The enemy within; Racist U.S. Marine supports La Raza and hates AmericaBy GREGORSo I'm checking my email a few weeks ago and I'm going through my friend requests. One of them is from a former U.S. Marine with the screen quote of
"Semper Fi." Of course, without hesitation I accept this person's friend request as I do with all U.S. military personnel, and I quickly write him an email thanking him for the add. To my surprise, I soon begin receiving nasty emails and comments from this former Marine and it becomes clear that the purpose of the friend request was simply to enable him access to my comment section on my site. This person actually fought in Iraq, yet clearly hates Americans and supports the
Reconquista movement and La
Raza. I had saved most of the comments and emails from this person, as well as all of my responses ... and I've posted them below for all to see.
As you can see by my responses ... I was extremely polite to this person and attempted to explain our position, yet instead was mocked with racist and bigoted comments.Make your own decisions and do as you will. If it were up to me, I would court marshal this racist traitor. I know some of you might think I'm being a bit harsh, being that he served in Iraq and he's a U.S. Marine. But he did not fight for this country. He did not fight to protect this country and the rights of Americans. He fought for selfish causes and now fights against us. He openly supports the reconquering of our land by Mexican invaders. I'm unable to imagine a more clear case of treason. Judge for yourself. Here is the conversation beginning with my "thank you" email for his adding me to his friend list. The conversation is in order, including emails and comment section messages on both of our sites.
Feel free to comment and be honest with your opinions. I'm interested to know how many of you - if any - feel I'm being too harsh.
Pay close attention to the "to" and "from" fields so you don't confuse which messages are from who.
Text: "Thank you!"
Text: "Just to let you know 72% are mex-amer marines in this war i know because i was one ..... chicanopower semper fi"
Text: Thanks for the comment.
Definitely nothing wrong with Mexican-Americans. My son is Mexican-American, lol. The complaints we have are with illegals (of all nationalities), with those who do not follow the laws of this country, and with those who do not respect this country. We welcome ALL who come here to be part of the American dream.
I would have to point out however, that if whites were to say "white power" ... it would be considered racist. "Chicano Power" is a term traditionally used by La Raza, which is one of the most racist organizations in the country. We do not believe ANY race should have "power" over another.
Thank you so much for your service!
Text: we are not being invaded america this is my fathers up on history.semper fi
Text: Dec 16 2006 2:37P In response to
Semper Fi's comment: I appreciate the comments and that you take the time to visit my site, but it's embarrassing when someone suggests to another that they "read up on their history" while not knowing basic history themselves. But don't be too upset. There are millions of Hispanics who have been brainwashed with lies long before you. As for the facts ... As for this being your "father's land" ... it might interest you to note that this land was inhabited by Native Americans prior to the point that it was
invaded by the Spanish (your father's people).
Via Wikipedia: Mexico can be said to have had five major civilizations: The
Teotihuacan, the
Toltec, the
Aztec and the
Maya. So for Chicanos to now claim that the land was somehow "stolen" from them, after they themselves "stole it" from the original inhabitants is downright absurd. And you might also google "treaty of Guadalupe" where you can read that the United States "purchased the land" from your people, who originally "stole it."
Via Wikipedia:
The Treaty of Guadalupe
Hidalgo was the
peace treaty that ended the
Mexican-American War (1846–1848). The treaty provided for the
Mexican Cession, in which
Mexico ceded 1.36 million km² (525,000 square miles) to the
United States in exchange for
USD$15 million. The United States also agreed to take over $3.25 million in debts Mexico owed to American citizens.
The cession included parts of the modern-day
U.S. states of
New Mexico, and
Wyoming, as well as the whole of
Nevada, and
Utah. The remaining parts of what are today the states of
Arizona and
New Mexico were later ceded under the 1853
Gadsden Purchase.
NOW ... if you want to use your logic, then I could now go back to the house that I grew up in, walk through the front door, and claim that the house is now mine simply because my parents once owned it prior to selling it to the current owners. Doesn't quite work that way, does it? Not unless you let your bigotry and desire get in the way of common sense.
Text: thats right the
azlan was here but you were not,,too late...
semper fi
Text: Chicano power too late
semper fi,
oorrhhhhFinally, this is one of the photos he displays on his website:

The signs say ... "