*** Update: 77,000 dead voters in NY
All we hear every election is the constant whining by the left on "voter irregularities." The problem is that every time any misconduct is actually found ... it's by liberals. Whether it's ACORN registering dogs, cats, or dead people, or Democratic campaign officials slashing the tires on GOP get-out-the-vote vans ... it's been the same scene in every election in history.
You might recall the 2004 election where it was discovered the DNC had put out a guide book on how to falsely claim voter intimidation.
In the guide, it instructs Democratic operatives as follows:
"Absent local evidence that Republicans are using such tactics to mislead minority voters, the document offers another suggestion: Democrats could make a "pre-emptive strike" and raise the issue anyway."
So here we go again.
Tennessee's Republican Party chairman complained to Shelby County election officials that electronic voting machine cards were missing in Memphis, the hometown of Democratic U.S. Senate nominee Harold Ford Jr.
"It has come to our attention that several smart cards used in early voting are missing from at least one early voting site in Memphis, Tenn.," Bob Davis said in a later dated Thursday. "The lack of oversight and control over these smartcards has created a situation which could allow for voter fraud."
Now Ford is doing his best to get in the way of any investigation.
Ford, a five-term congressman who is matched against Republican Bob Corker of Chattanooga in the Tuesday election, said he would ask the Shelby County district attorney and sheriff to step aside from the investigation because they are co-chairing Corker's campaign.
"They are good people, both, but they should recuse themselves," Ford said. "If we have to ask the Justice Department to come in and oversee this, we may have to. It's unfortunate that these things happen, but we have authorities — and hopefully independent authorities — that will come in and correct the record."
Of course - to liberals - "independent authorities" translates into ... "a liberal hack."
And it only gets worse.
Via and Yahoo News:
Four people have been indicted on charges of voter fraud in Kansas City, officials said Wednesday.
Investigators said questionable registration forms for new voters were collected by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, a group that works to improve minority and low-income communities.
ACORN and Project Vote recruit and assign workers to low-income and minority neighborhoods to register people to vote.
The Kansas City Election Board told KMBC they found suspicious forms, such as seven applications from one person and an application for a dead man.
“There is some motive behind it—this is not accidental,” said Ray James with the Kansas City Election Board.
Officials are worried that up to 35,000 registrations could be bogus.
But wait! There's even more!
In Ohio and many other states, there's more registered voters than there are residents!
Via NewsMax:
Appearing on CNN’s "American Morning" program Tuesday, Ohio’s Republican Governor Bob Taft painted a disturbing picture of widespread vote fraud in his state.
Taft told CNN’s Bill Hemmer that in four Ohio counties, more people have registered to vote than live in those counties and are of voting age.
"We have four counties where you have more voters registered than you have 18 and over population," Taft said.
Taft noted the role of Democrat 527 groups that have inflated Ohio’s voter registration rolls.
"We've had a lot of fraudulent voter registrations already, mostly by those 527 groups. There will be unprecedented scrutiny of this election on both sides,” he said. Taft noted that many of these new registrations appear to be fraudulent.
"A lot of these voters don't have addresses," he said of the new registrations. "When they send the postcard out to them, after they register, that comes back undeliverable. You're talking about thousands of cases like that all across the State of Ohio."
Hey, but ignore the facts. Expect to see liberal operatives chasing down cameras on election day to make up stories of Republican abuse. They are almost always proven to be baseless and idiotic. Stories such as "long lines" or "intimidation" which usually means that a poll worker discovered a Democrat voting illegally and put a stop to it.
Update: In case anyone hasn't seen this famous letter from Bill Clinton, sent to illegal alien Latinos throughout the country in 2000:

Via WorldNetDaily:
A very good friend of mine, who shall remain nameless, has a long-time live-in housekeeper from Guatemala. The housekeeper has a daughter who just turned 18. The immigration status of both mother and daughter has been pending for years. Papers have been filed with the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Hearings have been held. But they are not citizens.
This is very important: The daughter has not registered to vote.
But, a few days ago, the 18-year-old got a very attractively packaged "Dear friend" letter from Bill Clinton, paid for by the California Democratic Party.
Here's what it said (on one side in Spanish and on the other side in English): "While every election is important, the November 7th election will determine our future for the next decade, and beyond. The stakes are high for America's Latino families. And California is the critical battleground.
"That's why I'm writing. We need your help to elect a Democratic Congress.
"Despite our strong economy, many hard-working people still struggle to make ends meet. Quality, affordable health care, a world-class education, aging with dignity, and well-paid jobs are part of the American dream -- rather than an American reality -- for too many people.
"Electing a Democratic Congress is essential for our 'Families First' legislative agenda.
"Congratulations on your decision to register. Registering to vote is a basic responsibility of citizenship that far too many people ignore.
"Now that you are registered ... "Can I count on you to vote Democratic on November 7th? "Will you make an extra effort to elect Democrats to Congress -- and to your State Legislature -- by talking to your family, friends and neighbors?" Remember: Your Vote is Your Voice. "Su Voz, Es Su Voto. Make your voice heard on Election Day.
"Sincerely, President Bill Clinton"
Below that letter is a P.S. that explains: "Here is your personal Voter Identification Card. Sign your name, then detach your card. Bring your card with you to your polling place on Election Day. It will help your voting go more smoothly."
Apparently all the recipient needs to do with this Voter Identification Card is sign it to be eligible to vote. Keep in mind, this was sent to a previously unregistered voter.
Liberals simply want everyone to be allowed to vote. Including illegal aliens, Hezbollah members, dogs, fish, and dead people.
How dare the evil GOP try to stop them!
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