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Friday, December 22, 2006

Christian man beaten for 'polluting' a drinking glass

A Pakistani Christian man was severely beaten by Islamists because he took a drink from a supposedly public drinking glass. The Islamists claimed because he was a Christian "dog", he "polluted" their precious drinking glass meant for Muslims.

From Voice of the Martyrs:

On June 6, 2006, Nasir Ashraf, a Christian stone mason, was brutally attacked by radical Muslims just outside Lahore.

While working on the construction of a room at a school near Manga Mandi in Pakistan, Nasir took a break after becoming thirsty. He drew water and drank from a glass chained to a cemented public water tank next to a mosque, which was reserved for "all" poor people. Returning to the construction site, a Muslim man asked him, "Why did you drink water from this glass since you are a Christian?" The man accused Nasir of polluting the glass. The Muslim man yanked the glass off the iron chain, broke it and threw it in a garbage can. The man summoned other radical Muslims to the scene, furiously saying, "This Christian polluted our glass." Hearing this, the incensed mob began beating Nasir, yelling that a Christian dog drank water from their glass.

The radical Muslims encouraged bystanders to beat Nasir because it would be a "good" deed that would benefit them in heaven. The attackers pushed Nasir off a ledge onto the ground. The impact of the fall dislocated his shoulder and broke his collar bone in two places. This knocked Nasir unconscious and he did not regain his senses until he reached a clinic. A doctor told Nasir that some people had brought him there.

Nasir's father took him home and a VOM representative was alerted about the incident. VOMedical is helping with Nasir's medical treatment and is monitoring his recovery from the attack.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Driver's licenses for everyone at Virginia DMV

Apparently, several of the 9/11 hijackers obtained their fake IDs at the Virginia DMV.

Now five years later, nothing has changed. Michelle Malkin has pointed to a couple of pranksters who discovered that 3000 dead Americans are not always enough to grab the attention of stupid people.

Click here to read Michelle's post on this.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The enemy within; Racist U.S. Marine supports La Raza and hates America

So I'm checking my email a few weeks ago and I'm going through my friend requests. One of them is from a former U.S. Marine with the screen quote of "Semper Fi." Of course, without hesitation I accept this person's friend request as I do with all U.S. military personnel, and I quickly write him an email thanking him for the add. To my surprise, I soon begin receiving nasty emails and comments from this former Marine and it becomes clear that the purpose of the friend request was simply to enable him access to my comment section on my site. This person actually fought in Iraq, yet clearly hates Americans and supports the Reconquista movement and La Raza. I had saved most of the comments and emails from this person, as well as all of my responses ... and I've posted them below for all to see.

As you can see by my responses ... I was extremely polite to this person and attempted to explain our position, yet instead was mocked with racist and bigoted comments.Make your own decisions and do as you will. If it were up to me, I would court marshal this racist traitor. I know some of you might think I'm being a bit harsh, being that he served in Iraq and he's a U.S. Marine. But he did not fight for this country. He did not fight to protect this country and the rights of Americans. He fought for selfish causes and now fights against us. He openly supports the reconquering of our land by Mexican invaders. I'm unable to imagine a more clear case of treason. Judge for yourself. Here is the conversation beginning with my "thank you" email for his adding me to his friend list. The conversation is in order, including emails and comment section messages on both of our sites.

Feel free to comment and be honest with your opinions. I'm interested to know how many of you - if any - feel I'm being too harsh.

Pay close attention to the "to" and "from" fields so you don't confuse which messages are from who.

Text: "Thank you!"

Text: "Just to let you know 72% are mex-amer marines in this war i know because i was one ..... chicanopower semper fi"

Text: Thanks for the comment.

Definitely nothing wrong with Mexican-Americans. My son is Mexican-American, lol. The complaints we have are with illegals (of all nationalities), with those who do not follow the laws of this country, and with those who do not respect this country. We welcome ALL who come here to be part of the American dream.

I would have to point out however, that if whites were to say "white power" ... it would be considered racist. "Chicano Power" is a term traditionally used by La Raza, which is one of the most racist organizations in the country. We do not believe ANY race should have "power" over another.

Thank you so much for your service!


Text: we are not being invaded america this is my fathers up on history.semper fi

Text: Dec 16 2006 2:37P In response to Semper Fi's comment: I appreciate the comments and that you take the time to visit my site, but it's embarrassing when someone suggests to another that they "read up on their history" while not knowing basic history themselves. But don't be too upset. There are millions of Hispanics who have been brainwashed with lies long before you. As for the facts ... As for this being your "father's land" ... it might interest you to note that this land was inhabited by Native Americans prior to the point that it was invaded by the Spanish (your father's people). Via Wikipedia: Mexico can be said to have had five major civilizations: The Olmec, Teotihuacan, the Toltec, the Aztec and the Maya. So for Chicanos to now claim that the land was somehow "stolen" from them, after they themselves "stole it" from the original inhabitants is downright absurd. And you might also google "treaty of Guadalupe" where you can read that the United States "purchased the land" from your people, who originally "stole it." Via Wikipedia:
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was the peace treaty that ended the Mexican-American War (1846–1848). The treaty provided for the Mexican Cession, in which Mexico ceded 1.36 million km² (525,000 square miles) to the United States in exchange for USD$15 million. The United States also agreed to take over $3.25 million in debts Mexico owed to American citizens.
The cession included parts of the modern-day U.S. states of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Wyoming, as well as the whole of California, Nevada, and Utah. The remaining parts of what are today the states of Arizona and New Mexico were later ceded under the 1853 Gadsden Purchase.
NOW ... if you want to use your logic, then I could now go back to the house that I grew up in, walk through the front door, and claim that the house is now mine simply because my parents once owned it prior to selling it to the current owners. Doesn't quite work that way, does it? Not unless you let your bigotry and desire get in the way of common sense.

Text: thats right the azlan was here but you were not,,too late...semper fi

Text: Chicano power too late semper fi, oorrhhhh

Finally, this is one of the photos he displays on his website:

The signs say ... "AMNESTIA"

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Parliament is not boring

If only Congress could use this format. I'd never get bored watching Ted Kennedy making a fool of himself.

Hat tip: Joe

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

NBC ignores Murtha’s Okinawa quote; claims he was correct

Via the Media Research Center:

NBC's Today on Monday ludicrously contended that a memo outgoing Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld penned in early November, which included amongst its options for Iraq the redeployment of troops to the perimeter of Iraq or to Kuwait, vindicated Congressman John Murtha, the featured guest of the 7am half hour, who advocated moving troops to Okinawa -- at least 5,000 miles away. David Gregory ignored Murtha's Okinawa idea: "What's striking is that Rumsfeld also suggested troop withdrawals or repositioning of forces to border areas or nearby Kuwait. When Democrats like John Murtha have suggested similar options the White House has accused them of quote, 'cutting and running."

Matt Lauer read part of Rumsfeld's memo to Murtha: "This is from Donald Rumsfeld's memo: 'Withdraw U.S. forces from vulnerable positions, cities, petroleum, etcetera. Move U.S. forces to a quick reaction force operating from within Iraq and Kuwait to be available when Iraq security forces need assistance.' How does that sound as compared to what you've been suggesting for more than a year?" Murtha agreed that's "exactly what I said a year ago," leading Lauer to empathize: "So without putting words into your mouth you feel that you were chided unnecessarily and wrongly and, and in some ways made the poster child for 'cut and run,' based on some assumptions you made and suggestions you made that the Secretary of Defense later came to the same conclusion, in some parts." Murtha liked Lauer's summary: "There's no question I was way ahead..."

The Today team somehow ignored this exchange on the June 18 Meet the Press on their own network:

John Murtha: "We can go to Okinawa. We, we don't have -- we can redeploy there almost instantly. So that's not -- that's, that's a fallacy. That, that's just a statement to rial up people to support a failed policy wrapped in illusion."

Tim Russert: "But it'd be tough to have a timely response from Okinawa."

Murtha: "Well, it, you know, they -- when I say Okinawa, I, I'm saying troops in Okinawa. When I say a timely response, you know, our fighters can fly from Okinawa very quickly. And when they don't know we're coming. There's no question about it. And, and where those airplanes won't -- came from I can't tell you, but, but I'll tell you one thing, it doesn't take very long for them to get in with cruise missiles or with, with fighter aircraft or, or attack aircraft, it doesn't take any time at all. So we, we have done -- this one particular operation, to say that that couldn't have done, done -- it was done from the outside, for heaven's sakes."

Click here to read the entire article.

AUDIO: The Islamization of America

Northeast Intelligence Network’s Weekly PodCast and Homeland Security Report.

The "Islamization" of America does not require bombs, planes or bullets; it also consists of the insidious strategies employed by the so called "moderate Muslims" who are trying to convince you that you are a racist, religiously bigoted "Islamophobe." Facilitated by some in the media, the allegations of "prejudice and ignorance" of the American people are being pushed down our collective throats as a tactic to erode our security.

Find out more in this week’s broadcast of Homeland Security Weekly. Use your mouse to "right click" the link below, choose "Save as," and save to your computer, MP3 player or iPOD. You will not want to miss this week's show!

Click here to listen to the audio of this podcast.

Click here to visit the Northeast Intelligence Network website.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Six stupid Imans

Not much explanation necessary. Especially if you bother to read the police report:
ACLU files lawsuit against State Police over arrest of illegals

Why? Because the officer pulled the van over for failing to signal while actually assigned to patrol for speeders.

Seriously. No joke.

Click here to read this story on our immigration blog over at

Full citizenship to be granted to almost all illegal aliens

Welcome to Aztlan.

Click here to read this story on our immigration blog at

Sunday, December 3, 2006

The rise of the radical anti-American Left in Latin America

Hugo Chavez will now continue to rule Venezuela - following the guidance of his good friend Fidel Castro – and the United States will continue to ignore him. Or will they?

Via NewsMax, George Putnum relates the warnings of Washington Times journalist, Frank Gaffney Jr. regarding the rise of the radical anti-American left in Latin America:

Gaffney points to the emergence of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez as the oil-rich heir to Fidel Castro's revolutionary ambitions. With Chavez's money and Castro's coaching, these core leftists are seeking power through the ballot box and then using it to destroy constitutional processes.

Read the rest of this story over on our immigration blog at:
Al-Qaida imposing its will upon Palestinians

The al-Qaida linked group in the Palestinian territories called "the Swords of Islam" brigades has decided to impose its Wahhabist form of Islam upon the Palestinian people. Islam technically forbids music, though most Muslims ignore that law. Wahhabists on the other hand do not. They enforce Sharia (Islamic law) strictly and to the letter. But rather than let the Palestinian people make up their own minds regarding that issue, the Swords of Islam has decided to do that for them.

They have claimed responsibility for the bombings of about a dozen stores that offer music or Internet. On Nov. 29, the group released a statement explaining why they decided to bomb these stores:

"The shops were attacked, because they occupy the minds of an entire generation of youth, who instead of spending their time in holy war and worship, serve the interests of the Jews and the Crusaders,"

Apparently music and Internet are evil plots devised by Jews and Christians. But, heck, what isn't these days...right?

Source: Middle East Newsline.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Muslims hate pig races

What happens when Muslims decide to build a mosque next door to a pig farm?


Craig Baker owns pigs. He's the guy behind the second big yellow sign on Baker Road. That's the one announcing Friday night pig races.

"The meat of a pig is prohibited in the religion of Islam," said Katy Islamic Association member Youssof Allam. "It's looked upon as a dirty creature."
Yeah, there's that and also that Friday night is a Muslim holy day.

Now before you go thinking Craig Baker is unfair, or full of hate, or somehow racist, hear him out.
Baker has long roots here. His family named the road and when the new neighbors moved in, he tells us, they asked him to move out.
"Basically that I should package up my family and my business and find a place elsewhere," said Baker. "That's ridiculous, they just bought the place one week prior and he's telling me I should think about leaving."

"That is definitely a slap in the face," said Allam …

And we all know what happens when you insult a Muslim.

I’m laying odds that Craig Baker will be living someplace else within a year. One way, or another.

We must not upset the peace loving Muslims.

Illegal alien kills Marine and girlfriend while DUI

Via WorldNetDaily:

One week after he slammed his Nissan Sentra into a car waiting at a stoplight, killing a U.S. Marine and his female passenger, Eduardo Raul Morales-Soriano, whose blood alcohol level was measured at .32 – four times the legal level in Maryland for intoxication – has been identified as an illegal immigrant by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office in Baltimore.

Marine Cpl. Brian Mathews, 21, of Columbia and his date, Jennifer Bower, 24, of Montgomery Village were killed Thanksgiving night, shortly after 10:00 p.m. when Bower's Toyota Corolla was hit from behind by Morales-Soriano, 25, of Mexico. Mathews and Bower were on their second date and were planning to take part in the June wedding of friends who had introduced them to each other.

Mathews had served 8 months in Iraq and completed another tour of duty in the Pacific. He was stationed at Camp Pendleton, Calif., and had come home to Maryland for the holidays. He was scheduled to leave the Corps in June 2007.
It wasn't Morales-Soriano's first auto accident and it wasn't the first time police had dealt with the landscaper when alcohol was apparently involved.

In February, Columbia police responded to a non-injury accident in a parking lot involving Morales-Soriano. According to police reports, he was "unable to maintain his balance" during a field sobriety test.

He was given four citations and allowed to leave the scene of the accident with a relative after he refused to take a Breathalyzer test.

Although Maryland law requires an automatic 120-day forfeiture of a drivers license for refusing the test, Morales-Soriano's license was not suspended after the accident.

Of course … if Soriano officials had done their jobs and followed the law, both of these American citizens would be alive today. Why was an illegal alien released from the scene after refusing to take a breathalyzer test? Why was he not arrested and deported for being in the country illegally?

Once again, I’d like to remind our readers that we are currently in the process of forming a legal team which would specialize in filing lawsuits in cases such as this. Any attorneys interested in being a part of this team, please contact us here at


Illegal alien brutally murders actress

Illegal alien drunk driver kills three American students

Police chief refuses to enforce immigration laws

More gang rapes by illegal aliens

Mexican drug gangs spreading Meth throughout country

Deported man sneaks back into country and murders girlfriend

Illegal alien shoots Texas trooper

Judges being dismissed for deporting illegals

Up to two-thirds of felony fugitive warrants were for illegal aliens

Terrorists set to begin attacks on U.S. computer infrastructure

Via the NorthEast Intelligence Network:

Information found on various Arabic language web sites lists computer databases of banks, brokerage houses, and other key financial computer systems and information repositories as “prime targets” by Islamic terrorists, according to federal officials contacted by the Northeast Intelligence Network. Additionally, a warning of this potential activity was disseminated to clients of AlertsUSA late yesterday.

According to information obtained by Northeast Intelligence Network investigators, members of various Islamic terrorist groups both inside and outside of North America are pooling their collective talents to exploit any known or potential weaknesses of the computer systems that house consumer information and facilitate operations at the point-of-sale (P.O.S.) levels. The results of this latest investigation suggests that the attacks against government, financial and retail computer operations are to start immediately and continue through the end of the year with the objective to cause economic havoc during the traditionally busy holiday season.

The Northeast Intelligence Network learned hours ago that other targets also include computers controlling the function of computerized gasoline pumps and localized banking systems. Investigators from the Northeast Intelligence Network also learned that some of the attack plans could possibly be facilitated by employees working in critical positions within the computer industry who already have access to key operational information – for example, systems operators and analysts. These operatives of Islamic terrorist organizations, or some who merely sympathize with the objectives of the Islamic terrorists, have been in place as “sleepers” for many years and are in a position to create a lot of havoc with little effort.”

Gwyneth Paltrow says the British "much more intelligent than the Americans"


Oscar-winning US actress Gwyneth Paltrow feels dinner talk is far more interesting in her adopted homeland Britain than back in her native country.

"I love the English lifestyle, it's not as capitalistic as America. People don't talk about work and money, they talk about interesting things at dinner," she told "NS," the weekend magazine supplement of daily Portuguese newspaper Diario de Noticias on Saturday.

"I like living here because I don't fit into the bad side of American psychology. The British are much more intelligent and civilized than the Americans," the 34-year-old added.