastating” videos on the way from James O’Keefe

“When the American people find out that this was a “clown-nose on” exposure, that Mary Landrieu was not answering her phones, after she took the $300 million, and they find out that she was lying to them, and that the expose actually did in fact work, and there was no tampering, there was no attempt to interfere with the phone system there, and when the American people see that, they’re going to be outraged that the mainstream media tried to destroy James O’Keefe, and what you’re going to see is that there’s also other video that is going to come out, and the media that tried to defeat James O’Keefe and to destroy him, in their attempts to do that, they weaponized him. They made him a bigger figure than he otherwise would become, and so the next videos that come from him and his cohorts are going to be that much more devastating."

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